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[Help] BuffProcChance on item in Base Effects not working


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Trying to get a buff to trigger when "melee fists" are used, located in items.xml as meleeHandPlayer and handPlayer


From what I can see of other examples in items.xml using the same passive_effect, it should be working fine, but does not.


Here is my modlet for proof of concept.




Thank you.

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Just right off a glance of looking at it I cant tell what the buff is supposed to do. I don't see other than a log message what the buff does when it triggers?


In the modlet that I'm working on, it does a lot but I cut out all the other XML to show that it doesn't proc even without the extra XML. In this version, yes, all it is supposed to do is log a message.

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In the modlet that I'm working on, it does a lot but I cut out all the other XML to show that it doesn't proc even without the extra XML. In this version, yes, all it is supposed to do is log a message.


I see lol I've done that often myself when I wanted to keep my stuff secret until it was ready. Knowing that I may play with it some today and see if I can help out.

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I see lol I've done that often myself when I wanted to keep my stuff secret until it was ready. Knowing that I may play with it some today and see if I can help out.


Yeah, it's sort-of like that. I don't like to release unfinished products if I can't make them work for one. For another, this is part of a much larger overhaul / project so it would be of no use really to dump the entire xml. It just makes things more difficult to diagnose I figure.


Thanks for your help :)

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So this is working for me. You will obviously have to adjust times/rates, damage and the desired buff but it should get you close to what I think you was trying to do.



<item name="meleeHandPlayer">
<property name="Extends" value="meleeHandMaster"/>
<property name="Tags" value="blunt,melee,light,fists,perkLivingOffTheLandCrops"/>
<property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>
<property name="HoldType" value="0"/>
<property class="Action0">
	<property name="Buff" value="buffShocked"/>
	<property name="Class" value="DynamicMelee"/>
	<property name="Damage_type" value="Bashing"/>
<property class="Action1"> <!-- UseAction -->
	<property name="Buff" value="buffShocked"/>
	<property name="Class" value="DynamicMelee"/>
	<property name="Sphere" value="0.15"/>   <!-- limit to 0.15, else the sphere cast can overlap the target already -->
	<property name="UsePowerAttackAnimation" value="true"/>
<effect_group name="Base Effects">
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDamagedOther" action="AddBuff" target="other" buff="buffShocked"/>
	<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="7"/>
	<passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="2.5"/>
	<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="0" tags="wood"/>
	<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="earth"/>
	<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="stone"/>
	<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="-.5" tags="metal"/>
	<passive_effect name="AttacksPerMinute" operation="base_set" value="80"/> <!-- A16 .75 -->
	<passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_set" value="9.3" tags="primary"/>
	<passive_effect name="BuffProcChance" operation="base_set" value="0.15" tags="buffShocked"/>
	<passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_set" value="2.0"/>
	<passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_set" value="2.6"/>
	<passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" value="0" tags="allToolsHarvest"/> <!-- all tools but not player hands -->
<effect_group name="Power Attack">
	<passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="0"/>
	<passive_effect name="PhysicalDamageResist" operation="base_add" value="12,15" tier="1,6"/>
	<passive_effect name="DegradationMax" operation="base_set" value="1500,3000" tier="1,6"/>
	<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDamagedOther" action="AddBuff" target="other" buff="buffWeaponsMeleeFists"/>
	<passive_effect name="BuffProcChance" operation="base_set" value="1" tags="buffWeaponsMeleeFists"/>
	<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="1" tags="secondary"/>
	<passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="perc_add" value="1" tags="secondary"/>
	<passive_effect name="AttacksPerMinute" operation="perc_add" value="-.3" tags="secondary"/>
	<passive_effect name="StaminaLoss" operation="base_add" value="14" tags="secondary"/>
<property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="attAgility"/>
<!--use_action class="LiftUpTerrain" delay="1" use_time="..." gain_health="-5"gain_stamina="-20" gain_food="0" gain_water="10" gain_sickness="15" condition_raycast_block="77,78,79,80" sound_start="player_drinking" /-->



		<buff name="buffWeaponsMeleeFists">
	<damage_type value="heat"/> 
	<stack_type value="replace"/>
	<duration value="1"/>
	<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDamagedOther" action="AddBuff" buff="buffBurningElement"/>
	<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="LogMessage" message="Is this thing on"/>



I don't think you need these lines on the buffs but I didn't test it as I just posted as soon as it was working. (<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDamagedOther" action="AddBuff" buff="buffBurningElement"/>

<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="LogMessage" message="Is this thing on"/>)


As you can see the little punch I assigned shocked buff to it and I did not have to add those trigger lines to the buff so I really think you could remove those. The important parts are the triggered effects on the items part. Hope this gets you closer to what you are after. Cheers

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So this is working for me. You will obviously have to adjust times/rates, damage and the desired buff but it should get you close to what I think you was trying to do.


I see what you've done here, thank you for the help and for the alternative. I'll let ya know when I have a chance to test it out and see how it goes.

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I've finally had a moment to test this and ran into the same bug that I had already reported.




It works but it doesn't work as needed / expected.


Sorry bud was hoping that would get you close. Im a little lost on where to go from there. I'll keep thinking on it and let you know if I have any ideas

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