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Perks Missing values?

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I don't believe that all the perks are actually working as they should be. For instance Shotgun Messiah says leg shots cripple opponents, but that part of the code in the xml (progression.xml) is commented out . Looks more like any shot has a 100% cripple an opponent.


Mainly I want to know if the perk levels are actually changing things such as the reload speed and rounds per minute like they should?


Default shows:


<passive_effect name="ReloadSpeedMultiplier" operation="perc_add" value="0.1,0.30" level="1,5"/>


To me this looks like it only changes level 1 (10% increase) and 5 (30% increase)


Should it not instead say:


<passive_effect name="ReloadSpeedMultiplier" operation="perc_add" value="0.1,0.15,0.20,0.25,0.30" level="1,2,3,4,5"/>


perk level 1= 10%

perk level 2 = 15%

perk level 3 = 20%

perk level 4 = 25%

perk level 5 = 30%


Wouldn't this make more sense or am I wrong?


As for custom edits I thought instead of a chance to cripple it would instead have a knockdown chance which can easily be changed by switching buff="buffInjuryCrippled1 to buffInjuryKnockdown1 and then adding in the line of code for a random chance.


I already made it so any shot to the leg has a chance to "cripple" or turn a zombie into a crawler by making this change to entityclasses.xml




<property name="LegCrawlerThreshold" value="0"/> = 0%




<property name="LegCrawlerThreshold" value="0.05"/> = 10%




And there is already a chance for a leg to be crippled anyway as stated:


<property name="LegCrippleThreshold" value="0.01"/> = 1% (changed to 10%)




I'm no modder and understand this is alpha but I spend a lot of time doing custom edits myself and find quite a few minor mistakes. For instance go look in blocks.xml and there is a typo for <block name="autoTurret"> and <block name="shotgunTurret">


It will show <property name="BustRoundCount" value="15"/> when it should say BurstRoundCount


Maybe an experienced modder can enlighten me on the correct code usage here.

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Mainly I want to know if the perk levels are actually changing things such as the reload speed and rounds per minute like they should?


Default shows:


<passive_effect name="ReloadSpeedMultiplier" operation="perc_add" value="0.1,0.30" level="1,5"/>


To me this looks like it only changes level 1 (10% increase) and 5 (30% increase)


Should it not instead say:


<passive_effect name="ReloadSpeedMultiplier" operation="perc_add" value="0.1,0.15,0.20,0.25,0.30" level="1,2,3,4,5"/>


perk level 1= 10%

perk level 2 = 15%

perk level 3 = 20%

perk level 4 = 25%

perk level 5 = 30%


Wouldn't this make more sense or am I wrong?


Actually the way the XML works if you specify level="1,20" value="1,200" for example, it means levels one through twenty and it will increment itself using the values automatically. So, the first value before the comma is BEGIN, second value after comma is END.


It can however be done as you showed it as well and that would be an ABSOLUTE value specification rather than an INCREMENTAL.

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Thanks for clearing that up. Maybe you could tell me what the following do as well?


<requirement name="RandomRoll" seed_type="Random" min_max="0,100" operation="LTE" value="75"/>

Looks like a roll chance from 0-100, but what does value="75" represent here?


<entityspawner name="RoamingHordeSpawnDay" dynamic="true" wrapMode="wrap">

<entityspawner name="NightHorde" dynamic="true" wrapMode="clamp">



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