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Please see 31MAY2019 post!




REV6:7-8's Modlet ... CRISPY CRITTERS makes the game easier in a few ways...


1. Replacing all animals with stags (male deer, the ones WITH antlers).


Why stags? I want the player to have food meat available as often as possible. Rabbits and chickens are too small and fast to target easily, especially with primitive weapons and/or at night. Boars are non-aggressive, until you damage them. Does (female deer, the ones WITHOUT antlers) aren't as noticeable in brush as the antlered males are. Vultures provide feathers for arrows and crossbow bolts, sure, but they're a PITA otherwise. And besides, nests everywhere are loaded with feathers.


2. Replacing all zombies with the burnt zombies from the wastelands.


Why burnt zombies? They're easily visible from a distance, especially at night. And their crackling sounds make them noticeable even in total darkness or on the other side of doors and walls.


3. Reducing the block damage of the burnt zombies to 1.


Burnt zombies are already some of the least damaging zombies in the game, as far as damage to blocks is concerned (2 points per block hit). I merely nerfed them to do half that damage (1 point per block hit).


You can still manually spawn any of the other animals or zombies from the base/vanilla game using the entity spawner (F6), but this should keep them from spawning in-game otherwise...


... unless you do some of the quests which may spawn specific animals or zombies other than the substitutions this modlet makes otherwise.


System Requirements/Fine Print:


The latest version of this modlet has been tested on the vanilla/base install of 7 Days To Die for PC/MAC, version(s):


Alpha 17.3 Stable B18




It may or may not work with earlier versions of 7DTD, may or may not work with experimental versions of 7DTD, may or may not work with other mods or modlets or customizations, and may or may not work with your particular server configuration.


Also, console players are out of luck with this one. Sorry!


Your mileage may vary. Caveat emptor.


Known Compatibilities:


1. This modlet works properly with the



2. This modlet works properly with all of the
Stedman420's Simple UI
modlets that I'm personally using...


4 Digit Craft


Bigger Backpack 120 + Player Built Storage


Simple UI Compass


Crafting Queue


Forge Input


Left HUD Buff Timers




Vehicle Storage



Known INcompatibilities:


1. This modlet
work properly with any combination of the modlets from the
modlets package. Again, decide which you want more, and stick to that path only.



2. This modlet
work properly with either of the
modlets. Again, decide which you want more, and stick to that path only.



3. This modlet
work properly with any other mods, modlets, or customizations that add, change, remove, or replace NPCs from the 7DTD game.


Consider yourself warned.




1. Download the zip file to your computer...


- Please see 31MAY2019 post!


2. Extract the rev678_crispycritters folder from the downloaded zip file.


3. Open your 7 Days To Die game installation folder. The easiest way to do this is to find your 7 Days To Die game listed in your Steam LIBRARY, right-click on it to open the pop-up menu, select Properties, single-click on the LOCAL FILES tab, and then click on BROWSE LOCAL FILES.


4. Look in your 7 Days To Die game folder for a Mods folder. If there is NOT already a Mods folder, create one by right-clicking on any empty space in the folder window and selecting New Folder.


5. Open the 7 Days To Die game folder's Mods folder.


6. If you already HAVE an old/existing rev678_crispycritters folder, remove it from the 7 Days To Die game folder's Mods folder.


7. Copy or move the rev678_crispycritters folder from the extracted zip file into the 7 Days To Die game folder's Mods folder.




To uninstall this modlet, simply remove the rev678_crispycritters folder from the 7 Days To Die game folder's Mods folder.


Best Practices/Troubleshooting/Errors:


1. I strongly advise you to start a NEW game/save AFTER installing but BEFORE running this modlet. Failure to do so will likely result in an "Invalid Cast Exception" error. If you don't start a NEW game/save AFTER installing but BEFORE running this modlet, and get that error, I'm going to tell you to start a NEW game/save.


2. Sometimes an "Invalid Cast Exception" error can be corrected by "cleaning" your player profile (either using the cleaning tool in the 7DTD Launcher, or change your player profile from the in-game menus). Again though, if you don't start a NEW game/save AFTER installing but BEFORE running this modlet, and get that error, I'm going to tell you to start a NEW game/save.


3. If you DID start a NEW game/save, and still are having problems with this modlet, please try the following self-troubleshooting steps:


- Make sure 7DTD is not running.


- Move all of your existing modlet folders out of your Mods folder, say to your Desktop (TEMPORARILY).


- Restart the game, and see if you get the error you posted.


- If so, your game/save may be pooched, and you'll want to delete it and start a new game/save. Restart the game, and see if you get the error you posted.


- If so, your copy of 7DTD may be pooched, and you'll want to re-install. Restart the game, and see if you get the error you posted.


- If not, try ONLY moving my modlet folder(s) back into your Mods folder.


- Restart the game, and see if you get the error you posted.


- If so, THEN my modlet(s) may be causing your error. If that's the case, please report back here with more details (which modlets you have installed, what game version you're running, PC/MAC/Linux/console, etc), and I'll try to help you.


- If not, someone else's product(s) are causing your error, and you'll want to pursue the issue further with them.


Hope this helps, and cheers!







My personal issues with 7 Days To Die, and zombie portrayals in movies and games in general












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The 15JAN2019 version of this modlet is fully compatible with and has successfully passed testing for the latest experimental version, Alpha 17.1 Experimental B9... and also back-tested with the current stable version, Alpha 17.1 Stable B240.


Updated Systems Requirements/Fine Print section of original post.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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1. This modlet is fully compatible with and has been tested for Alpha 17.1 Stable B9.


2. I currently have nineteen (19) different modlets published in these forums and available for download. That's a large number of "moving parts" to test, debug, re-publish, and provide end-user support for every time TFP releases an update to 7DTD.


3. With that in mind, from this point forward, I'm only planning to officially support the latest stable release of 7DTD with my modlets.


4. That's not to say they will cease to function properly with older or experimental versions of 7DTD. They may very well work just fine for you. In all likelihood, they will, unless TFP radically changes the structure of the game's XML files.


5. THAT SAID... If you choose to "color outside the lines," you may be on your own as far as troubleshooting any issues that arise from using my modlets in unsupported scenarios.


6. Updated original post to reflect the current system requirements.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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  • 1 month later...

The 15JAN2019 version of this modlet is fully compatible with and has successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version, Alpha 17.2 Stable B27.


Updated Systems Requirements/Fine Print section of original post.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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  • 2 months later...

The latest version of this modlet is fully compatible with and has successfully passed testing for the latest STABLE version of 7DTD, Alpha 17.3 Stable B18.


1. Added an extended version number within the modlet (which is visible in the console output as the modlet loads), to help users know at a glance which version(s) they have installed.


2. Updated the System Requirements/Fine Print section of the original post.


3. Renamed the attached zip file in the original post, corresponding to the version of 7DTD this modlet requires.


Hope this helps, and cheers!


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  • 2 weeks later...

What's happening?


I'm officially "retiring" this modlet, immediately removing the download link for this modlet, immediately ceasing all updates to this modlet, immediately ceasing all development work on this modlet, and immediately ceasing all technical support for this modlet.




There doesn't seem to be much community interest in this modlet:


downloads since the latest update approximately two weeks ago, and only a small handful of total downloads since first posting the original version on


2. I'm the only person posting anything in this thread, either new posts or followup comments, and I haven't received even a single direct/personal message regarding this modlet.


By contrast, my first two "flagship" modlet projects...


), and...




... both see much more regular download activity, and also generate healthy back-and-forth dialogs between myself and end-users.


What if I like this modlet and want to continue using it?


By all means, please feel free to continue using this modlet however you like.




1. I cannot guarantee that this modlet will continue to function properly for you.


2. I will no longer provide any bug fixes nor updates nor feature enhancements to this modlet.


3. I will no longer provide any level of technical support for this modlet.


4. You may end up having to provide your own diagnostic and/or debugging services should you encounter any issues moving forward with this modlet.


Your mileage may vary. Caveat emptor.
Please consider yourself warned


What's next for REV6:7-8?


As mentioned previously, my "flagship" modlet projects are much more active, so I'm shifting my 7DTD focus back to maintaining and updating and enhancing those modlets.


Hope this clarifies, and cheers!


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