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Methods to restrict nerd-poling


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I'm trying to restrict both the classic nerd poling and building a stairway up the side of a building with frames or other blocks that can be picked back up.


The tools I see for this are:

  • Setting StabilitySupport to false to prevent stacking blocks vertically
  • Setting the block to a material with stability_glue=0 to prevent attaching blocks horizontally
  • Setting Class to TrapDoor to break like the trap blocks when walked on


Ideally I'd like to leave the functionality of frames such that you can still build structures before filling them out, but my solution to that (option #3/TrapDoor) doesn't break when standing on the edge of the block. Is there another way to make a frame detach or destroy itself when a player walks on it?

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Thanks Guppy, but he's using option 2 from above, which means you can still build jump towers with them. I can combine options 1 and 2 to have unglueable, unstackable frames, but that's going to make it so you can't actually design out a building with frames before spending resources (since they can't create walls or ceilings).

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We use both and although more difficult, we build fine, and in the spirit you're seeking imo. Give it a whirl. :)


Let them use hay to design.

Seems like an acceptable sacrifice, especially since flagstone and cobble seem much more desirable.


Though I gotta nerf hay too, otherwise it'll just be the new poling block. Also gas barrels, potted plants, and wooden chairs (they stick to walls). Basically just want anything you pole with to have a cost in time or materials.

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Good idea! It's perfectly fine for the chairs and plants to not stick to walls and not stack, but it would be nice aesthetically to be able to stack gas barrels.


I could also use some sort of upgrade system to allow stacking. It's tricky with them because they're also supposed to explode when they take damage, so they can't be TrapDoors and can't use downgrading to undo fixing them in place, but that could be relegated to either the un-upgraded block or to something specifically created for that purpose.

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