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Windows A16.4 Mod Launcher no longer loading new modded copies????????


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Hello and thanks up front! I am an ex-system engineer with +2K hours in playing the game.


Tried reorganizing my system putting all games in separate gaming folders on my G:\Games\7DtD\...(Vanilla & Modded) folders and now I cant get mod launcher to load fresh copy of 16.4 War of the Walkers 5.2 or 5.3 from steam or my hard drive.


It tries to force me to other folders or back to the C drive. I thought that I had cleared out cache from user apps local folder after deleting and reinstalling mod launcher. Also I cleared out Paths, History, and Existing from launcher. Now I get it to the point of it being ready to install the new copy/mod, press install then nothing????


I am baffled???? What have I broken?


Also, does it lock you to specific drives and\or folders. The launcher should be way more flexible????


Also, I am not a fan of storing my games deep down inside of Steams Software(Steamapps).

I like the flexibility of my own folder systems of management!

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