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New 7DTD Server Utility: 7dtdServerUtil


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7dtdServerUtility - A Utility To Keep Your 7 days To Die Dedicated Server updated (and schedule server restarts, download and install new server files, and more!)

- Latest version: 7dtdServerUtility_v1.7.1 (2019-01-01)


- By Phoenix125 | http://www.phoenix125.com/7dtdServerUtil.html | http://discord.gg/EU7pzPs | [email protected]

- Based on Dateranoth's ConanExilesServerUtility-3.2.3 and 7dServerUtility | https://gamercide.org/



- OK to use with most other server managers: Use this tool to install and maintain the server and use your other tools to manage game play features.

- Automatically download and install a new 7 Days To Die Dedicated Server: No need to do it manually.

- Automatically keeps server updated.

- Announce server updates and restarts in game chat and on Discord, Twitch, and MCRCON.

- Works with both STABLE and EXPERIMENTAL versions.

- Optionally automatically add version (ex: 'Alpha 17 (b240)' or 'b240') to server name with each update, so that users can quickly identify that you are running the latest version.

- Optionally automatically rename GameName to current version (ex: Alpha 17 b240) with each update, therefore saving old world while creating new world (aka: SERVER WIPE).

- KeepServerAlive: Detects server crashes and will restart the server.

- User-defined scheduled reboots.

- Remote restart (via web browser).

- Run multiple instances of 7dtdServerUtil to manage multiple servers.

- Clean shutdown of your server.

- Retain detailed logs of 7DTD dedicated server and 7dtdServerUtility.

- Optionally restart server on excessive memory use.



Latest Version: http://www.phoenix125.com/share/7dtdServerUtility.zip

Readme.txt: http://www.phoenix125.com/share/readme.txt


Website: http://www.Phoenix125.com

Discord: http://discord.gg/EU7pzPs



- Based on Dateranoth's ConanExilesServerUtility-3.2.3 and ServerUtility (THANK YOU!)



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