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FPandF Gaming A17 modlet collection


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Welcome to the FPandF Gaming A17 Modlet collection.


These modlets have been developed for our private community servers but as I have gleaned all of the information needed to learn how to make them from this fine community I thought it only fair to share the results.


This post will be updated as more modlets are developed and added.


The modlets can be download from here https://github.com/MacAttack-UK/FPandF-7D2D-A17



Released Modlets

A17 Stable B240 Compatible


FPandF_UnloadAndEmpty - This modlet adds the abilty to 'Unload' all weapons and 'Empty' fuel out of Augers and Chainsaws



As always if you find any issues or have any suggestions please feel free to reply.


Mac :)

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