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Relieve the Stamina / Food anoyance.


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Go in buffs.XML and change this line:

<passive_effect name="StaminaMaxModifierOT" operation="base_add" value="1">

<requirement name="StatCompareModMax" stat="stamina" operation="LTE" value="10"/>



To this line:

<passive_effect name="StaminaMaxModifierOT" operation="base_add" value="1">

<requirement name="StatCompareModMax" stat="stamina" operation="LTE" value="50"/>





Besides being more realistic, this lets the hobo stew to have a reason and lets MP teams (and SP to a lesser degree) save points from being wasted on Slow Metabolism.


Changing it to 100 is still realistic, but...


Anyway, how would I show the food now max of 150 on the character display?

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Or is this the thing I needed to modify?

So foodAmount is the reserve of food over 100.


<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="foodAmount" operation="set" value="25">

<requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="foodAmount" operation="GT" value="25"/>

<requirement name="StatComparePercModMaxToMax" stat="stamina" operation="GTE" value=".99"/>


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