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Posts posted by Rotor

  1. I ran into this last night.  After firing some arrows at dire wolf and "missing", eventually i hit.  Then ran out in the general direction where wolf was during my first few attempts and did not find any arrows.  Later in the day I went further out mining honey and chopping wood and ran into an area where my 3 arrows were suspended in air.  I was able to retrieve them and proceed on my merry way.

  2. Day 1


    LOL...decided to try a quest, but forgot to use my 4 points.  It was after noon.  I took a "clear" quest.  Get to the PoI and get attacked, 1, 2, 3, and a fat boy.  Anyways, killed them still not figuring why it took so long, it is now o'dark :30 and the Zs in the PoI start coming, and I see their red eyes, and there werent enought bandages etc.



  3. Day 21


    Getting pretty good, horde night comes around.  Kill the first wave from atop my perch.  Then I cant find any more, but they are out there.  Come down and into the den...in a blind stupid moment I open door...rush hour.  First one down one club hit to nogging, 2 down...2 many.  Pipe MG, bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...click...click...click oh carp!.  Bandage, turn for escape stairs.  BRSoD.


    D1...To Be Continued

  4. To date for me has been any time I get the Farm package 😕


    I mean if it gave 10 to 15 pots it would be  useful against the odds.  So far I have used them all for roof top decor.  Maybe some day the pots will feed the buzzards and I can shoot them while they aint looking.

  5. Thanks a bunch.  Back at the computer.  This is the 10k map I play on.  The previewer from 


    Does provide 10 grids radiating from 0.0 on the XY axis, so each grid is 500m.  That makes more sense now.  I will have to ck if the ingame "M" map to see if it scales as such.


    As far as LoS, I guess it would be nice to know for video settings using "Distance" as Low/Med/High, what are those 3 values. 


    With the block being a meter then about 1610 blocks would be a mile.  On the sea shore at water level a 6 foot tall person has an LoS of 3 miles, or 4830 blocks.


    So, if "High" is 4830 blocks, theoritically you could live with a low setting and not notice a game "view" difference within 1 mile distance, and you could set Mesh to match this at 1610.  However, if High is .5 miles or 805 you can unload the system quite a bit more.


    The key is to know what the words in the field values using distance are in actual distance.




  6. A couple of follow up's:


    What qualifies as smell?  Is this the raw meat one might be carrying?


    Back to PoIs lights.   Okay, so It doesn't increase heat, but it does influence the meter.  Inside a PoI with lights, the meter goes up.  Before I waste RSs does blocking window s reduce the meter?  Or just because I am under a light the Z's come knocking?


    So, cleaning up carcasses, on top of nitrate, is good to clean to reduce heat.   Did I get that right?  Are blood spots considered carcass?


    Define block?  I play on RWG 10k map.  I have been to a side rad zone, and it was about 1.5k to 2k meters from my base waypoint, it was like 4 or 5 grids on the in game map viewer.


    I need to look at offline viewer I don't recall how many grids from 0.0 are depicted.



    One more, what is the LoS in the game?  I.e. standard 3 miles at 6ft agl?


    Only asking because of I can figure out LoS and how mesh distance is calculated, then in theory you can set mesh to same as LoS and rest be damned and should dynamicly load as

     you move.  Si?

  7. Mainly because a few things appear not to be updated for A20 in the WWW.


    The stealth bar, High Green more stealth or less?  Same thing with the number, what does the value mean?


    Do PoI light sources emit "heat" for the zombie radar?  


    What player level or game day triggers the cop/demo/vultures in BM nights?  Just wondering how long cobblestone will suit me :).


    I know to keep craft base from horde base separate, in case.  But until I can amass RSs  I like to keep it together.


    Does killing Zs attrack more Zs?  I feel like the more I try to clean up my necks of the woods, the more they like to come around.  Does it add to the heat signature?


    If I clear a PoI but dont set a land claim block to the Zs spawn back?  Beside being a spawn point, does the bedroll protect an area from  Z spawns?


    This is all based on single player, vanilla.  30 day loot respawn.  Blood Moon set for 7Ds.  Feral at night only.

    Couple more.  In the mesh options, is the distance in inches :), meters? Pixels?


    Maps, is the number in inches, pixels, meters?  I.e. 10k map is what? 10 Pixels?

  8. D4


    Started to build initial base at PoI former army camp with underground bunker.  I have been here before on another playthrough, so I know my way around and clear it pretty good.  Setup temp quarters at the watch tower as I didnt want Zs start messing with bunker prior to getting it ready. 


    I wake from my slumber and set out all bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Take a quick look.  I have not seen any bad animals.  Had already killed a pig on the run to the trader.  So, not interesting in hunting.  Just need massive wood pile to get my spikes going.  Quick 360 again, nothing, come down lader...........BEAR!  Right under tower, (I swear it wasnt there on the way down), run around the barracks, take a couple of hits, but make it back to tower and up the ladder.  Start pumping arrows into bear, but he moves to center, so I decide to open a hole.  No problem, nice little square block.  There he is ripe for killing, a couple more arrows, and there was a banana peel somewhere because I fell on top of bear.


    Figuring is over, I start pumping arrows into bear, but eventually slide off the sweaty beast.


    You know the rest of the story.


    D1 ... To Be Continued

  9. 1 hour ago, ElDudorino said:

    That's exactly how I think it should work. Currently, you can reach T4 quests in your first week and get Q6 steel weapons and tools as your rewards. With Better Barter you can also buy steel weapons and tools a few days into the game. Dealing with traders makes loot almost obsolete, except as a source of revenue.


    I just played a game where I never spoke to a trader other than to get my free 4 points, and I found I was progressing so much more slowly, rare loot was miraculous, and I actually crafted a good chunk of my gear because I couldn't just get a free Q6 version as a quest reward. Maybe not everyone agrees but it felt to me like the pace the game is meant to be played at. Quests and Better Barter secret stashes just break progression so much.


    I have yet to do a single quest even on a play through to day 60ish.  Progress is slow, but I am okay with that.  700 days to the finish no need to rush.

  10. D5


    Set up a base in PoI with 6 silos and broken belt loader tower next door to trader Joel.  Get out bright and early, all bushy tailed and bright eyed.   My quest for today is to find a air drop from earlier previous day.   Jump on street and Mr Wolf is waiting for me around building corner. I back track whacking away only to run into Mrs Zed with the white soiled dress.  Turn and make run for small silo across the street, Up the stairs, so I can turn and continue to shoot from afar.


    However, no battle plan survives the first or second engagement.  Jumping unto ledge I did not realize my leg strength and overshoot.  Luckily there is a nice pile of hay at bottom.  However now I am inside a silo with no wood to stack up frames or build ladders.


    Rather be patient, figure I try to fight it out, so I break the door.  One arrow into Mrs Zed, no crit (Thanks RNGeezus), but knock her down.  Mr big bad wolf gets a nogging hit, but scores a mortal wound.


    D1... To be Continued

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