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Posts posted by Rotor

  1. 12 hours ago, theFlu said:

    Now, don't go getting into lawsuits against billion dollar companies based on the word of an internet randomer; you ain't got the money to see it through.


    Twice in one topic my dreams have been derailed.

    I am going to have to buy a gaming laptop so I can stay away from you guys while travelling.

  2. D6...DejaVu;


    Wish I had a nice new witty story to tell ya.  But almost to the last detail,


    Same House (Filmmakers whatever).


    Get to basement, except this time it was a dire burnt zombie, so I ran, got chased down.  Fumbled my mouse key presses. 


    1.Club with burning shaft mod?  Nope,

    4.Bandage? Not yet,

    3.Bow? No darn it! 

    5.Oh ya, Key 5 T3 six rounder

    ....Bleed...Carp!...bandage, ck,...pistol bang! bang!...bleed!...bang! bang! bang! bang!...reload?



    D1...To Be Continued.

  3. So, I know there are several mod/modlets out there for headshots only.  I like the premise, more inline with the whole zombie theme, etc.  However, it does make the game more difficult, which at face value is a good thing....for moi.   Now my problem is the randomess of the RNG and that I like to play the bow.


    Now, @RevenantWit has a good thing going with CZDM 


    Now my question is, is there a way to increase the dismemberment chance in lieu of the body damage?


    Do zombies damage model "hitzones" include separate pieces?  Where as the torso could have a damage value of zero, the head 100 and limbs 75, as an example.  Or is it only 2, head and body?


    Or does that already exist and I missed it?




  4. Hi, want to give some of these a try, when I click on the link in the spoiler comments I get several options to download when I enter teh folder.  Or do I just downlaod the whole folder and move it to MODs?

  5. A21 First Play Through D6.


    I was really doing good, getting full of myself.  Drinking murky water, not getting the runs, refused to buy a a pot from the trader 'cause well, there is houses to loot.


    It took me a couple of days (RWG 10k map), to get to a suitable town to clean up.  New sheriff in town sorta thing.


    Cleaned up a welcome travel center, big gas tank (BTW, thank you for making the hatch closeable now, or was it before?  Cant remember), setup a small overnighter in it.


    Picked up a second house (first one didnt give a pot from the kitchen), nice quint one level, a fixer upper but not much to do.


    Cleaned up the Zs, no pot in kitchen but ...hey a basement.  Carefully went down the steps, saw the suited Z, forget his name.  Shot him at the noggiing and missed.  Either the whistling arrow or me stepping over the trigger woke up Mr Spider Z behind the couch, previously out of sight. 


    So I start back pedalling shooting arrows and clubbing and running out of stamina, start bleeding..........any ways, I die and get ate up.


    So I start thinking, what could I have done better.  Then it hit me, like a lightning bolt from Zeus himself. 


    The bolt had a nice Neon message that flashed in front of me. 


    "That is a nice T3 Pipe MG you have there in your toolbelt cowboy".... I looted it two days earlier.


    D1....To Be Continued.

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