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Everything posted by Hexal

  1. Upgrading the OS version to Monterey helped. Seems kind of obvious in the retrospective. This topic can be locked now. Can I do that myself?
  2. Disclaimer: I'm writing this post on behalf of a friend. I have never used a mac, and he hasn't been using it for long either. I do acknowledge that it's an opt-in beta, but we're dying to try out the latest version! We have been playing the regular version before, and it has worked like a charm. After installing and updating the latest experimental beta, the "Play now" button on Steam turns blue for a little while, and then reverts back to green. No process or whatsoever pops up from this. What we have tried so far: - Run the game directly from *.app file - Remove the config folder and let steam re-download it - Reinstall the game completely - Thoughts and prayers Nothing worked. One strange thing is, after opting in for the experimental version, the .app icon shows this disabled icon on top of it (as seen in the picture. Yes, I know it's not a screenshot). Can any Mac users explain what is this? After reverting back to the regular version, it disappears. It seems like Mac is blocking this thing from running. Questions: - How is the experience for others on macOS playing latest experimental? - Are there any known macOS bugs in A20? Any help is appreciated, and if you give me a hand, I will provide better details.
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