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  1. So i tried reproduce it again on a different setup. I placed 3 sets of 2 fences with different lengths, hooked those up to a switch to activate them one by one. See the following overview: Generator > switch > first fence post end fences With this i tried to lure some zombies in and to turn on the switch one at a time. The very first time I tried this, one line gave the error again as seen on the following screenshot: Null reference exception Even if the player walks through, the error pops up: Player shocked So for that matter, it is not related to the blood moon event. After this i restarted my game, and everything worked just fine. I haven't figured out yet what the condition is that triggers this error, restarted a few times now and placed some more lines but so far all works as intended. I will keep trying the next couple of days, if I find something else I will let you know
  2. So i tried reproduce it again on a different setup. I placed 3 sets of 2 fences with different lengths, hooked those up to a switch to activate them one by one. See the following overview: Generator > switch > first fence post end fences With this i tried to lure some zombies in and to turn on the switch one at a time. The very first time I tried this, one line gave the error again as seen on the following screenshot: Null reference exception Even if the player walks through, the error pops up: Player shocked So for that matter, it is not related to the blood moon event. After this i restarted my game, and everything worked just fine. I haven't figured out yet what the condition is that triggers this error, restarted a few times now and placed some more lines but so far all works as intended. I will keep trying the next couple of days, if I find something else I will let you know
  3. Seems i can't edit my post above, but was still thinking about this. And what might be useful as well, is that i do need to travel for 1km to this base as i moved to build closer to a large city. I dont recall exactly what day i started to explore and move out, but it was between the second and third blood moon. I don't know the code, but i can imagen the objects are not created outside a certain area from the player. So when the fence gets loaded into the world (or getting active), a component, script or objects within the script of that fence are not loaded or created properly.
  4. Seems i can't edit my post above, but was still thinking about this. And what might be useful as well, is that i do need to travel for 1km to this base as i moved to build closer to a large city. I dont recall exactly what day i started to explore and move out, but it was between the second and third blood moon. I don't know the code, but i can imagen the objects are not created outside a certain area from the player. So when the fence gets loaded into the world (or getting active), a component, script or objects within the script of that fence are not loaded or created properly.
  5. Heey, i do get this error at times yeah, but it feels like this only happens after a longer gaming session. Once it did happen and i relogged, it's gone for that time. I know this is kinda useless for a reproduction. I will try if i can get a better reproduction later on the day. Some screenshots: Generator placement Main power line through blocks Front view fence connected to generator Front view fence connected to fence Top view fence connected to generator Top view fence connected to fence Front view base Inside view base For the top view i did removed the blocks on top to get this shot. If you guys need any more info, let me know
  6. Heey, i do get this error at times yeah, but it feels like this only happens after a longer gaming session. Once it did happen and i relogged, it's gone for that time. I know this is kinda useless for a reproduction. I will try if i can get a better reproduction later on the day. Some screenshots: Generator placement Main power line through blocks Front view fence connected to generator Front view fence connected to fence Top view fence connected to generator Top view fence connected to fence Front view base Inside view base For the top view i did removed the blocks on top to get this shot. If you guys need any more info, let me know
  7. Summary: NullReferenceException during blood moon Game Version: A20 (b218) Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: Intel i7 970 3.20GHz System Memory: 12 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 1080 6 GB Screen Resolution: 3840 x 2160 Video Settings: Custom Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? No EAC on or off? On Status: NEW Bug Description: During the third blood moon event these Null reference exceptions came during the whole blood moon. It has something to do with the electrical fences as seen in the logs. Might be connected with the degredation of these electrical fences (those fences didn't took any degredation during this blood moon event) Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) No clue, didn't had any issues during the first 2 blood moon events (those fences were there in all 3 events) 2) 3) Actual result: During the blood moon event the NullReferenceException is popping up in the console, annoying part was that when the console is shown, you can't move the player. Expected result: No more NullReferenceExceptions on the electrical fence object. Even better would be to still have control over the character when the console is shown. Output logfile: https://pastebin.com/Ne3j7ybm
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