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  1. The best I can figure is this: judging from the size of some of the trees I've seen growing INSIDE the fallen POI skyscrapers, the cataclysm occurred more than 30 years ago (being very conservative). (/Imagination on...) Chickens survived, but being at the bottom of the food chain, were ravaged by survivors, and the zombies for both meat and eggs (for the protein).' The vultures, being cannibalistic, were under threat, so developed into building great quantities of nests with only one or two eggs, to give their offspring a greater chance to hatch and survive. The chickens began to emulate that behavior. Now, it's impossible to tell which is which (which is why even on the top of tall buildings, inhabited by vultures, you see what you think are chicken nests, containing eggs, but are in reality vulture nests, with vulture eggs.) They are so similar, it takes a VERY close examination to tell them apart. The only thing I'm not seeing here is this: Because of their situation, the vultures are EXCEEDINGLY protective. I would have expected that if I were inspecting nests, and vultures were in the area, I would be attacked, since the vulture population depends on every egg possible hatching. I envision that it would be similar to what we see when we sit on a vehicle with vultures around. Maybe I've just been lucky. Which is why the chickens copied them, because predators would be "leery" of robbing the nests. I think.
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