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  1. So found the answer, did not have "bunker" in the name so took me a while of scouring this thread.. For others the Bunker is call "DFalls_Resarch_Lab1" in the prefabs list. luckily i had one in my RWG and it was amazing
  2. So really enjoying the mod Still. I keep hearing about these Bunkers? what are they and how t0 i find them in a SP RWG world? Whats is the name of the Bunker Prefabs used so i can check i have them in my RWG xml files?
  3. So not sure if this is a bug in the game to the mod. But went to my game yesterday and half my base was missing? , just deleted and missing. like part of the chunk reset. as i'm playing single player on my PC i just used the CM menu to restore all i had lost and rebuild my base.. My base was not on a POI was in a field like normal. though part of it does cross a road. Now today even more odd, start my game and my character is reset to zero like a brand new character, but still the days 31 on my game and my base is all still there with my characters stuff and my landclaim block. Not sure what is happening? any ideas? As a note i have no other mods installed just v2.3 Darkness falls and i'm playing single player on my PC not a server. I did use NitroGen to make the map as well. But anyway think i will generate a new work and start afresh.
  4. OK first time playing this mod (and loving it so props for great work) but i have a few questions.. 1. To make forged steel, it seems you can only make it from advanced forge? Normal forge seems to be missing the crucible slot? But you cant make advanced forge because it need 250 forged steel. How do i craft that or do i have to scavenge up 250 or by slowly form traders? though in not seen any for sale yet. 2. Farming, i have placed the rain catchers next to my crops in a hole two deep and multiple other ways but i cannot seem to grow any crops. Note i created a farm in desert with placed forest soil. Cant seem to get anything to grow and tried multiple layouts.
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