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Everything posted by rakoona

  1. Well, some crap happens and I die! I just don't show those parts. I try not to use commands unless really necessary, and because I can't simply hide the HUD, and cant really hide those things. I really wish I could!
  2. Good old normal! 3 day air drop, death settings doesn't matter, because I don't show if I die I just work it in. 1 days is 1 hour real time. Day lengh is set to 18. Zombies run at night, and in Navezgane. Also, I've released episode 5, so feel free to check it out!
  3. Hehe, was thinking of doing this with HUD invisible to have better immersion, but then I can't loot anything. Not only that, but when I get hit I wouldn't see the blood anymore. Trying to go with what I got! And the pain killer to heal 1 health, sometimes I do things for the cinematics. Right now, my biggest concern is voice acting. I tried doing Trader Joel's voice, but It's not as close as i'd like it! And I'm also thinking of maybe having other guest appearances from youtubers. Probably not a permanent thing, but just for one episode. BTW, I have plans light up the whole waking up in the middle of an apocalypse thing. It'll make more sense.
  4. That's so much for posting this! Episode 5 is coming tomorrow, August 16th. I'll try and keep it to an episode per week. Thanks for all the support!
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