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  1. They share more in common then the total of their differences. Metahuman is only in early preview and it will do more than UMA when it is further along. You can already apply your own clothing articles and mods to the models, do you understand how modeling works? UMA has poor documentation and takes a lot of time to intergrate and actually make content with. You can shill for it all you want but it is jank and looks like @%$# out of the box. Yeah maybe if someone spends years making all the shaders, materials and maps they can look good but so can anything with that time, dur. It is faster and easier for the developers to make their own models, without some weird pipeline in the way.
  2. Metahuman looks good and is a modern system. UMA is outdated and ugly
  3. Not really, especially when it comes to this type of content. Maybe if it was a simple xml job but it isnt. 7 Days is easy to reconfigure and add simple items to. Scripting a new AI with custom scripts and so on is much more complicated to mod in.
  4. I think AAZ is a good first step but it needs to be polished into something better. You could easily implement a static creature that triggers the aggression volume. If the stealthy player is good enough and has the power for it, they can kill it fast, otherwise it sounds the alarm. It wouldn't be hard to model and texture a mass of flesh. One simple shader and script could animate the verts of the base mesh and tenticles coming off of it. Three sounds and a bit of code funtionality later and you have something awesome. If your game was easy to mod, I would add the new NPC myself for free. Something like so...
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