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Everything posted by Mardoin

  1. A20.7 PC Not sure of PC specs Did you wipe old saves? (Yes) Did you start a new game? (Yes) Did you validate your files? (Yes) Are you using any mods? (No) EAC = off Status: NEW Bug Description: 7d2d Player / Steam user "FT" found this bug / issue; Quote of FT's post in Steam discussions... Noticed a Different ShadowDistance Performance Issue It can be easily recreated by teleporting to the Higishaki/Pharmacy tower POI (I don't remember if it's Skyscraper 1/2/3/etc) turning on cheats and flying up to floor#9 and clipping into the building right at the center (left/right) of the outdoor scaffolding at that level...slightly on the right half of that floor. Performance will roughly double while facing outward VS facing inward toward the building's center, as long as you have ShadowDistance set higher than OFF. The other graphic options and most F1/console settings (like "gfx dt", "gfx pp enable", "pois", "trees", "gfx lodbias 0") don't change this disparity. You can figuratively change the graphics into playdoe and still see a huge performance difference while facing inward VS outward as long as ShadowDistance is LOW or higher and as long as you haven't completely disabled "bents"/lighting-effects in the F1/console. On the other hand, cranking all the graphics while turning ShadowDistance-OFF completely smooths this performance disparity. In other words, this particular performance hit isn't related to building windows (which can be worked around by ObjectQuality and "gfx lodbias 0" settings) and it isn't related to the shadow's resolution nor current shortest distance which are both significantly lowered at ShadowDistance-LOW settings. So it looks like something a little more fundamental with the in-game shadows might need to be addressed in some situations. I'm guessing this might simply be an area where the game suffers from several complex or overlapping shadows/lights inside the player POV cone, where they're too close to the player for even a ShadowDistance-LOW settings to negate? Anyway, it might be worth looking into. Just figured I'd share an easily recreatable area/situation where the issue was very specific and noticeable for easier troubleshooting. End quote of FT's discussion...
  2. So, I'm using the 7d2d Mod Launcher and created a separate directory for the 'copy of 7d2d' with the 'Undead Legacy' mod installed into it. But, it doesn't seem to be working. I've started a new game after selecting the mod in the launcher and clicking the 'Play Mod' button but, so far everything about the game looks and plays the same as the vanilla game. There's no UI changes like shown on the 'Undead Legacy' home page or vehicles....etc. Only thing I can think might be wrong is where I chose to setup the game copy maybe? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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