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Posts posted by samljer

  1. 2 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    I think Madmole mentioned during the stream about needing to update POI's. Is that just for the blocks or also for RWG since you folks are using a new system? Anything you can share on that or is it hush-hush until later? (totally understand if it is)


    I think youre right, I think he also mentioned a tool to help?

  2. 3 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    hope so. cuz right now i call him the grasshopper zombie. 

    Also hope the spider zombie shoots webs... (don't ask wear from)

    i wounder if we are getting a tier 3 baton? 


    OOoooh, this... I actually like the baton. A T3 baton would be great.

    Maybe even if the damage was the same as T2, but the AOE was greatly improved.

    Spiderwebs sparking out across the hordes.




    Is the starter quests disappearing fixed in A20


    Reproduced 100%


    start a game, get the intro quest, save game, exit, reload....


    No way to get them back. theyre lost.




    Or the loot bug


    Coop partner opens a container in a POI.

    Start a quest from a trader for the same POI while that person is still in the inventory.

    That person can no longer loot anything from inventories (trash cans, garbage, boxes etc)

    And not just for that POI, but in that game anywhere until they relog.

    as far as i know they can still pick up something that isnt inventory (like a rock off the floor) but

    opening inventories is now broken without a relog.


  3. 43 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

    Helicopter controls are rather more complex. There's a vehicle mod with a helicopter with true helicopter controls (within the limits of vehicle controls in 7d2d), and it is a challenge.


    Unless you mean go up and down like a helicopter and forward like a plane?


    Keep the controls the way they are, but able to go up and down without forward motion isnt more complex.

    33 minutes ago, Astronomical said:


    While similar in appearance, a gyrocopter and helicopter are very different aircraft. Unlike a helicopter a gyro's rotor is not powered. It requires constant forward velocity to provide the relative wind necessary to create lift, much like a fixed wing airplane. You can think of a gyrocopter's top rotor as a spinning wing.


    You also cant jump off the 3rd story of a building with duct tape to your boots in the real world either and be perfectly fine, its a game. it only has to be just believable enough.

  4. 1 minute ago, dcsobral said:


    We have heard nothing about POI turrets capable of targeting players. If there was any such thing, however, then this sort of thing can be done as a mod. This interaction system that shawn described will lead to some very creative POIs from the modding community, I bet.


    The possibilities would be endless :D


    Imagine it


    :stares off in to space, starts drooling:

  5. 4 hours ago, Survager said:

    A question about a new type of quest to restore the electricity supply.
    Can we expect in 20 Alpha, in high-level locations of this type, the appearance of turrets with infinite ammunition that attack the player, protecting the top-end loot? Or other electrical traps that the player will have to disable in order to get to the top loot? Or is it a surprise?


    This would be great, add a use to some of those trap perks/books that are useless in single player; or co-op play.


    I would love to have to find the power source to disable turrets, or electric fences, blade traps. etc..


    It could be a higher tier variation on restore power. called... wait for it.... "Disable power"  LOL 



  6. 5 hours ago, hiemfire said:




    Or did you mean @samljer that Vegetable Stew requires animal fat? If that is what you meant then you're incorrect.


    animal fats AND animal stews.

    with the dead flesh (like i said) that would allow the hobo stew as well.


    I mean, theres a semicolon there, and the word "and"

    I was pretty clear.

  7. 1 hour ago, MechanicalLens said:


    I'm going to trying out the Vegan Challenge sometime in A20, and from what I've heard, it's exceptionally difficult. As far as I know, the complete list of edible foods would be as follows: raw corn, raw potatoes, raw yucca, blueberries, baked potatoes, cornbread, corn on the cob, cornmeal, yucca juice smoothies, canned peas, canned pears, raw pumpkins, pumpkin bread(?), snowberries, and vegetable stew. Am I missing anything?


    (Note: I am unsure if you can eat raw mushrooms. I would think you could though.)

    Funnily enough im doing that now, got the idea from Glock9.

    Its was very savage at the start.

    Getting hard again because the food bar is up near 200.

    Filling it is pretty insane.

    If i had to do it again id probably allow only animal fat from zombie animals; and make vegetable stews.

    There just comes a point where 5-10 food isnt going to cut it when you need 20 to 40 of that item at a time. every 2 days.

  8. 42 minutes ago, Ouch Quit It said:

    Yeah I know all that but its annoying to see the flashing red all the time....just seems that food decreases ALOT faster than normal....seems like you are binge eating constantly. Kinda annoying.  As for temp...in the snow biome and I have a puffer jacket, overalls, cloth hood with the insulation mod, bandana and a hood ands assorted armor and im cold all the time....Temp has been whacked for several iterations and never seems to get much love......Game has gone backwards over the last few alphas....Same brokenm systems being reworked again and again............sigh.......endless circle it seems


    Coughs* Airport  POI * Coughs



    Yea, it can be silly; fully clothed with 50 layers should stop it unless youre wet.

  9. 25 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

    I believe weather survival was part of the outfit redesign, which was postponed to a21. As for food... do you lack food? Food is too abundant to me. Also, eating to fullness twice a day is more than enough (60 min days), which is very reasonable.


    Then there's all the gaming aspects of both weather and food. For weather, for example, are you using hazmat as armor? Do you have the Well Insulated perk? Drinking coffee or yucca smoothie on the cold? For food, do you drink Red Tea before stamina-intensive tasks? Do you have the Slow Metabolism perk? Do you have ergonomic grips on the weapons and tools you use? Do you use low-stamina weapons and tools?


    I don't think the game communicates all these choices very well, and I think they are not well balanced either. The perks are too expensive in my opinion. All other things you can do to offset food and weather issues will only be acquired by the time you don't need to concern yourself with food and weather anyway. In a way, it makes sense since survival should be a struggle early on. On the other hand, the problems caused by food and weather are nowhere near the hassle that is addressing them. It's just easier to drink more water and eat more food.


    But I digress. I'm in a mood today. 😕


    This. To me the system is broken... Just eat more food, drink more water.

    I can be blinking red all day. as long as the cans of sham (lol) dont run out, its fine...


    My proposed fix would be not ideal but easy to implement.


    - Yellow sun/snow flake (increased food/water required)

    - Red sun/snow flake (food water intake match yellow but now something else should happen) like:

    -- HP loss, stam regen, speed (swing slower tools, weapons)

    -- death if you dont leave in, 15minutes?

    -- heat stroke debuff, treatable with something. if you dont leave for 15minutes

    -- frost bite debuff, treatable with something. if you dont leave for 15minutes



    as it stands now, its not a threat, at all.

  10. 1 hour ago, hiemfire said:

    A helo with a naval cannon? 25.4 mm per inch. 200/25.4= a hair over 7.87 inches. That's just about what cruisers were using as their main armament in early WW2...


    I think you meant 20mm. 😁

    Nope, i meant 2000mm... the whole thing was supposed to be ridiculous.

  11. 6 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    i have a additional question - if you doesn't want  to add trains as vehicle and useble rails , so there is any chance to be them as a props?  you know train stations, destroyed bridges with train on it etc?

    id like a more standard helicopter, the gyro is fun and all but a PITA.

    Missile mods, 200MM front mounted cannon, anti missile ordinance, and a way to grapple up and down so i can leave it hovering while i get a POI done;

    have it waiting for me safely 50meters up.

  12. 23 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    Well a long time ago, the pimps had the foresight to block areas off with radzones, then they can just un-rad them and add new features easily, or change anything they want on the main map... I do believe nav will get an update, otherwise, it will pale in comparison to Kinyajuu's RWG.  Which will be amazing.

    You sir, are saying all the right stuff :D

  13. 18 minutes ago, Khalagar said:


    This sounds like a pretty hefty amount of dev work for such a weird niche feature imo. You can just mark PoI you cleared by putting a couple of wood frames out in front and then drive around and know which ones are cleared or not.

    I dont even go that far. i usually just break out the main door(s); done lol.

  14. 8 hours ago, Roland said:


    Cities look better than they ever have in my opinion. If you are wondering if urban areas blend into suburban and then rural I would say that there is some of that in some places but in others there is a definite edge to the city and forest begins a short distance.

    That itself is kinda natural. i mean; i live in a city now that does that (IRL), on one side it kinda just stops cold and turns into a heavily wooded area.

  15. 8 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:


    Pretty much this. Smooth edges are nice but overall not super noticeable while playing if it is an either or I’d prefer more zombie variety even if it is the same zombie with different colored clothes and maybe more walk/run profiles so they appear even more different.


    I agree, Honestly I turn that @%$# off. the frame rate hit isnt worth it, i dont notice it enough at 1440p

  16. 1 hour ago, faatal said:

    It could, but should what you hit block the sound? Say it is a pole or other small obstacle, it should not, which means block shapes would have to be flagged for it. We have a lot of shapes.

    Don't know. Robert could tell you.

    Good question on the block type; would probably have to go through and add a flag to every object and query it on the raycast hit.

    If you did that though you could probably do 6 raycasts to detect sound and amplify it if your in a cave or tunnel :D

    27 minutes ago, Morloc said:


    The game's setting is thinly veiled magic too.
    Zombies cannot digest food (no heart pumping blood to distribute nutrients), and thus defy physics when they magically move around without any energy source (calories) or living muscle tissue.
    It's just easier to suspend your disbelief with zombies because you see less of the magic sausage-making.

    ...and who doesn't like magic sausage!



    Supernatural zombies rule, plague zombies drool. 🧟‍♀️



    -Arch Necromancer Morloc


    This made me chuckle :D

  17. spacer.png

    14 hours ago, Fox said:

    umm... I ain't clicking on that mess. Not only are you not a long time member here (not trusted yet), but you didn't even bother to explain or go into detail on what this topic is about. Too sus for me.

    ibb.co is a image hosting site.

    i went out of my way to show the entire URL.

    it literally is just a link to a PNG.


    I guess HTML can look like a mess to those who dont know what web code is. youre right, sorry.

  18. 2 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    Hold what ever opinion of me you want, but I suggest checking for info on the following page before assuming what a 3rd party, including Steam, posts is even in the right ballpark when it comes to versions. Specifically look for anything posted by Hated since they're the TFP staff member that handles the announcements here, though Roland also does on occasion.


    News & Announcements - 7 Days to Die


    A19.6 stable announcement:


    Steam does not post the information about a patch. The dev does.

    But keep tryin to get me, you got this.

  19. 7 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Pretty sure they say that about every alpha even months before release. "Stay tuned for Alpha [insert number here]!". A20 is coming doesn't mean anything specific. It could mean that it's coming very soon (doubtful), but it could also mean that it might be months and months out but they are now approaching the final stretch.


    Thank you, this is all I was asking before that other [new friend] told me to learn to read.

  20. 6 hours ago, meganoth said:


    **A20 news** is coming, not "A20". It must be something bigger than the usual zombie reskin so my guess would be a video about the new RWG or showing off the new NPCs.






    it doesnt say news. it says, and heres a direct quote from the steam page for the patch.

    "stay tuned, alpha 20 is coming"


    that is the whole sentence.

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