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Posts posted by Fightingchook

  1. Went though a new house last night...  have a snake and a fat head mofo in the basement... so knew it was a new A20 one.

    But couldn't tell you what the house looked like.... other than... it looked like a house. lol

    Had a carport at one end.... with roof entrance and was rectangle shape... lol.


    But did also make me think....  A house infested with snakes could be a unique thing to battle through.



  2. Sorry, not going to happen.

    Dev's are all about simplify systems now, not going back to more complicated ones.


    There are always the options for mods at a later date ;)


    I miss wet cement having to dry. lol
    But I will never go back to a previous version... because its for the greater good!

  3. Just started a new game.... have managed to find forge and concrete mixer schematics in the traders compound.


    Cool thing is... playing ground hog day... when I die... and restart... I can remember exactly the same order of trash, birds nests, cars, and boxes I looted so I can repeat it and always find the same forge and concrete mixer schematics.


    But I'm curious if i give you my seed.... and trash collection order....  can you too?

    Any volunteers ?

  4. I don't seem to have this issue.... playing permadeath and insane level I get to restart often.

    Every game in the beginning I'm always short of something... but find others...
    one game I had schematic for forge, workbench and concrete mixer on day one but was staving for weeks.
    current game found bacon and egg and red tea recipe day one and a nice compound bow week 1. but cant find a forge or concrete mixer. 

    If your looting daily.... no need to cheat.
    Good toys will turn up... eventually.

    But if you want to cheat... you do you.

  5. 16 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:

    Sounds hardcore, but staying in the forest is why your loot sucks. Other than irradiated i didnt find the other biomes much more difficult than forest, you get ferals at a certian point everywhere in the forest and it isnt much worse in the snow, just gotta watch out for bears and cougars. But im not playing insane. I should try that for my next game.

    Thanks for the tip. Have had ferals night 1 in the forest.
    Will be heading into the snow as soon as I find my next Puffer or Duster.

    Did my first Tier 1 house in the wasteland, and given Q6 compound bow and Q6 knuckles in loot. lol.
    But yeah...one really needs to secure the area before one goes in.

    And i suggest try playing with random horde nights with horde night warnings turned of as that is fun for me.
    Its not as bad as it sounds as you still get thunder after 6 pm... and you just need to be prepared.
    Rain at 5.45pm is scary though....    do I stay or do I go.... lol.

  6. 4 hours ago, ElDudorino said:


    I've heard that Insane mode is just Bullet Sponge Central so I haven't even considered it for an instant 😐



    I only play insane level always run zombies.... 
    The sledge hammer is probably the key to doing it as you can make one in first min of the game and you can still remove heads in one or 2 hits if your lucky.


    5 minutes ago, bloodmoth13 said:

    I didnt go LL on my current and have looted plenty.

    What biome were you in? forest is awful for loot, you have to go to snow to start getting decent loot. My experience in the snow biome has been ridiculous, just great loot after great loot.


    yes...living in small village in forest... with a minimal incursion into wasteland. i'm playing insane level permindeath so really dont want to be ther yet.. lol.
    But I started right next to the snow biome.... but sadly have massive mountain range and 4km between me at the snow town which i have just found with the gyro.
    Although will be planning day trips there there soon as i have just got the go to trader quest there.
    But I'm also playing random horde nights with horde night warnings turned off.... so need to plan well. ;)

  8. in the beginning of perks,... i would rush to max out pack mule.

    but once you learn about pockets it become a useless perk to me.

    Now the Penetrator is the first perk I max out.  eg: 4 heads(shots) are better than one ;)


    The Penetrator and deadeye are probably whats keeping me alive on horde night. 

    Just did a day 66 horde night.  killed 611 using 370 ap rounds with a tier 5 Lever-Action Rifle

    Playing solo permideath, vanilla except for..... insane level 64x always run zombies with random horde nights with horde warnings turned off.

  9. in my current play thought i seem to have crafted more than I ever have done previously...

    eg: workbench, cement mixer, chem station, 4x4 and gyro

    tier 5 Steel sledge, steel shovel, steel axe, Impact Driver


    This has probably because for this run though I have only put 1 point into lucky looter and have only found/brought a few nice weapons but other than that haven't found jack @%$#.

  10. been using the 4x4 and a drone in my current play-though!!!

    Having the drone just means i need to visit the 4x4 less times in mid poi so its still of a great benefit time/storage wise.
    And the 4x4 with mods extra gas tank and fuel efficient mod makes gas go a long way even on full tit.
    Have both on my gyro and will now fly 3 or 4 Km on a quarter tank of gas.
    Really have to that the devs for these a20 additives. Thxs dev's.

    So I have to disagree with OP statement.... and consider all rides got the upgrades they needed in A20.

  11. That was silly....  but a valuable lesson learnt I'm sure.

    The other day I smashed a wall and didn't realized my food box was attached too it.
    Was full of all my food... drinks, meds.... and candies... 😭
    I'm 3000 hours in this game and can still make a silly fk up too. lol.

  12. Day 44 : Built my first gyro for A20 and took it for a spin in the hope I could find a desert... went to take a picture of the next southern town over to show it off and suddenly these appeared so ended taking a few pics of these instead.

    Just the 2 blocks.... very high up and noting remotely close to them.
    They are solid eg: i crashed into one,  then couldn't pull out of the dive so ended up with a landing in a valley and i was lucky enough to walk away from.


    Temped to try and jump on one... and built a landing pad / base... lol.



    Playing the latest experimental , but this rg map was made when A20 was first released so unsure if this could be the cause.
    Can provide seed and location of the sky blocks if someone wants to see if they can replicate.
    Any one seen/ heard of this before??

    Other than that the map seems normal... I start closer to the top of the map, with massive empty snow biome mountain range to the west, radiation to the north, ocean to the east, the city pictured is a little south of my small town start. Further south is a massive wasteland with at least one medium and one large city in it.

    Although I still can't find a desert.
    I assume its beyond the wasteland fingers crossed.
    But as horde base is in my little starting town, and I'm playing permideath, insane level 64x random horde nights with horde night warnings turned off....  so it will be a mission to get me my shale...  =\



    7 Days To Die 31_01_2022 01_14_36_resize.png

    7 Days To Die 31_01_2022 01_17_30_resize.png

    7 Days To Die 31_01_2022 01_18_00_resize.png

  13. Been playing permadeath since I started in A15 so would be a nice feature to have.

    Took a while but creeped up the difficulty to what i'm playing now, insane 64x always run zombies and random horde nights 4/1 in A18
    Only time I went down in difficulty was i had 4 horde nights in a row, so changed it to 4/2 horde nights so I could get a night off. lol.

    So would be still be nice to adjust if need be. But can probably live with a settings lock too.



  14. Could make it tier...  Molis being level 1.... flamethrower level 2.....  and maybe napham or thermite or white phosphorus grenade level 3. 

    oh... maybe even a smoke grenade could be an option for diversion / escape option... lol

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