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Posts posted by Burrfly

  1. 13 hours ago, Roland said:


    No hate....but no vacuum either. You made yourself the spokesperson for all those voices you shared. That makes you the focus point for any disagreement over what those voices are saying. You and your people don't want the process to be one of subtraction. You only want it to be one of addition. You are calling upon the developers to see all these voices you found that match yours to convince them to end their method of removing and changing previous and existing features and instead switch to restoring what was removed and to only add to the game going forward.


    Your message is understood and received. 

    Thank you for the answer. I'm sorry if I pushed on too much, I won't do it again. I need to learn how to try and convince or just tell something without pushing

  2. Well I'm sorry about posting these collages, however I did say in the first one that I was probably going to receive hate, which I really did get. That's okay. Was making them with good intentions, though 😔, but apparently it got received very bad. Said multiple times that I wasn't hating on you guys, but you did hate on me for trying to raise awareness. Cool.

  3. 16 hours ago, Roland said:

    And this is your and others’ big stumbling block to being able to enjoy early access. Cuts, removals, edits, and streamlining is always part of the creative process for unfinished works. Usually we don’t see those things as we only get games in their finished form. 

    Movies are a great parallel example for this. During the editing process after all the shooting is done, there is rarely any more additional footage shot. It is almost always a process of deleting and editing out footage deemed unnecessary. 

    The problem you have is that even though you understand that the game is not finished from an intellectual standpoint, you don’t want to believe it from an emotional standpoint. Updates during early access are not DLC expansions to a complete game. They are going to include removals that never make a return. 

    As you say, for those who never experienced previous versions there is no disappointment or feeling of loss. That will be even truer for those who purchase the final finished product. 

    After the game goes gold, any future updates are likely to be exactly what you want—pure content expansion. It’s very unlikely they will change or remove anything that already exists. Until that time, we are in the editing and streamlining phase and you either need to reconcile yourself to that or just put the game aside until the final product is presented. 

    All of those negative reviews are from people who are either ignorant or don’t want to face the fact that the game isn’t finished and updates aren’t simply expansionary. They shouldn’t have participated at this stage. Early access isn’t for them. 

    Thank you for your detailled answer. Of course it is difficult to comply to each and everyones wishes, I just hope that maybe some day an option or something is added whenever you create a world which you can choose from "build path: simple" or "build path: complex". The simple build path is what it is now since alpha 20, with 4 materials, and the complex build path is somewhat how it was in alpha 17 for example, with the 11 materials (including levels). Or even just an option "blocks requires frames: yes" or "blocks requires frames: no" (rebar, metal and wood frames how it was before). For sure 99% of people truly love the features like feral sense and the improved world generation in alpha 20 but as of now I think that on the other hand, quite some people, including me, are going to go to the "older version" options in steam and switch back to alpha 16, 17 or 18, (for the sake of building) it feeling more survivalish and actually like we are constructing something (rebar frames --> has to dry --> etc etc). Progression felt slower which was great (in my opinion). Thnx 4 reading 

  4. 8 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    What you want is a development model where only stuff is added and never changed. That is possible if developers know exactly what features they want and how each fature should work. This is the easier the less you need to provide playable versions in the interim (like in closed development) and the more the game is following established trends and genre conventions (like if you are just making the next installment of a series or a copy of a successful game).


    If the developers want to create something new and need to experiment and also have to provide playable versions all the way because of EA then sorry, they have no choice.


    They added a lot of gameplay features as placeholders so they could provide early adopters with a playable game. Change is inevitable when those placeholders are replaced. They also have to adhere to some limits imposed by the engine they are using or earlier programming choices. This sometimes makes it necessary to trade one feature for another because both features together would go past the limit.

    I truly didn't say that ONLY things should be added and nothing ever has to be changed. I've said what I wanted to say to give all these reviews and people a voice.

  5. 9 hours ago, Riamus said:



    Sure, you can find negative reviews.  You can with any game.  The vast majority are positive and that's what is important.  Negative reviews for a game that is enjoyed by most players are typically either a) the player doesn't really like that type of game, or b) the player doesn't like a specific feature or features and/or doesn't like the implementation of a specific feature or features.  You can see such reviews in your example.  Such reviews are generally unimportant.  You can't please everyone and shouldn't try to do so.  If the vast majority enjoy the game, that's what it important.  A small percentage of negative reviews doesn't matter.  If the percentage is high, that is when you need to be concerned about them.


    This game is not in its final form and has been available for play for around 10 years now.  Things are going to change.  Some players like a specific feature even if the majority don't like it.  When that feature gets changed, those players will be upset.  That's just how it goes.  By playing the game now rather than waiting until gold, you are accepting that the game *will* change.  You can't really complain that it's changing because it's a known fact that it will change.  If that bothers you, you shouldn't be playing it before it goes gold.


    Even comparing certain time frames isn't really a valid comparison.  Different things determine how reviews will be at any given time.  As long as the vast majority of reviews remain positive, that's what is important.  You also have to keep in mind that few people who write reviews will edit the review at a later time.  If people write a review before a new release or directly after the release and their assumption of some change is negative, they'll write a negative review and then it'll stay there even if they later realize that they like the change.  The same is true, of course, for positive reviews made in the middle of an alpha with no changes in the air.  However, people who decide later that they don't like a game are far more likely to change their review than those who initially wrote a negative review, so that will also cause inaccuracy in the reviews and is another reason you care about the overall reviews and not the relatively few negative reviews you hand-picked.


    And it doesn't really matter if most reviews tend to be newer players who haven't played earlier alphas.  In the end, they don't care about earlier alphas and so their reviews are just as valid.  After all, it's not really any different from someone buying the gold version of a game that wasn't in early access.  They don't know how the game changed during development and it really doesn't matter to them.  All they care about is how the game is now.  Will they be upset with some changes between now and gold?  Maybe, maybe not.  Either way, the reviews that will really matter in the end are those made after gold.  And I expect those will be mostly positive.


    The simple fact that this game has some of the highest hours played per person of any non-MMO game just goes to show that this is a very good game, regardless of anyone's opinions about any changes each alpha.  Trying to drum up negativity by hand-picking negative reviews and posting them here is really just a waste of time.  Your negativity about the game's path isn't going to change the path of the game any.  And what you or any other person wants the game to be like isn't going to be the same as what others want the game to be like.  Some like hardcore challenges, some like just regular challenge, some like it to be easy.  Some like to build bases, some like to do quests and loot, some like to kill zombies, some like it all.  Anything you do that pushes the game more towards one group than another will make one group happier and the other group unhappier.  That's just how it is.  In the end, you either like the game and play it or you do not.  The choice is yours.


    Btw, that review about time to generate a map shows that some reviews just really aren't much use (negative or positive). Considering map generation takes 10-15 minutes or so, even on a slower computer in A20, the person either is extremely impatient or is reviewing an older version of the game (or it wasn't updated in 2022 and that's from back in 2015 when they originally wrote the review).  In A21, it'll be significantly faster.  But even the current speed is far from slow, considering all that it has to do.  If that feels like "55000 years" to someone, then they need to learn patience.  And considering many people make maps with third party map generators that can take far longer to generate a map, it's really not that valid of a review.

    I agree that it is more important that most people like it, of course. Change itself isn't a bad thing, but I'm just stating that quite some people, including me, worry/dislike the fact that things are being removed. Most of these reviews are not saying that this game is bad, but they're leaving this review as they notice that so many things get removed/changed for the worse and this trend is still continuing. These reviews all state that they would think this game would be in a better state if an update would have felt like great content was not being removed.


    Now I know I have easy speaking as it must be difficult to comply to so many requests. However, I just hope that TFP are looking at these reviews/messages.

    I'm just certain that there would have been less negative and more positive reviews if things that weren't broken didn't got "fixed". These reviews are just, as it may be called, concerned people that feel like something they really liked is heading into a wrong direction. Just like you would see a good friend of you take a wrong turn in life that would be bad for his/her own health - you would worry.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    Alot of those comments sound like people who fell in love with a particular iteration in development that got upset when a particular mechanic / feature changed.  I can empathize with the disappointment given how long the game has been in development.  One guy was upset with how long it takes to generate a RWG map.  Hopefully he comes back in A21, since map generation time has been significantly improved.   Thankfully, most people think positively of the game and its development (at least based on steam reviews).


    With that said, the team is super focused on adding the remaining promised features (e.g. bandits, story, etc.) and polishing and optimizing to gold.




    Edit: I would like to add that anyone who has been on these forums long enough knows that the forum moderation team here is very fair.  The only time I would see a poster get moderated and/or banned is when they couldn't accept when other forum members not agreeing with their opinions and then would start to break forum rules left and right...

    Yes, the user reviews are still very positive, but the newer reviews do include players that have not known this game as it was earlier. So, if I were to play 7 days to die knowing only 4 building materials, I wouldn't notice and I would give a positive review. It is however a difference if people were used to the 11 building materials (including different levels) which now have been reduced to 4. And again, not to hate, but comparitively speaking, jan2022-jan2023 has more negative reviews than jan2020-dec2021 (somewhere ~jan2022 alpha 20 released).

  7. No hate, but these are just parts of a lot of reviews I found of players who have the same concerns as me. I maybe will get hate due to this, heck, I may even get banned.


    (Each seperate image is from a seperate review)

  8. Hey does anyone know a mod that re-adds rebar frames and old materials? Yeah I know I mentioned "rebar frames" for the 7000th time now, I'm just pretty upset about it. Thnx 4 reading

    6 minutes ago, Burrfly said:

    Hey does anyone know a mod that re-adds rebar frames and old materials? Yeah I know I mentioned "rebar frames" for the 7000th time now, I'm just pretty upset about it. Thnx 4 reading

    Btw I actually think I have some light form of autism (no joke), and I just cannot stand change in a way that REMOVES stuff that was just great to have and I "bonded" with

  9. Alpha 21 is looking like a better update than a20 so far, just sad that you guys removed materials and rebar frames and aren't gonna add them back this update. I think it would be cool to ask your playerbase for a vote about this, maybe via Steam, 'cause I THINK that the majority liked the more materials we had back before alpha 20 more. Otherwise I'm just gonna play alpha 16 or 17. Btw no hate, just caring. Ps thnx 4 reading

  10. On 2/11/2023 at 5:02 AM, faatal said:

    It is not as I looked at it last week and the mixer is a single mesh, so you can't rotate the drum. I was thinking at least it should have a particle effect, but the code for that type of object did not support it and ten seconds later I was distracted by something else and several other things since then.

    I know it of course is a lot harder than that small incorrect code I wrote, I know. It was a bad joke of me. But thank you faatal for reacting

  11. On 1/28/2023 at 4:13 PM, Crater Creator said:


    I was just asking about this as it happens, and I was told there is no plan for animations on stations due to the logistics involved.

    if cementMixer == enabled then









    (I know it's not that simple)

  12. I made a list with small things that could relatively easily be added (but I'm not a programmer so Idk):


    - With all the new high-quality models why does a cement mixer still not visually rotate when doing stuff? That would be such a very small thing that could add a lot of livability if that even is a word.


    - If gun racks or clothing racks are empty, remove the visual items (i.e. the clothing / guns) from the 3D-object. If the container is not empty, just make them visible again.


    - Have a very simple animation play when someone is looting or using a storage container such as a chest or a cupboard. The chest or cupboard opens when in use and closes when players go out of the inventory. Such as the drawbridge does but then on a cupboard.


    - For the electrical component - the alarm/speaker - make an option for different sounds to be used when activated. For example: "Alarm 1" that goes weewooweewoo and "Alarm 2" that goes waaweewaawee or "Air Raid Siren" that goes a lot slower and is more epic which for example can be used when something extremely dangerous is triggered. Or make an option for Volume of the alarm/speaker.


    - Not so easy to add but would be so cool and add variety: a quad vehicle

  13. Hi everyone I'm curious to see how this game will become. I just wanted to mention out one thing.

    Don't make the same mistake as a lot of devs do which is focussing on graphics and visuals instead of mechanics and (new) interactive features. We don't care if something VISUAL is in detail or hyperrealistic. Btw I actually hate visual hyperrealism. We rather have cool new gameplay mechanics! :D Thank you for reading

  14. 6 hours ago, Selevan said:

    Point is, i really liked the game, back in a15-16, and since the game was being developed that way since few updates, i thought this game had a huge potential, and that im excited.


    Sadly, a17 was a complete failure, thats basically when the devs decided to completly change the game, and the 18-20 only continued that way. It keeps changing, but on the same way, it keeps getting simpler and less survivalish.


    So yeah, im writing that, because im kinda frustrated at how the game completly wasted its enourmous potential




    Considering the mess theyre doing with 7d2d, i wouldnt stay excited for any of their new game.

    His/her way of wording might be a bit "mean", but I kinda agree with him/her. I don't think a17 was a complete failure, there were a lot of cool things added, but some of the latest alpha's just keep on removing things??? And they keep on simplifying this game which indeed, makes it less survivalish... Alpha 16 felt more a survival game than alpha 20 did for me...


    That's literally what I was talking about with the simplification of the upgrade path. Come on Fun Pimps, don't remove or simplify already cool existing things! 😕 I hope TFP reads this

  15. Talking about community-feedback, I will try to sum up some things which I've read (and which I personally agree with) in the alpha 20 and 21 dev diary. Hopefully I'm correct. If I'm not, let me know.

    - Learning by Doing coming back is epic, Learning by Looting not so much because it reduces unique playstyles

    - The need of (way) more varieties of zombies because right now there are too many clones. Some people don't care about visuals like these which I wish I didn't myself either. Wether it be a random chance of them wearing a hat, a random color shirt or some more varieties in general would be greatly appreciated by the community. I personally think this small problem was not a problem back in alpha 16/17 because zombie models weren't as unique as they are now - making finding clones harder (especially from a distance)

    - In earlier alpha 20 builds especially, I read a lot and also noticed myself about there being too much ammo in loot. They reduced it in a later alpha 20 update, which is very nice. There were still some people (including me) who found ammo (including for example pipe bombs) that could be received from trader quest rewards too much

    - Some didn't mind, but I also read a lot of people (including me) not liking the reduction of building materials and their upgrade path. For example, the removal of wet and reinforced concrete, flagstone, and reinforced wood. I personally disliked this change the most because, well... this was another REDUCTION of variety which I personally think should not be the target. Simplification is often a mistake and, yeah, for new players it might be less confusing, but also the experience of learning that there are so many possibilities in this game as a new player is really fun. Well, this was for me the case absolutely when I started playing ~4 years ago in alpha 16

    - Some people have also wrote about them not liking the change of another reduction, namely the reduction of player clothing slots coming in alpha 21 if I'm correct. I do have to agree again, because this is another reduction/simplification, which... again... reduces variety, playstyle uniqueness and eventually replayability.

    Again, this was just what I've read and which I do think as well. But ofcourse this doesn't count for everyone

  16. Yes!!! Learning by doing will come back!!! That's amazing. I loved the update towards alpha 17 but missed the learning by doing in alpha 16.


    Now my only wish left is that eventually some more building materials will be (re)added :) 

  17. Holy crap, if you would take all of bachgaman's posts from the last 8 pages and place it in a list you would have to scroll for 4 hours straight. Not to be mean :) Just find it interesting that all of that 20GB of text is about how other people should play the game. Everyone should play however they like.

  18. It would be cool for skeletons to also be props just like there are some corpses as props :)

    But remember that there already will be some new skeletal remains added in alpha 20.


    We notice that you like them, XD. Maybe they will add skeletons in the future, which will be a tribute to you, but don't expect them to be in alpha 20 already, because a20 is very close to finished and devs are now focussed at fixing bugs.

  19. 5 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    it'll really highlight just how badly the game needs variants.

    Couldn't agree more. I also stated that in another forum here, that with these new looking models (even tho they look cooler) you can see duplicates even easier from far away than with the older models. Because the older models looked a little closer to each other, you couldn't see clones from a distance so easily. 


    It would be very epic if they made the zombie models themselves bald and with just underwear, and have a random shirt and random pants spawn with a random color and a random hairstyle, although I can imagine that that is a lot of work to make. It is indeed weird to see multiple exact same zombies, with the same scars, eyeballs hanging out, clothing styles, a jiggling hand etc exactly the same way.


    But, this is absolutely no hate or whatsoever, because the game is looking spookier with the new models, which I love (and I think most people do).

  20. 14 hours ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:

    Would be amazing if every map had a highway from the city to the map boundary that looked like this. Is that in the works? Would be great for car looting and also look really amazing!


    See the source image


    The Walking Dead!!! Yes, the city's from there would fit epicly in the 7 Days to Die world

  21. 3 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    We haven't heard about traders in a while. Is the plan still in the works for the inventory stock / quest rewards to get rebalanced in A20, or has this been pushed to A21? With all the patience in the world, just checking in. :)

    Do you mean that current trader rewards are too strong? Because that's what I definitely feel, oof. We get 20 pipe bombs from clearing out 6 zombies!!! 😮 I think that's way too much. 4/5 pipe bombs would've been way more balanced. But the XP and money rewards are balanced I think

  22. 7 Days to Die little review.


    Unique and/or nice things in this game:

    -          The variety of different buildings (especially with the new ones we’ve seen coming in a20)

    -          An entirely destructible open world

    -          The possibility to choose from a default made map or a randomly generated world

    -          The Random World Generation itself. I think it’s pretty good

    -          Zombie/NPC AI. I think that’s actually pretty well scripted

    -          The wide choice of building materials and blocks. (Altough I am a little sad that the upgrade path will be simplified in a20)

    -          Schematics and books

    -          The clothing system (a wide choice of unique outfits you can create with all of the clothing/armor)

    -          Stripper zombie boob physics


    Things that, in my opinion, could be improved:

    -          First and third-person player animations.

    -          The lack of variety on certain visual aspects in the game, especially zombie variety.

    -          Certain gameplay logic

    -          For example, when looting a weapons bag, if it’s storage is entirely empty, the weapons are still physically in there. It would add immersion if the physical ‘lootable’ parts of a container wouldn’t be visible if the storage is empty.


    Detailed explenation:

    -          First and third-person player animations sometimes look a little off and weird. I also think we should have a different animation on wether a melee attack hits or when it misses. Other details to animations which would be cool are player swim animations, ladder climbing animations or a short little animation that plays when you pick up a rock.

    -          Zombie variety could be improved, as you will see a lot of clones of zombies in the game, quite often even in the same building or hordes. I think variety would be improved a lot if zombies could have a random hairstyle, hair color, skin color, and maybe even clothing color or a random chance that a zombie will wear a hat. The new zombie models look very great in my opinion, and they are an improvement. But I think that with these new models, every zombie will look more unique and especially because they look so unique from each other, clones will be noticed even easier. Because the old models looked closer to each other, clones weren’t noticed from far away that easy as they will be now. Apart from zombie variety, I also think that, for example, some more vehicles could be added. Both the static environmental vehicles as well as some new rideable vehicles. An idea I had was that we can build a 4x4 with an open backside part of the vehicle as well as a jeep with a closed backside part of the vehicle. The closed jeep being a little slower than the open 4x4, but having more storage. Another idea is to have 2 bicycle types, a BMX and the bicycle we have already. But it’s nice that vehicle paint will be added in alpha 20, tho. Also, why is every food a piece of meat? Lol.

    -          Certain gameplay logic doesn’t make much sense. For example: aiming a weapon costing stamina, cooking 5 raw meat turning into 1 cooked meat, an entire building respawning once its quest marker is activated, etc. But these examples are a small little thingy (not important).

    -          When looting certain containers, for example a weapons bag, even if the storage is empty, you can still see the weapons in the physical container (the actual 3D-model). It would be more immersive if the 3D-models (of in this case the weapons) would be disabled/made invisible once the storage is empty. Same goes for example for a refridgerator, a clothing rack, and some other lootable containers.


    Special note:

    I really really like this game and it truly is unique from other games, in a great way. Personally what I love is how realism/graphics aren’t a higher priority than gameplay. I think that it’s okay that the player model doesn’t look super high quality, that some textures aren’t full HD, or that in some models you can easily see the vertices. A game doesn’t have to look amazing in order to be amazing. Gameplay is more important than visuals, right? And that’s what TFP are doing really great: keeping gameplay as a higher priority than graphics/visuals/realism, although some visual aspects of course are great if improved, but that’s less important :). Also, don’t mind the people saying ‘wow I hate it that this game has been in alpha for such a long time’. That’s totally okay. You guys are making a great game, with a relatively small team. In my opinion, TFP is doing better than Wildcard or Bethesda.


    Thank you for reading.

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