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Posts posted by Whorhay

  1. I feel like Learn By Doing is only an issue when it is something that offers a big enough advantage that it becomes a good trade off to do that grind, but the grind doesn't have any benefit other than increasing that skill. In Valheim there didn't seem to be any noticeable benefit in leveling up skills so I've never bothered trying to grind up skills. In 7DTD grinding out skills that increased the quality of tools and weapons was clearly worth it to some degree and so people felt like they had to do the grind, but they didn't enjoy it and there wasn't anything to be gained by doing that work other than the skill increases. Personally I enjoyed the grind to a point because I turned it into a minigame to be played at night to pass the hours of enforced inactivity in the early game.

  2. 12 hours ago, kumarrkirann920 said:

    The problem with this game is, that you progress way too fast. There is pretty much nothing that can stop you on day 30. You barely get to the point where hordes last all night before you are pretty much OP.

    I'm on day 68 and haven't had a horde last all night yet. I'm playing on default 60 minute days so maybe my nights are longer than yours. I am playing with max alive 16 though so the moments when there isn't a target to splatter aren't real common on horde night. I think the problem though isn't that players can progress too fast, I think it's that the game pushes players to advance as fast as possible. From day one you can run into ferals in PoI's that maybe we should know better than to be venturing into, and just sprinkled around after dark. Knowing that the horde is coming in a few hours and with pressures to get food and build a base, the game strongly pushes players to level up and fast. Personally I like that kind of pressure and stress in the game, as it is what makes replaying the game over and over fun.

  3. Top end vehicles seems like more of an early to mid game thing if you're going all into Intelligence. Maybe the difference is people buying all the perks as soon as possible in their attribute tree. In my current game I'm almost to day 70 with 60 minute days, am level 82, and have gotten to 9+1 Int, 9+1 Str, and 6 Fort. My points are focused in each of those trees to get the things I specifically wanted sooner rather than later. I did Str first, then Int, and am working up Fort now. The only cheese I've done so far has been logging out and back in on horde nights to get a fight that goes to dawn, that should really be an option in the menus. It doesn't seem like a particular challenge to get to 10 in anyone attribute.

  4. I really don't like the idea of losing all the armor and clothing stuff for a few bland sets that are meant for specific circumstances. One of the bits that I thought was really well done with the current system was that you can mix and match armor, clothing, and mods to get the results you want. With the new system we'll have to waste more inventory slots to carry around multiple outfits. And with each outfit being geared specifically towards one attribute you'll be limiting multi classing more.

  5. I don't think I've had both the shoes and jacket in the early game in awhile but it's not all that improbable, especially if you found a clothing store to raid. Steroids and Mega Crushes are a pretty common find as well from the right kind of loot containers. I frequently use them to run home fully loaded from raiding POI's in the early game. If the terrain isn't nice and flat I could easily see it being faster in practice than the Bike.

  6. There does seem to be a slim chance of finding loot from a tier above your game stage. A streamer in particular I was watching got a double barreled shotgun out of a bag on the first day. In my own game I didn't manage to find a DBS until I had actually purchased a Pump Shotgun from a trader after the second week. I had gotten plenty of pistols a few AK's and a couple Hunting rifles but no real shotguns. Which of course figures because I had all my points sunk into strength and kept Boomstick maxed out. I gotta say though that a Blunderbuss or two with a bandolier mod will do some incredible work. It took until day 26 to find a Q2 Steel Sledge, and Day 33 to finally find the schematic to make a good one. Even having bad luck getting the gear for my chosen skills the game has felt very good.

  7. I'm looking forward to POI's having bonus loot levels. To keep them from being cheesed as hard as in A18 perhaps the bonus loot levels could scale depending on how well cleared the POI is. The game can clearly already track whether or not all of the zombies in a POI have been spawned and killed, see clear quests. So scale the loot bonus based on the clear percentage. Heck, you could even make the scale work such that the loot room containers all have a negative loot level modifier until some arbitrary percentage of the zombies have been killed and then let that loot bonus go up and hit 100% of it's assigned value once 80-90% of the zombies have been killed.

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