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  1. Thanks for the help. I finally got mine to start by reinstalling Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022. The log file says I was missing it. I probably had an old version installed. Might want to verify that if you're having issues.
  2. Same for me, too. Error message on the 7DaysToDieServer.exe in red says: "No server config file loaded ("-configfile=somefile.xml" not given or could not be loaded) And this appears in the logfile: 2021-12-06T15:37:08 0.710 ERR ==================================================================================================== 2021-12-06T15:37:08 0.711 ERR Specified configfile not found: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Steam\Alpha20serverconfig.xml 2021-12-06T15:37:08 0.711 ERR ==================================================================================================== 2021-12-06T15:37:08 0.711 INF Dedicated server only build
  3. Here's your "serious counter argument": TFP are artificially delaying release to the people who have actually plunked down money to buy the game in "early access". Since there are no in-game purchases or upgrades available, why would they disrespect their customers by not releasing to everyone at the same time? We paid for "early access" and, unfortunately we're getting "delayed access" once some ass-hat streamers -- who some/most don't even know how to play the game -- get to demo it for mainly people who bought the game years ago and would like nothing more than to play it themselves. In my mind, it's a mockery of early access and a total disrespect to their paying customers. As if that isn't enough, I find the fatal flaw actually in the so-called marketing. If they are actually trying to attract customers, what better way than to offer "buy today, play today" while watching a streamer? But even more egregious is TFP logic of releasing to streamers on a Friday to showcase all their bugs in the wild. That seems pretty risky, to give it to streamers to show it off, warts and all, with no one actively working over the weekend to fix them as they come up. What happens if a showstopper is uncovered on a live-stream that breaks the game and ruins the stream? But you say, "That won't happen as all of the MF bugs have been fixed and QA is under control." Then why the hell aren't you releasing to the people who have already paid? Bottom line, the "serious counter argument" is that TFP are disrespecting their paying customers in a misguided attempt to attract new ones. It's especially ironic that in selling a game with "early access", they are actually delaying access to the ones who have been supporting them for so long. I'd love to hear a serious rebuttal of these uncontroversial points.
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