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Posts posted by Mastermind

  1. I think for melee weapon, using the one you are specced into is more or less a requirement for the stamina alone. I'll sometime use the machete for the 800% crit(even though I didn't do the math to know if it's actually worth it 😛 ), but other than that, I'll only use the specced melee weapon.


    For ranged, that's different.  I'll usually specs for the weapon in the same tree as my melee weapon.  But in most case, the tree's weapons don't cover all "use case". For example, strength,  you get the shotgun.  Shotguns are awesome... At close range.  So when I'm specced in shotgun, I'll always also carry a sniper rifle even if I'm not specced in it because it's a role my specced weapon doesn't cover. But I usually won't use the assault rifle because it overlaps in role with the shotgun. (Though, I might make an exception when I start drowning in 7.62s)

  2. 11 hours ago, AtomicUs5000 said:
    11 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:

    today we made a snow quest 4+1,5  (with 3 players)

    after shooting 3 zombies > 1 screamer, after then all 30sek a new screamer...we dont had a chance to enter the building because it was so much zombies outside, it was impossible

    we have counted 13screamer in 12min...

    we made a quest lvl 3 NO screamer...lvl 2 NO screamer, lvl1 no screamer..only at 4+


    whats going wrong

    This almost sounds like a bug


    After about 80 hours in A21, I've had a single screamer that wasn't mining related, and that was clearing a T6 infestation. So yeah, definitely sounds like a bug.

  3. Tried to google around and didn't find any reference to it.  So I figured I'd share it here in case this would help anyone.


    So, as the title suggest, I was in a POI that didn't spawn all zombie.  Happened because of a switch/button that failed to reset properly. I tried to destroy the door it was controlling, but didn't work.  Destroying the switch itself on the other hand immediately spawned the zombies.


    Might not work all the time, but a saved T6 is a saved T6! :)

  4. A little follow up.  I managed to fix my issue. In case someone else encounter the same problem, here's what I did.


    I went to level a 2nd trader up to T5.  Once at T5, I did a T5 POI (actually, I did 2) I had previously done with Trader #1. After that, not only did Trader#1 started offering quest within 1km again, he started offering T6 quest again too.


    Maybe it didn't need to be T5 that were previously visited with Trader #1 though.

  5. 2 hours ago, Polymyxin said:

    I just want to know how to get solar cells to show up for sale.

    IIRC, 1 trader is more likely than the other to have them in stock, I don't remember which one though. Based on the wiki, I'd say it's probably Trader Bob.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Also, there aren't T6 quests in the game.  Only T1-T5.  T5 Infestation is like a T6 quest but is still a T5 quest.

    T6 ARE in the game.


    They are exclusively infestation quest at T5 POI.  That's why you don't get T1 infestation.  An infested T1 POI is a T2 quest.



  7. I didn't play much since A19, so that may be old news.  But I'm having this issue.  Back in A19, trader would give quest to more or less the same POI over and over and over (especially for T5 on small maps).


    Now, it seems that once I do a POI as a quest, it's removed from the quest pool.  I have a trader that used to have pretty much all quest within 1km.  Now, he doesn't offer me anything closer than 4km for some tier.  He doesn't even offer me any T6 quest anymore. So, I was wondering, is it :

    • How it is supposed to work now?
    • An issue with A21?
    • Maybe a bug because the world was started on b313 and I'm now playing on B317?
  8. On 9/25/2021 at 11:04 AM, Maharin said:

    I actually miss that game and wish it could be revived in some way.

    It's actually possible to play it right now.  (well... true as of 6 month ago I should say). The client is still available, I believe straight from Turbine. And there are a few servers available to play on, (although I only manage to log on 1...)


    You need to jump through a few hoops to get there, (like get the ThwargLauncher), but if you really want your nostalgia fix, it's nothing too complicated, just google it.

  9. 10 hours ago, ungkor said:

    Should I hold off on wrenching cars until later levels to maximize the amount of engines I can find?

    Since POIs respawn their cars too, you can get an infinite amount of engines.  I find it hard to maximize infinity.

  10. One of my favorite mechanic from past alphas was how we had to draw our own blood to craft medkits. (I think blood bag were also lootable, but super rare). IIRC, it reduced your current health a little, and gave you a short debuff (like 15 mins). It was nice and somewhat realistic survival mechanic. First thing I'd do when I was getting home for the night would be to draw some blood (usually 2 bags).  By morning, the debuff would be gone and most health recovered from natural healing. Then the mechanic was removed because people would draw blood until they died, respawn, draw blood until they die, respawn, etc. until they had a stack of blood bag. #thatswhywecanthavenicething


    I really think current penalty for dying is way too mild. But since this can be pretty arguable, maybe the penalty for dying should be a setting.  Something like 

    • None
    • Mild
    • Annoying
    • Harsh
    • Nightmarish
    • You'd rather be dead IRL

    How that would translate in game mechanics terms would need to be determined.

  11. 5 hours ago, meganoth said:

    But for that to happen you have to give newcomers the chance to drop bad habits learned from arguing in steam forums 😁


    I'd have a hard time throwing the first stone...  I definitely didn't like the tone of the OP, came to me as too entitled/spoiled bratish to my liking. (And god there's nothing that triggers me like that kind of behavior).  Maybe that's only my own perception though.


    Otherwise, I don't mind a dead horse beating worthy post.  Newcomer or not.  Even veterans might have missed the dead horse beating and might come for more.

  12. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Everyone is free to give his opinion here, even if someone likes realism 😉.

    And yet, he fails to address the most glaring issue.

    "WTH are there zombies in this game!?!?!?!  Zombies don't exists!!!!!!"

  13. I never really had much problem finding all the zombies in any POI (Including T5s)...  But I tend to follow the predefined "path" through them.


    That being said, 1 thing I definitely wouldn't be opposed to is : Make zombies that are part of a "trap" not count toward clearing the POI. Right now, we are kindda forced to fall in traps to clear POI which is lame.  For some trap floor, you are forced to fall into as zombies won't spawn if you manage to stay on the floor above, so you can't even snipe them from the upper floor (or you need to abuse foreknowledge of said trap and get them through the wall from the lower level).


    And as BFT2020 mentioned, what takes time is looting, not so much clearing.  The only POI I can see taking more than 1 day clearing is probably Dishong Tower.  Crack-a-Book and Higashi skyscraper are 10-15 mins in "speed clearing" mode. (On default difficulty setting anyway).

  14. Right now is probably the worst moment to buy something new.  With all the releases, it's probably better to wait a month or 2.


    Depending on your budget, it might be better to aim for last generation, depending on price changes.  7DTD might not be crazy optimized(yet), but you don't need the latest and greatest either, especially on the CPU side. Until last year, I was still gaming on a FX 8350. I upgraded to a Ryzen 5 3600, but I haven't seen much difference to be honest. Maybe on some compute-intensive game (like mega factories in Factorio), but other than that, not much to write home about.


    About resolution,  getting 2K was nice...  on a 27". If you're on a 22", that would be overkill. And below 32", 4K is probably overkill too.


    As for GPU,  AMD is presenting their new one next week.  They had a benchmark preview of it earlier this month (when presenting their new CPU)suggesting it was competitive with the 3080, and there are speculations suggesting that the number presented wasn't even for their biggest GPU.  I guess we'll know next week.  I'm running the 5700XT so... I'll probably skip this generation.


    About Intel vs AMD...  Yeah, AMD didn't compete with intel at the high end...  But they were always competitive in the rest of the spectrum (Except maybe the bulldozer era). There was people claiming "AMD is slower" and I was like "At any price point I care about, AMD is faster!". So, the fact that AMD now compete again with Intel in the high end isn't all that relevant to me because this is at a price point I don't really care about. I guess I just prefer value to flair.

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