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Record Comments posted by BFT2020

  1. FYI this bug report will get moved by the TFP team:


    1) This is the PC bug report section.  TFP does not fix console bugs

    2) Did not use the form for reporting the issue.


    If you want assistance in addressing console issues of the game, go to the console section of the forums (bottom 3) and ask in there.  They might be able to help you there.

  2. On 1/23/2022 at 10:52 AM, TSBX said:

    Confirmed, I've been seeing this and will add this data to my ticket. Thank you!


    Is this related to mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll  error I been seeing in my crash reports (sorry at work so I can't check as they block pastebin)?  I am working on reproducing / trying out different things before I make a bug report and saw this so wanting to verify prior to going further if it is already known.

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