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Posts posted by Thaledwyn

  1. Could we get an option in the extended map generation menu to NOT show the preview? (maybe Preview: None, Lowest, Low, etc....)

    So we could just create a new world with special biome settings etc. without knowing what's coming / how the map is looking?


    At the moment I place an Explorer window in front of the map preview until it is generated so I will not get spoilered 🙂

  2. Just started UL with my wife and a good friend last night.


    After 1000h in vanilla, 7days feels kind of a new game.


    We set it to warrior difficulty which is normally no problem at all, but in UL the zombies seem to have much more life (or starter weapons are just @%$# 🙂 ) and are a little bit faster.


    We also have to get used to also pick up things instead of only crafring them. But so far it is a lot of fun.


    Just one question: It is normal that map creation takes up to 16GB RAM on a random 6k map? Didn't notice this for vanilla.

    We also had the impression that there is some interference with Discord which made both crash (game and Discord).

  3. Hey,


    I've got some questions about The 7th Curse reward for reading all brawler books:



    The 7th unarmed strike landed in a short time does 300% damage


    1. Is there any visual or audio indicator for this? If not, could you please add one?

    2. How long is the "short time"?

    3. Is the counter binded to the player or to the target? (Does it reset to 0 if I change targets?)


  4. Hi,


    does the loot during quest POIs depend on character level or not?


    Because we are at around character level 30 (day 25) and did tier 1 quests from another trader we were sent to.

    The loot inside this tier 1 POI felt like it was from a fresh new game: 1 bone, 1 paper... nothing of interest, really cheap loot.


    Please confirm.

  5. We have a double Int game running because we wanted to do "trap only" horde nights without shooting. Just sit back, relax and do some trap repairing from time to time.

    Both have Advanced engineering 5/5 to get max exp.


    The problem is:

    Only the player who's trap does the kill gets the exp.


    Maybe there could also be some other options:

    - Share upgrade exp

    - Share mining exp

    - etc.


  6. See this archived thread. Are there any news about this important topic?


    Very sad if you go Int/trap build in multiplayer while playing with your friends / wife / etc. and xp with trap kills is not shared at all....


    Wish we had this info earlier... So traps in multiplayer games are just useless for now...


    Maybe make this a multiplayer option "Share trap XP" or similar (could be turned off by default).

  7. Hi,


    I started a new random map 4096x4096 and did about 9 lvl1 quests.


    No trading route quest opened up until now.


    When do these quests normally appear? After 5 successful quests I thought? Or does it depend on game stage?

    I died on very first trader quest if this info is relevant.

  8. So we played a random 8k map and had the impression that we got T2/T3 loot much faster than in Navezgane or one of the pregen worlds.


    Is this true? Or just lucky RNG?


    Should we play Navezgane only to properly slow down loot progression? (don't want to find a M60 in the first loot container...)


    Next random try:

    - Loot seems ok but trader's inv is MUCH too high!
    - Buyable Iron knuckles, military gear, pumpgun...

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