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Posts posted by hiddenyak

  1. Hello, the armor ratings for various pieces of armor in the game are defined by a number with precision up to the hundredths place, however the UI only shows up to the ones place. This makes it annoying to determine whether an armor piece is superior to another without doing trial and error with several pieces. I find this process a little ridiculous, so I was interested if anyone else ran into this issue and had a solution.

  2. 19 hours ago, Gamida said:

    Not sure if you know or not but the crates can be made writable.




    Unless you are talking about one with the picture labels.

    wait, how do you do that???

    1 minute ago, hiddenyak said:

    wait, how do you do that???

    I figured it out, thanks!!

  3. 33 minutes ago, Telric said:

    I'm not sure if this is the way to do it or not, but all of my [contains] codes dont use the single quotes... example:

    /lootcontainers/lootcontainer[contains(@loot_quality_template, qual)]

    not sure if the single quotes are needed or not.. are you getting any xpath warnings saying its not appending or anything? seems to me the path is correct.

    Also, if you aren't getting any messages about it not appending correctly, do the exportconfigs command and look into that. See if it's putting it in a weird spot or something like that.

    Dude I accidentally had two mods with the same name!! I feel so silly. Thanks for your help it caused me to figure it out!

    14 minutes ago, khzmusik said:



    Either one will work. The second one will only target guns that have an "effect_group" with "gun" in the effect group's name, but as it so happens, that's true of all guns.


    If you want to make sure you target that passive effect, no matter where it is in the XML, you can start with two slashes ("//"). That means "any node in the XML file." (Technically it means "any descendant of the current node" but 7D2D always starts at the root of the current XML document.)


    You also don't need the "contains" function, because "SpreadMultiplierAiming" is the full name.


    But - there are different operations on the spread multiplier. Some passive effects use "base_set", some use "perc_add", and so forth. You're setting all of those values to zero too.


    This is what I'd do:

    <set xpath="//passive_effect[@name='SpreadMultiplierAiming' and @operation='base_set']/@value">0</set>


    To see if it worked, you can load up the game, go to the console (usually F1), and enter the command "exportcurrentconfigs". That will output the transformed XML files (the console will say where) and you can look at them by hand.

    Thank you so much man, this is so helpful for me ❤️❤️❤️ 

  4. Hi friends. I'm trying to use a conditional to set the value of "SpreadMultiplierAiming" (which is nested within an effect_group) to 0 for all guns.


    I've tried a couple variations of this:

    <set xpath="/items/item[contains(@name, 'gun')]/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'SpreadMultiplierAiming')]/@value">0</set>

    But none work.

    Can I use a conditional statement to navigate into an effect_group like this? Or am I way off?

  5. 8 minutes ago, v3tro said:


    While I agree that there should be key bind options for HOLDE/TOGGLE ADS, I hope that hybrid is also an option as I prefer current ADS hybrid system. Hold for ADS or simply click for toggle. Easy to use and practical.

    P.S. I  play competitive FPS games and wouldn't call current system terrible. Suits this game. 

    Its not easy to use or practical though, its clunky and bad user interface. If some people like it, fine. If they want to leave it as an option or the default, fine. Just add the standard input method used by every other game, which feels much better. Please. I'm just asking for the option. I'm sure it is not very difficult and it would make many people happy. Thanks.

  6. Hi all.

    I'm trying to create a simple mod to set the value of SpreadMultiplierAiming to 0 for all guns. Instead of doing this by hardcoding each of the values for every weapon, I would like to use one of these "contains" functions to do it programmatically, and thus support any guns added from mods as well.


    I know that this line will work for disabling crosshair on aiming for all guns:

    <set xpath="/items/item[contains(@name, 'gun')]/property[contains(@name, 'CrosshairOnAim')]/@value">true</set>


    I am trying to get the same functionality for work for "SpreadMultiplierAiming". The issue I'm having is that this value is nested within an effect_group, and I'm not sure what the syntax would look like here.

    I have tried the following:

    <set xpath="/items/item[contains(@name, 'gun')]/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'SpreadMultiplierAiming')]/@value">0</set>


    <set xpath="/items/item[contains(@name, 'gun')]/effect_group[contains(@name, 'gun')]/passive_effect[contains(@name, 'SpreadMultiplierAiming')]/@value">0</set>


    But neither seem to work.


    Any input would be appreciated!


  7. 2 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Yeah, looks like I had a reference to a file that I got rid of. Git should be good to go now. Nexus is on the way, probably an hour or so out.

    Thanks cutie 😁

  8. Hi, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. My game version is 19.5. When I put the extracted directory "Bdubs Vehicles" into my "Mods" folder, I get infinite:NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    This is the only mod I have installed, and I get this error when trying to generate a new world. Thanks.

  9. 6 hours ago, TheWrongMexican said:

    Sorry for the question. Still trying to figure out mods myself. I love this hud. I am having trouble understanding where the color for the hud is changed. I read where you said it could be changed. I am just not sure what line needs to be changed in the styles.xml. Can you give me a clue where to find the values to change. I want a blue or teal color for it. Thank you

    Are you wanting to change the orange lines to teal?

    <style_entry name="mainLineColor"						value="255,128,0,255" />

    This is the line in styles.xml that dictates the color for the lines around the screen. Just change the value to a color you prefer.

  10. Hey, I made a forum account just to post on this thread. I really like the style of this hud you created SirillionI just installed it onto my server and I think it looks nice. Would it be possible to remove the long orange lines on the right and left side of the screen? I find them a bit distracting. Is this something I can just do myself?

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