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Kato I

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Posts posted by Kato I

  1. 6 hours ago, ztensity said:

    I appreciate it guys!


    Once A20 is officially released and hopefully I'm in a better healthy mindset, I will try to return.


    Once I do return, I will likely rollback UI elements entirely to make UBBI more compatible with UI mods like Sirilion's SMX UI modlet. I will also work on additional tweaks, slight fixes for A20 and potential additions. I don't know what all I'll do beyond these couple things listed, but I won't abandon the mod.


    I appreciate your guys understanding on this!


    Thank you.

    Thank you very much for your work!

  2. How to add the Prefab of the farm "TelricsHorses2.0A19" to "CompoPack_47" for generating a map in "Nitrogen"?


    1. Copy all FILES from the "CompoPack_47" "Prefabs"-folder into your Gamefolder "...\Data\Prefabs\".
    IMPORTANT: Please copy just the files from the folder, DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THE WHOLE PREFAB-FOLDER ITSELF (else it will not work) !!!


    2. Copy all FILES from the "TelricsHorses2.0A19" "Prefabs"-folder into your Gamefolder "...\Data\Prefabs\".
    If the mod was installed from "7DModLuncher" the folder in the game will be located here: "...7DTD\Alpha19\zombira\zombira_-_stable\Data\Prefabs".
    IMPORTANT: Please copy just the files from the folder, DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THE WHOLE PREFAB-FOLDER ITSELF (else it will not work) !!!


    3. Open the file "prefablist_CompoPack_47.txt" from the "CompoPack_47" "NitrogenFiles"-folder and insert the line into the "//FARM POI'S" section:
    And save it.
    I attached my file below for an example.


    4. Move all 3 ".txt" files from the "CompoPack_47" "NitrogenFiles"-folder into the "Resource" folder of "Nitrogen".


    5. Customise your world with the many options available


    6. Generate and copy your map-folder into your Gamefolder "...\Data\Worlds\".
    If the mod was installed from "7DModLuncher" the folder in the game will be located here: "...7DTD\Alpha19\zombira\zombira_-_stable\Data\Worlds".


    7. Start a new Game and choose the name of your own generated world - then you will have plenty of new buildings everywhere, including "TelricsHorses2.0A19" farm.


    I tested - it's works :) 
    Thanks for Zombie Hunter



    PS. The ".pille" file is not needed.

    prefablist_CompoPack_47 + MaybellsFarm from TelricsHorses2.0A19 mod.txt

  3. 9 hours ago, Telric said:

    I think all that can be found in the xml and in the prefab editor.. The facenorth is 0. The y offset is -7. The size is 81,47,78. As for the .pille file, I'd assume that's from pilles prefab editor, which is another thing ive never used lol... Maybe just loading the prefab into that editor and saving it would generate a .pille.... But i'm not sure.

    Also note that the xmls are set to have this:

      <property name="Zoning" value="ResidentialOld, Commercial" />
      <property name="AllowedBiomes" value="burnt_forest,snow,plains,pine_forest,forest,desert" />

    Not sure if that's needed for nitro or not.

    Zombie Hunter, thanks :)  I was wrong earlier. The correct line looks like this:



    It would be nice to add MaybellsFarm(by_Telrics) :) But for this you probably need to rename all files and links in them to each other?

    As for the .pille, it is not needed, this is the format of the Pille prefab editor.

    I think many will like it, many are playing on their own maps. Keep it up, please in mod :) in Nitrogen.txt maybe?

  4. 44 minutes ago, Telric said:

    Hey thanks for playing! For that, I have no idea. I've never messed with compo pack and nitrogen together. That might be a better question to ask in nitrogen's thread.. How to add prefabs to the gen list.. Sorry I dont have a direct answer :(

    Thanks for the answer Zombie Hunter :)

    We need a line like this: "army_barracks_01, INDUSTRIAL, 2, -5,51,40,97, alone"
    csv format: prefab_filename, 7DtD zone (ignored), face north, y-offset, x,y,z, NitroGen zone (; as delimiter)
    * prefab_filename: We need "MaybellsFarm"
    * 7DtD zone: We need "FARM" - farmhouses and fileds, watertower
    * NitroGen zone: We need "alone"  - single POI in the countryside, camps, bases, huts


    As a result: "MaybellsFarm, FARM, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, alone"
    * Only the coordinates remain "face north, y-offset, x,y,z". Can you identify them?

    But, for Nitrogen, we also need a file like this "MaybellsFarm.pille".
    As I understand it, ".pille" this is a 3D data storage format.
    I'm not sure if it is needed critically, but other prefabs have it.

  5. Hi. Error at the start of the game (a19B-157):

    2020-07-04T18:23:39 14.612 ERR [XUi] Failed initializing window group optionsVideo
    2020-07-04T18:23:39 14.612 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at XUiC_OptionsVideo.Init () [0x00305] in <0c949f10576a43eb96fc60b6c07b8bdf>:0 
      at XUiController.Init () [0x00023] in <0c949f10576a43eb96fc60b6c07b8bdf>:0 
      at XUiWindowGroup.Init () [0x00009] in <0c949f10576a43eb96fc60b6c07b8bdf>:0 
      at XUi+<LoadAsync>d__204.MoveNext () [0x00276] in <0c949f10576a43eb96fc60b6c07b8bdf>:0 
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    (Filename: <0c949f10576a43eb96fc60b6c07b8bdf> Line: 0)


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