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Posts posted by Funukemaguro

  1. 1 hour ago, LootGoblin said:

    Now it's getting confusing. I also posted a translation but into german. Though, without your translation.
    @Izayo is there a git, where people like us can participate without leaving someone behind? Would be sad if someone translated already some strings, and then they get just ignored.

    I am sorry if I have caused any trouble or offended you in any way by the translations I have posted.

    You are right, it would be useful to have a place where multiple people can translate multiple languages and refer to, share, change, or suggest translations.
    Like "Weblate" for example.

  2. 9 hours ago, Funukemaguro said:
    Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese,spanish
    IZYspecialgunpartShotgun,items,gun,,Special Gun Parts(Shotgun),Special Gun Parts(Shotgun),,,,,,スペシャルガンパーツ(ショットガン),,,,,,,,
    ammoShotgunShellFlechette,items,ammo,,Shotgun Flechette Darts(Ammo),Shotgun Flechette Darts(Ammo),,,,,,ショットガン用フレシェット弾(弾薬),,,,,,,,
    ammoShotgunShellFlechetteDesc,items,ammo,,This shell fires multiple darts.\nLet's rip their armor to shreds!\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.,This shell fires multiple darts.\nLet's rip their armor to shreds!\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.,,,,,,小さなダーツを大量に発射するショットガン用の拡散貫通弾です。\n相手のアーマーをボロボロにしてやりましょう!\nリロード長押しで別の弾薬を使用できます。,,,,,,,,
    ammoShotgunShellTokenShot,items,ammo,,Shotgun Token Coins(Ammo),Shotgun Token Coins(Ammo),,,,,,ショットガン用コインショット弾(弾薬),,,,,,,,
    ammoShotgunShellTokenShotDesc,items,ammo,,It is an improvised shell that shoots out token coins instead of pellets.\nYou feel like a cool western outlaw.\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.,It is an improvised shell that shoots out token coins instead of pellets.\nYou feel like a cool western outlaw.\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.,,,,,,カジノトークンをペレットの代わりに撃ち出す即席の散弾です。\n気分はイカした西部劇のアウトローです。\nリロード長押しで別の弾薬を使用できます。,,,,,,,,
    ammoShotgunSuperpenetratorslug,items,ammo,,Shotgun Super Penetrator Slug(Ammo),Shotgun Super Penetrator Slug(Ammo),,,,,,ショットガン用高貫通スラグ弾(弾薬),,,,,,,,
    ammoShotgunSuperpenetratorslugDesc,items,ammo,,It is an armor-piercing slug round with enhanced penetrating power.\nEven military body armor cannot stand a chance against this penetrating force.\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.,It is an armor-piercing slug round with enhanced penetrating power.\nEven military body armor cannot stand a chance against this penetrating force.\nHold reload to use alternate ammo.,,,,,,より貫通力を高めた徹甲スラグ弾です。\nこの貫通力の前では軍用ボディーアーマーですらひとたまりもありません。\nリロード長押しで別の弾薬を使用できます。,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT1shotgunDoublebarrellong,items,gun,,Double-Barrel Shotgun/Long (T1),Double-Barrel Shotgun/Long (T1),,,,,,ロングバレルダブルバレルショットガン (T1),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT1shotgunDoublebarrellongDesc,items,gun,,"""A long-barreled side-by-side shotgun with a low ammunition capacity, but capable of rapid rapid firing faster than a semi-auto guns.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""A long-barreled side-by-side shotgun with a low ammunition capacity, but capable of rapid rapid firing faster than a semi-auto guns.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,ロングバレルの水平二連ショットガンです。\n装弾数は少ないですがセミオート銃よりも素早く連射出来ます。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに。,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT1shotgunBoltactionShotgun,items,gun,,Higgins Bolt-Action Shotgun(T1),Higgins Bolt-Action Shotgun(T1),,,,,,ボルトアクションショットガン (T1),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT1shotgunBoltactionShotgunDesc,items,gun,,"""This is a bolt-action hunting shotgun. Let's go deer hunting for dinner tonight.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""This is a bolt-action hunting shotgun. Let's go deer hunting for dinner tonight.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,ボルトアクション方式の狩猟用ショットガンです。\n今晩のディナーに鹿でも狩りに行きましょう。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに。,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT1shotgunModel1887,items,gun,,Model 1887 Shotgun (T1),Model 1887 Shotgun (T1),,,,,,ウィンチェスターM1887 (T1),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT1shotgunModel1887Desc,items,gun,,"""This is a lever-action shotgun. Even if liquid metal killing machines come from the future, this is all you need.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""This is a lever-action shotgun. Even if liquid metal killing machines come from the future, this is all you need.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,レバーアクション方式のショットガンです。\n液体金属の殺人マシーンが未来からやってきてもこれがあれば大丈夫。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに。,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT2shotgunM31hunter,items,gun,,M31 Hunter (T2),M31 Hunter (T2),,,,,,M31 ハンター (T2),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT2shotgunM31hunterDesc,items,gun,,"""A masterpiece of pump-action shotguns. Even though it is old, it has enough performance to kill zombies.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""A masterpiece of pump-action shotguns. Even though it is old, it has enough performance to kill zombies.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,ポンプアクション式散弾銃の傑作。\n古くても十分戦える性能です。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに。,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT2shotgunM1897,items,gun,,M1897 Trench Gun (T2),M1897 Trench Gun (T2),,,,,,M1897トレンチガン (T2),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT2shotgunM1897Desc,items,gun,,"""This is an antique, but sturdy and reliable shotgun, that saw great action in WW I. Let's dig trenches and intercept the zombies.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""This is an antique, but sturdy and reliable shotgun, that saw great action in WW I. Let's dig trenches and intercept the zombies.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,第一次世界大戦で活躍した骨董品ですがタフで頑丈なショットガンです。\n塹壕を掘ってゾンビどもを迎え撃ちましょう。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに。,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT2shotgunM870Police,items,gun,,M870 Police Shotgun (T2),M870 Police Shotgun (T2),,,,,,M870ポリスショットガン (T2),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT2shotgunM870PoliceDesc,items,gun,,"""This is a police-grade shotgun suitable for riot control. It will work well enough even if the rioters are replaced by zombies.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""This is a police-grade shotgun suitable for riot control. It will work well enough even if the rioters are replaced by zombies.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,暴動鎮圧に適した警察仕様のショットガンです。\n暴徒がゾンビになっても充分な活躍をしてくれるでしょう。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに。,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT3shotgunM4terminator,items,gun,,M4 Terminator (T3),M4 Terminator (T3),,,,,,M4ターミネーター (T3),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT3shotgunM4terminatorDesc,items,gun,,"""These semi-automatic shotguns are also used by Navy SEALs. Locked doors and zombies are all the same once you punch a hole in them.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""These semi-automatic shotguns are also used by Navy SEALs. Locked doors and zombies are all the same once you punch a hole in them.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,海兵隊も愛用するセミオートショットガンです。\n鍵のかかったドアもゾンビも穴をあけてしまえばどちらも同じです。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT3shotgunXM12G,items,gun,,XM-12 Automatic Shotgun (T3),XM-12 Automatic Shotgun (T3),,,,,,XM-12オートショットガン (T3),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT3shotgunXM12GDesc,items,gun,,"""Outstanding capacity! Outstanding rate of fire! Let's push back the onrushing zombies!\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""Outstanding capacity! Outstanding rate of fire! Let's push back the onrushing zombies!\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,圧倒的装弾数!圧倒的連射速度!\n押し寄せるゾンビを押し返してやりましょう!\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT3shotgunM590S,items,gun,,M590 Special (T3),M590 Special (T3),,,,,,M590スペシャル (T3),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT3shotgunM590SDesc,items,gun,,"""This shotgun is widely used for military, law enforcement, and civilian use. It is light, easy to handle, and a reliable partner with high durability.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""This shotgun is widely used for military, law enforcement, and civilian use. It is light, easy to handle, and a reliable partner with high durability.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,軍・警察・民間と広く使われているショットガンです。\n軽くて扱いやすく、高い耐久性の頼れる相棒です。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT4shotgunSaika12g,items,gun,,Saika 12 Automatic Shotgun (T4),Saika 12 Automatic Shotgun (T4),,,,,,SAIKA12 オートショットガン (T4),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT4shotgunSaika12gDesc,items,gun,,"""AK that fires 12-gauge shells! High rate of fire, high reliability, and can fight zombies in wasteland.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""AK that fires 12-gauge shells! High rate of fire, high reliability, and can fight zombies in wasteland.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,12ゲージシェルを発射するAK!\n高い連射性能に高い信頼性、どんな荒野でもゾンビと戦えます。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに。,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT4shotgunHEXAGun,items,gun,,HEXAGUN (T4),HEXAGUN (T4),,,,,,HEXAリボルバーショットガン (T4),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT4shotgunHEXAGunDesc,items,gun,,"""Revolver-type shotgun. More accurate than a semi-auto and faster rate of fire than a pump action.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""Revolver-type shotgun. More accurate than a semi-auto and faster rate of fire than a pump action.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,リボルバー式ショットガンです。\nセミオートよりも精度が良く、ポンプアクションより素早く連射できます。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに。,,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT4shotgunSPAS12,items,gun,,SPAS-12/Semi-Automatic (T4),SPAS-12/Semi-Automatic (T4),,,,,,SPAS-12セミオートショットガン (T4),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT4shotgunSPAS12Desc,items,gun,,"""It is an Italian-made combat shotgun, an excellent product that cannot be compared to hunting or competition shotguns.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""","""It is an Italian-made shotgun for combat use, an excellent product that cannot be compared to hunting or competition shotguns.\n\nRepair with a Repair Kit.\nScrap to Shotgun Parts.""",,,,,,イタリア製の戦闘用散弾銃です。\n狩猟用や競技用とは比べ物にならない優秀な逸品。\n\n修理キットで修復可能。\n解体するとショットガンパーツに。,,,,,,,,


    Sorry, there was a mistake in the Japanese translation I just posted.
    I have corrected the description of ammunition capacity in the description of the HEXAGUN. In addition, I have also improved and rewritten some other descriptions.
    Also, I may be meddling, but I translated it into English.


    Glad to hear it will be added to V2.


  3. Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese,spanish
    IZYspecialgunpartShotgun,items,gun,,Special Gun Parts(Shotgun),Special Gun Parts(Shotgun),,,,,,スペシャルガンパーツ(ショットガン),,,,,,,,
    ammoShotgunShellFlechette,items,ammo,,Shotgun Flechette Darts(Ammo),Shotgun Flechette Darts(Ammo),,,,,,ショットガン用フレシェット弾(弾薬),,,,,,,,
    ammoShotgunShellTokenShot,items,ammo,,Shotgun Token Coins(Ammo),Shotgun Token Coins(Ammo),,,,,,ショットガン用コインショット弾(弾薬),,,,,,,,
    ammoShotgunSuperpenetratorslug,items,ammo,,Shotgun Super Penetrator Slug(Ammo),Shotgun Super Penetrator Slug(Ammo),,,,,,ショットガン用高貫通スラグ弾(弾薬),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT1shotgunDoublebarrellong,items,gun,,Double-Barrel Shotgun/Long (T1),Double-Barrel Shotgun/Long (T1),,,,,,ロングバレルダブルバレルショットガン (T1),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT1shotgunBoltactionShotgun,items,gun,,Higgins Bolt-Action Shotgun(T1),Higgins Bolt-Action Shotgun(T1),,,,,,ボルトアクションショットガン (T1),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT1shotgunModel1887,items,gun,,Model 1887 Shotgun (T1),Model 1887 Shotgun (T1),,,,,,ウィンチェスターM1887 (T1),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT2shotgunM31hunter,items,gun,,M31 Hunter (T2),M31 Hunter (T2),,,,,,M31 ハンター (T2),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT2shotgunM1897,items,gun,,M1897 Trench Gun (T2),M1897 Trench Gun (T2),,,,,,M1897トレンチガン (T2),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT2shotgunM870Police,items,gun,,M870 Police Shotgun (T2),M870 Police Shotgun (T2),,,,,,M870ポリスショットガン (T2),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT3shotgunM4terminator,items,gun,,M4 Terminator (T3),M4 Terminator (T3),,,,,,M4ターミネーター (T3),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT3shotgunXM12G,items,gun,,XM-12 Automatic Shotgun (T3),XM-12 Automatic Shotgun (T3),,,,,,XM-12オートショットガン (T3),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT3shotgunM590S,items,gun,,M590 Special (T3),M590 Special (T3),,,,,,M590スペシャル (T3),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT4shotgunSaika12g,items,gun,,Saika 12 Automatic Shotgun (T4),Saika 12 Automatic Shotgun (T4),,,,,,SAIKA12 オートショットガン (T4),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT4shotgunHEXAGun,items,gun,,HEXAGUN (T4),HEXAGUN (T4),,,,,,HEXAリボルバーショットガン (T4),,,,,,,,
    IZYgunT4shotgunSPAS12,items,gun,,SPAS-12/Semi-Automatic (T4),SPAS-12/Semi-Automatic (T4),,,,,,SPAS-12セミオートショットガン (T4),,,,,,,,

    Translation into Japanese. Based on the vanilla weapon and ammo descriptions in the Japanese version, I have added my own descriptions for ammo and weapons.
    If you plan to add descriptions for the English version, I will translate them accordingly.

    Thanks for the great mod.

    (I used a translator to type some of the text, so I apologize if some of the sentences are not correct.)

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