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  1. So I love playing The Wasteland (single player PreGen6k, installed and started this Feb) and now at level 100 I can't find the Big Rocket anywhere. I checked the forum and then checked the prefabs.xml (the one in the SavesLocal folder), then tried the POI teleporter and there's no Big Rocket. I really, really, really don't want to start a new game over at this point. Is there a way to get one to spawn? Also, does not having a Big Rocket trader stop any progression or item creation or can the rest of the world supply everything? Thx Edit: I ended up creating a new random gen world and importing my char files. Lost my base but that's trivial. Big rocket's are here!
  2. So I love playing The Wasteland (single player) and now at level 100 I can't find the Big Rocket anywhere.  I checked the forum and then checked the prefabs.xml (the one in the SavesLocal folder) and there's no Big Rocket.

    I really, really, really don't want to start a new game over at this point.  Is there a way to get one to spawn?


    Also, does not having a Big Rocket trader stop any progression or item creation or can the rest of the world supply everything?


    1. Usimian


      Sorry, didn't mean to bug you directly, I wanted this to go to the forum.

    2. bdubyah


      The trader and POI are just unique. As are the other Rad Cats in the POI, though you can potentially find them elsewhere. No other progression is reliant on him yet. 


      You can always go into the world editor and plop his POI down somewhere so you will have it. Just backup your world and save just in case. 

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