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Posts posted by drkstardragon

  1. 5 hours ago, RiceCakes211 said:



    I was wondering if anyone has tried combining this with the sorcery mod and how it runs?  Also curious how horde nights are handled.  


    My gf and I love the openness and sheer amount of stuff to do in 7dtd and the potential it has.  But she _hates_ zombies.  I'm hoping this may be a good alternative for that.  


    Thank you for creating it.  It looks fun, we'll give it a go tonight.

    Early on i was able to add the sorcery modlet to my playthroughs, now however it will require a patch, will likely have another look at it since the main questline is now complete and added to the github version of the mod pack. Horde nights play much the same as vanilla now that weve changed the horde night entities over to zombie class.  

    5 hours ago, RiceCakes211 said:

    Awesome, thanks for the quick reply!  Maybe we'll start here and wait for sorc to be compatible.  Regarding my gf's distaste for zombies, do you think this mod would be a good fit for getting the gameplay of 7days without dealing with zombies?  also, is it undead that attack on horde nights?  are horde nights still a thing?

    Yes, there are still horde nights, of course you can toggle them off in game settings. Yes, undead will attack, along with all the other entities such as orcs, goblins, dark elves, ogres, demons and such.

    5 hours ago, Canute said:

    You still have zombies at NMM.

    Ok not the same like vanila but there are some, together with other undead.

    And ofcouse the whole palette of fantasy creatures Orc,goblins,trolls,darf elf, elf, dwarf,spiders,....

    When you like the horde nights think about you don't have powered traps or turrets. But you can hire NPC which can be mellee or ranged.


    The mod isn't perfect but good playable.



    About the Rare NPCs,

    would you consider to add a quiete function like the vanila drone ?

    It is funny at first to listen to them, but annoying on long term.

    And btw. who designed the elf archer, i wonder how she could shoot arrows with their big boobs.


    Another issue:

    Every day the trader move to a different position. It is about a half block he move each day.

    Now he is moved out of interaction reach.



    The rarer npcs are there if you wish to hire them, it is not required to do so. The trader movement is interesting, think i have seen something like that before, will look into it. We would like to remove trader protection as well some time soon. 

  2. 46 minutes ago, Canute said:

    You don't understand, the lockpick minigame is working fine.

    The question is:

    Why does the minigame start at the hatch when you just try to open it and not at the safe too ?

    I didn't encounter a locked hatch before, so i don't know if that is a vanilla thing or new to NMM. But all other locked object i found need to unlocked over the radial menu.


    Collect egg/honey quests,

    I just test to activate 2 collect eggs, put 13/26 eggs into my inventory and then i needed to talk to the trader.

    Removed 13 eggs, i got 13 eggs at the inventory and got rewards for both activated quests.

    Activate another collect egg quest, get 13 eggs, put 13 eggs away.

    And got quest reward with no eggs at the inventory.

    I think that need to be overworked.


    Arramus has investigated the hatch and the safe and they appear to work as intended from the post he made above, no further investigation is required. If it is a base game issue of some kind then it does not need to be reported here, and likewise if it is an issue with the lockpick mod you can report it to the appropriate mod forum page. We have not altered the lockpick mod in any way. 

  3. 50 minutes ago, Canute said:

    I notice when you use the stay command, they don't defend themself, any weak creature can kill them.

    So carefuly with it. Maybe something came by and killed your 2 NPC's.


    I notice recently these H for Hunting mode, is there a way to change the mode maybe ?

    Nevermind, you should give a hint about these craftable NPC action, to bad you can't assign key's with that.


    Could someone take a look at this Tier 2 POI ?

    I tried it now 2 times, and the creature on the top floor don't spawn.

    Unable to clear the POI for the quest.




    Npc mod includes craftable controls for the npcs. The mode button is the most useful, place it on your toolbar and toggle it between hunting and full control. Hunting they will attack anything hostile in sight and Full Control will make them not attack anything, useful for travelling where you dont want them to take off after everything. When you tell them to stay they will shoot at enemies coming within range or melee anything hostile that comes close enough. Will take a look at the poi when i have time, the final dungeon is massive and taking up all my modding time atm.

    3 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    There seems to be a problem with NPC´s you can hire. I just lost 2 of them. Logged out yesterday, told them to stand where they are before, logged back in and 2 of my 3 followers are gone.


    Gotta say we are still on Version 19. We want to explore the mod a bit before starting over again. And it´s on a dedicated server but no one was online since i logged out.

    This is a known issue in npc mod on dedicated servers, occasionally they will disappear for no reason that we have found yet. Havent had it happen in sp for quite some time, was deemed resolved in sp.

  4. 4 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Well i got it as a quest on day 29, level 36, Dragon Sword T5, Oakraven Crossbow T5 both modded, wearing iron armor. Figured it could be the crossbow bolts of boom (great naming there btw) but i am still not sure if there is screamers in the mod or not. Usually i rather prefer to not attract screamers in a bigger quest POI. Well we will see, i rather don´t cheese the game so the clipping isn´t my favorite method.


    Just wonder how you can even get to the tower to dig under without beeing shot. As soon as i enter the POI they start shooting. And on survivalist it takes only 2 shots to die.


    Will try the boom bolts next. Great mod anyways, nice work.

    Yes there are screamers, they were actually attracted and you can see one in the second video after the tower is destroyed.

    15 minutes ago, Canute said:


    great modoverhaul so far, just a few comments.

    - the beginning is pretty hard, you just need to encounter the wrong orc, or got a bad POI with armoured ones and you will have a deadly start.

    What do you think to give starter 1000 silver, so they can recruit someone mellee NPC which help's alot.

    After 2 trader mission i could hire someone and the progress at the POI was alot easier.


    - I recently encounter Robyn the hood, and notice she want 10 herbal as hire fee. Ofcouse i don't got that and even if i would have it, not with me.

    My idea is to add an recruiter NPC at the trader POI where you can recruit NPC's too. Maybe at last these NPC which can be hired with silver.


    - NPC inventory, ok i think that is the NPCCore thing that you can't easiely transfer stuff to their inventory, like you can do with other storage. But maybe you can forward that.

    But i generell thing all the NPC inventories (and horse) are too big. That should scale with the value/level of that NPC/horse.



    - Horse and fuel.
    These 0% fuel disturb me abit. What do you think about to switch from a motorcycle to a bicycle ? Then you don't got a fuel display anymore. Sure when you sprint with the horse it take's your stamina. Ok i am not a horserider, but i think when someone ride a horse at full gallop, the rider need to do some active things too which drain stamina.

    Alternative, why not use plantmatter as fuel.



    There is a bit of fleeing required at the start, doing Tier 1 missions for the trader is the best way to go. You can get a fair bit of silver pretty quickly this way. Robyn is a rarer npc and those you can only hire with special items they want: Roast Chicken for The Hound, Herbal Antibiotics for Robyn the plague doctor, a skull sword for Konan, 30 beers for Gortrek and 30 silver ore for the elven archer. At some point plan was to add an adventurers guild where you could obtain quests and hire companions. The inventory for npcs and vehicles in the mod are standard for npc mod and for vanilla vehicles. The horse and pegasus will not require any fuel is not going to change at this time. Thanks for your feedback canute.


  5. 1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    So how is one supposed to kill three guys with bows/crossbows on top of one tower in the joust arena while the other three towers also have people shooting at you?


    Skip to 2:05

    Alternatively, you could level and gear up sufficiently to deal with the threat or skip over the poi in favor of one less challenging. There are many pois that will severely challenge players, and taking the better side of valour at times is the better choice.

  6. 10 hours ago, Ali.J said:



    Please upload this mod in nexus mod 

    I have problem when i download this mod from github

    Sorry, wont be putting the files on nexus, the mod db version will remain for download at version 22 but will receive no further updates. Github will have dev updates and eventually be linked to the modlauncher.



  7. 4 hours ago, TechieZero said:

    Oh man....the friends who play my Dedi server barely know how to create a windows sub-directory...they are never gonna go for installing an exp version of 7D2D...

    alpha 20.5 is the stable version at this time


  8. 1 hour ago, TechieZero said:

    This looks badass and what a great concept to put this together. Can't wait to try it out.

    Thanks, was just missing the original medieval mod from a16 by gup and the gang and also fantasy mod from a17 by lichti, both of which i had the pleasure to be minimally involved in. Wasnt going to do an overhaul type pack, but a couple other modders (arramus and oak) chipped in and there we have it. Then a few others helped out, zilox and magejosh and the ball really got rolling. Hope you enjoy! We are when we get a chance to play lol.

  9. 1 hour ago, BasicallyACat said:

    Hey I just wanted to comment on this part.  During the mid-May version of NMM (unsure of version number), both the trigger range and the attack range of those ranged NPCs was well beyond the POI we think they were coming from.  We also think that the problem is gone with the update just before this one.  Sorry I can't give more specific details than that.


    Would you point me to the exact document/webpage that has the current best intro/FAQ/description of the mod?  I'm asking so that I don't start from an out-of-date version.  From there what I would  do is suggest a new format (if applicable) here or via PM.  And then after your feedback on that I would try a rewrite/edit, and we'll see if you dig it.

    the joust arena has 2 versions, one with friendly npcs and one with goblinoids, if you get too close to the one with orcs and goblins etc you may come under fire from the towers, there are static archers up there


    58 minutes ago, BasicallyACat said:

    Is this the big update such that it might make sense for us to restart?




    if you're looking for the SCore lockpicking mod, I believe it's here:



    I believe that the newest map is 1.4 which is listed here alongside the newest version:








    yes, v22 has lots of additions if you havent updated in a while, and we have included the xyth/sphere lockpicking mod in the files already

  10. Update 20, apologies for the inconvenience but a typo was noticed in one of the dragonslayer quests

    also, score was updated to latest version and is included

    4 more slayer quests added now that functionality added by score for npc kill objectives

    Elfslayer, Orcslayer, Goblinslayer, Manslayer

    2 variants of mounted knights added to biome spawning available for hire 


  11. 28 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    I am having troubles getting this running on a g-portal server. I created a mods folder, copied the mod in there, copied the map into the worlds folder, using FileZilla. When trying to join it still says "Server is still initalizing, please try again in a minute." It´s now 15 mins after restarting the server and we still can´t connect.


    Is there anything i need to do besides copying the mod and the map?

    from arramus:

    THat's all it needs. Map in the GeneratedWorlds in Saves or Worlds in Data folder. Game can find both.

    And Mods in Saves area or main directory area.


    also, clients must have the mod installed


  12. Update 19 is for dl, slayer quests added to traders inventory and zombieslayer to player starting inventory for testing, mountain multitrader poi removed having too many issues and is being repurposed for questing, beasts nest poi added. Will require a new rwg map.

  13. Nothing diabolical here pardner, just a few guys who wanted to have some fun and make ourselves a mod for ourselves to enjoy and decided to share. No discord, no patreon or paypal, no nothing we just hang out on some of the modding discords.  If someone else has some fun then awesome. 

    Thanks for the feedback and suggestions, hopefully i can address a few here:


    -there will be a clearer summary of mod pack features as we approach completion

    -shields have been added by modders but dont work as you might want/expect, they have either been made into weapons or are placed into your clothing slots and use a buff to help protect you

    -the vanilla zombies spawning on buried supplies quests has been reported by a tester as well and is being looked into

    -glad you figured out that the autocrossbows use different ammo, again a clearer summary 

    -we have gamestaged the ranged enemies higher so they should appear much less frequently than they did, perhaps we should consider further changes to their spawning

    -must have missed that mine on clearing the poi of modern stuff, and we will look into the trade routes quest constantly sending you there, may have to remove that poi

    -agility and perception work as they should with vanilla weapons still in the mod

    -wandering horde regularity is vanilla, has not been edited

    -yes, the npcs can do some odd things at times, love em though

    -if we had full suits of elven and dwarven armor would be awesome, but we do not, only smittys armor and masks modlets to spice up the armor selection, thanks again smitty

    -mountain trader poi, maybe will consider removing it at some point


    thanks again for the post, really helps us to bugfix and balance the mod pack

    -the skills marked Not Invented Yet are placeholders and will probably be removed if we do not find anything fitting to do with them



  14. 9 hours ago, BasicallyACat said:

    Hey do the skills like Deep Cuts or Gunslinger do anything?  We're noticing the Smite The Down and Sticks of Boom seem to cover a lot of things.  Does that mean that the skills for weapons that aren't those skills don't do anything?


    Like for instance, we just made a sword.  It's hard to know if speed/stamina/damage are altered by Deep Cuts or Smite Thee Down.

    yes, the vanilla weapons/tools that havent been edited out still use deep cuts or spear hunter etc as applicable, no i dont believe gunslinger has any weapon benefits at this time, the custom weapons added by the mod are all governed by either smite thee down or sticks of boom

  15. 3 hours ago, Rukminesh said:



    I'm looking for some information. How to use the zombie and other packs without the NPCs?

    I wonder what pack is containing the amimals from the previous? (One image with the content of each pack coud be helpfull on the first page)

    you can add whichever pack you like, there are a number of zombie packs, as well as beast/animal type packs, the few npcs that are added from the base mod can be edited out in the entitygroups included in npc core, also some packs were posted on nexus by piper and not here

  16. 1 hour ago, BasicallyACat said:

    Do you think there's an update risk?  We are a private server of 3 people, so as long as the game doesn't break, we're fine with taking 5-10 minutes to replace files.

    I think i can say with certainty that when arramus posts a new map with  an update that it will require a new start.

  17. 7 minutes ago, BasicallyACat said:

    We started a game based on the mid-May version, so I'm assuming that's 15.


    Do you think that we should be able to replace 15 with 16 without breaking the game?


    btw we are enjoying the mod so far!


    edit: if you'd like feeback on a certain subject, LMK and I will ask everyone the next time that we play

    Glad youre enjoying it, we are as well. Might want to hold off on updating if youre playing with friends on a server, lots of content and changes coming. Horde nights have been revamped, quests are incoming, more pois and a main quest.


  18. 1 hour ago, A.Danials said:

    Last time I tried was with vs 4. I did a new install of the game, removed the POI's folder and added the Medieval MOD with nothing else ..  yeah I play with a few other MODs, don't judge (Haha). Still crashed at the pathing of wilderness POI's at 30%.

    I'll try again tonight with vs 14. Am I correct in that I just remove the POI folder? Is there more than 1 POI folder and maybe I'm removing the wrong one? Apologies' as I am at work and can not check for More than the 1 POI folder I found before.

    just the poi folder from the vanilla prefabs folder needs to be removed to generate a rwg world


  19. 2 hours ago, A.Danials said:

    Been playing this MOD for a while now and having a lot of fun. I tried to remove the POI folder and create a new random map but it hangs at 30% on making paths to wilderness POI's every time. Currently I have the Medieval towns but modern/medieval wilderness mix. Kinda breaks the immersion sad to say.. Any advise on correcting this?

    We had this issue before finalizing the vanilla pois and parts we could keep in the mod. Ive had a couple reports of this still when trying rwg, but the issues cleared up and the players were able to rwg after restarting the game from what i recall. Havent had this issue lately and i believed it was resolved. Let us know if otherwise.

    I was just able to generate a new rwg on first attempt with no errors on latest mod version 14.

  20. content finished and will be included whenever next update is:


    1. Gold/Platinum/Silver ingots blocks can pick up and/or harvest

    2. Gold/Silver coin piles can pick up and/or harvest

    3. Dwarven Throne/Forge/Treasure Chest

    4. Medieval wood table

    5. 6 total pouches/bags

    6. broken barrel

    7. green crystal

    8. jewelry box

    9. 3 maps/3 books/2 scrolls

    10. urn

    added emerald/sapphire/ruby gemstones, approx 8 rings/necklaces and gold/platinum coins to loot mostly to the jewelry box(made a new group) and buried treasure loot groups added medical loot to the pouch with medical cross on it otherwise they loot like backpacks urn has junk loot green crystal can harvest for a couple emeralds and stone for now map/scroll/book have book loot for now



    1. 3 unique companions for a total of 5, sounds included

    2. 2 mounted knight variants

  21. Smittys armors and helmets offset values adjusted by magejosh, thanks again bud, changes included with some balancing updates from arramus:


    Small update: - XP for Mythical Beasts

    - Smitty Armor rebalancing with +10% on equivalent Steel version

    - Added all weapons to Trader loot at appropriate prob and level range for Tier Earlier upload with:

    - Flintlock Masai rifle (3 shot magazine) as it's a 5 second reloader

    - Hand Cannon to double barrel type as it's another 5 second reloader. Rest are OK.

    - Rebalancing custom bolt price to about +10% regular version but -10% damage since the weapons are semi-auto. - First Aid bandage can heal lacerations since needle/thread are very limited.

    - Recipes for Blunderbuss need iron and Flintlock steel to reflect reloading speed and benefits. Ammo needs 1 extra gunpowder for flintlock and all need paper.


    Treasure update coming soon, lots more lootcontainers and of course loot. Gold/platinum/silver coins, ingots, jewels, jewelry for the loot goblins.


    Mod pack specific quests to come after that, main quest with 3 very large dungeons courtesy of mplogue.

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