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Posts posted by x3eemguy

  1. Finally started watching the A21 dev streams. I'm on the first video. I love most of what I see. However, things I don't agree with are:


    1. Getting rid of glass jars as you drink from them. Where does the glass jars go after you drink from them? In a survival situation, would you just throw away good and useful things after 1 use? Instead I believe it should be a good chance for it to break or damage beyond using condition after some use or getting damage or broken when combating zombies or just moving/running around. After all they are glass.


    2. Garbage go poof. Really, ever heard of the saying one man's trash is another man's gold. I sell those in early game for money at the traders. Why not do it like the big trash that shows wheather it was looted with a different looking pile, like scattered vs intact? If intact, we can still loot and  if it's scattered then we can still chop it for scrap materials to sell or use. What I'm saying is clear distinction so we can decide to run past or stop and loot, however, not poof away.


    3. Cannot throw spear, lol! One should be able to throw almost any thing in defense in a survival situation! You should be able to throw ur bottle or axe if u have to so you survive an encounter with a zombie or pig or whatever. If you throw something, you should also understand that there is a possibility of loosing them in many different ways. That's just life.


    This just my opinion wheather you agree or not. Hopefully I can get to dec stream video 2 soon. :)


  2. 19 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    @madmole my dog companion is ashamed of that concept art (edit: it looks like a 3d model ready to go though). Lol.


    Dobermans have clear brown paw colouring as well as in other places. The concept should aim for a general-purpose dog. That one has the wrong colour because a charred Zd doberman can only be used coherently in Wasteland/burned forest area. That means they will look out of place in any other biome. 


    There's always the "whatever card" aka  "Alien virus changes fur pigment", but based on the rest of the Zds  IT DOES NOT change fur pigment of the infected (they are just cadaver-coloured entities). 


    So I hope the actual final texture has, at the very least, some clear brown pigment on the paws and around the mouth. The rest of the area colouring varies between individuals, usually some have clear brown on the shoulders, chest and under the tail/ thighs, but the one thing that never changes in a doberman  is some paw colouring and also in the fur in the mandible/around the mouth. Other colours can happen, but always with the same pattern as long as it is still a doberman.


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    Everyone that's hating on this concept really need to just chill and be happy that the dog is getting an update. Such as life, optimize and the optimize some more. Any improvement is better than no improvement.

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