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  1. @Kyoji checking the log files.... I should have thought of this myself. I got the same messages. Somewhere in alpha 20.x the prefabs have been moved. My 7dtd was looking for the prefabs in %appdata%/7DaysToDie/LocalPrefabs and was not able to find the current ones. I cleaned this folder and copied the file from \Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Prefabs Then I started my current world (which was without traders up to this moment) activated the white river citizen quest again and directly go a mark for a trader. Unfortunately the trader was to a big part inside a mountain. I started a new map and the quest worked like a charm and I was presented with a trader 500m away from my spawn.
  2. I got the same problem with the "no trader found". I already modified the Quests.xml, removed the Quest and gave it back to me again. Didn't solve it, it still shows "no trader found". Can anyone explain how to deal with this? I had this already on three random generated maps (default configuration for generation).
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