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Everything posted by blanknot

  1. Alloc, just wanted to say thank you for the server fixes and the all the time you put in helping people on the forums. I, for one, would be completely lost without your help. Thank you.
  2. Any news on this? I want to add moderators and entrust them with the ability to kick and ban, but some players have impossible-to-type names and I don't want the moderators to have the ability to see everyone's location with lp.
  3. Have you always been, or is this new?
  4. My mistake. For some reason I couldn't use it through FRT's SM console or in game with a permission level of 0. I just figured out I can use the command in PuTTY. I think the server could use a restart. Is there a command that displays players' entityIDs without also displaying sensitive information, such as coords? I want to give everyone the ability to use "pm" and "re", but some player have spaces or weird characters in their name. It would help if they could use the player's entityID instead of their name. If I give them the ability to use "lp" or "le", it would also be giving them the ability to see everyone's coords.
  5. Thank you, Alloc, for these fixes I couldn't live without. Was the command getgameprefs, gg removed?
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