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Guppys Fur

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Posts posted by Guppys Fur

  1. 2 minutes ago, Kiwi69 said:

    I have no idea what’s going on here. It’s no wonder a YouTuber made an entire video discussing this. Is it really okay for someone like Roland, who works in customer service or PR for a company, to speak to customers and fans with such arrogance and playfulness? I’m shocked that so many people are defending this person and their attitude. Is this some kind of Communist Party forum where only TFP is right? OMG… And don’t even try to tell me that being rude is part of your company culture. ‘Oh wow, this is so freaking cool in 2023.’


    You guys can tell this is only my second post on the forum because I usually just lurk and browse. But this time, I can’t stand the arrogance. It leaves me at a loss for words. I don’t understand why I have to put up with such rude arrogance when I’ve recommended your alpha game to so many friends and even bought at least 4 copies myself. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.



    Your Post made me re-activate my Account that was sleeping about 2 years. You talk about arrogance, while you think bought copies entitle you to some sort of special treatment. Take a step back and choose your words more careful. All i read is a big whiny outburst of dissapointed feelings.



    That being said i agree with the essence of your Post. After a decade of broken Promises TFP still didnt learn and spews out Releasedates they dont hold. But that is ok. It happens in Software Development.


    What is not ok, is the lack of communication and behaviour towards the Fanbase. While Roland is not "Supermoderator" any more, he still has a representive Role but doesnt act accordingly.


    No Entry in that Dev Diary, not on the Streamer Weekend-Thread that the Release now most likely is June and people who wonder why/how get treated poorly.

    As it was stated the other day, if the Release would be the 22th, we would know by now.


    The only good/fair approach in communication was made by Laz with the Silver Lining of possible more POIs that might be in the next Update. Thank you Laz.

    But after one of the bosses of TFP said "Mid-May" the least the community deserves is an official Update. You know, something like an Entry by a Dev in the Dev-Diary.



    Enough negative things. While i skipped A20 entirly since im more and more ....unhappy about certain things and Devs, im looking forward to A21. Love the new Blocks, new Prefabs (enjoyed Laz´s Part in the Stream alot) and the improved graphics and i think it will be the "roundest" Alpha so far.


    There was Talks about a Playtest Dev-Stream, why was this cancelled? Can we still get one please?

  2. 1 hour ago, SnowDog1942 said:


    I think streamlining everything to be built in 1 station is the best route to go.  Its too complicated having built not only a FORGE, but WORKBENCH, AND a chemistry station.. I mean how can you possibly figure out how to build and work all 3 of them.  I mean.. The Cement mixer is the nail in the coffin for complexity.


    Just have one "Crafting Station"  that builds everything.


    Damn, how many here didnt got the sarcasm. Well done Sir.


    yeah 4 different Stations are really over the top. why a station at all. Lets craft everything via the players Craft Menu!


    Careful, the last days i learnt only compliments stay here, the rest gets softdeleted aka moved to Nirvana.

  3. 1 hour ago, Xtrakicking said:

    This streamlining stravaganza sure is frightening...

    I don't care much about the streamlining of building, but I can't help but wonder what's next on the streamline list and where exactly will the line be drawn...


    yeah its like they are intentionally burning everything down that created this fanbase, what made the game big. These news just being the tip of the iceberg sicne A17/18-ish.


    I still got trust in TFP, but i dont like the way they are going AT ALL.

  4. 3 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    I absolutely wouldn't mind Christmas 2021 if it meant character system and basic npcs. It is loooooooooooooooooooooo(...)ng overdue.

    Same here. From what i read ( or rather, from what i not read) its a long Road to go down still.

    They shall take their time and make an Alpha with a landing as smooth as A19.


    Would like to see the Streams picked up again. Doesnt have to be just A20 Material but a deeper look into their roadmap, whats to come and with what kind of probability... that would be dope and sweeten the months of wait to come.


    Anyhow: In Pimps i trust again, im willing to wait for nice features, and of course: The Drone :D

  5. 1 hour ago, Xtrakicking said:

    They were the best. That's where you had to go if you wanted the good loot, but you always had to be prepared, since you couldn't just clear them out. Miss them.


    i think Madmoles mentioned Wasteland overhaul will come close. Places/Cities there will have a higher gamestage and with Gold´s optimisation, we might have more walking/Roaming Zombies.

    They do work on walking sleepers for example wich might be a step towards this.

  6. 8 hours ago, Arkus201 said:

    Any thoughts on adding a weapon jamming when it's durability is under 50%?  

    Would really like this.

    Jams, missfire, exploding ammo in the chamber hurting the player, depending on the durablity.


    That was a feature on Far Cry 2 that many hated, but i loved.

  7. 43 minutes ago, geryes said:

    Why you doesnt update ps4 version of game? I want new update on ps4. I am so sad because the ps4 udate doesnt comming :(.

    Why you doesnt update ps4 version of game? I want new update on ps4. I am so sad because the ps4 udate doesnt comming :(.

    Please write in the Console Forum, you are on the PC Forum.


    But to answer: Developer got the rights to the Console Part back not long ago after Telltale screwed up. But they stated before any work will go into Consoles, Game will go Gold first. If my brain serves correctly, PS4/Xbox One Versions are being abondened and instead they will port to PS5 and Series X

  8. 7 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    That's just great! Any chance you'll fix water???????? You know the way it (doesn't) work. How animals run straight through like it's not there. Or how rotting mindless corpses can swim but your hardcore survivalist can't. Also would be great to have a way to take over and fortify multiple pois for us solo players that like to have pois set up for bases or horde night murder palaces.


    Mate, its litteraly on the front page. Read Page one before you take a swing here at the forum. 

    No idea wich problem you have with the swimming argument or the Multiple POIs thing ( entirely possible?)

  9. 44 minutes ago, Erdberg said:

    I can't understand the decisions about the armor?
    Why do I have to change it for example questing and cooking to get te best results?

    This expects to have more armor with me for longer rides or not?

    Another question is why do you change the zombies design instead of having more of them?

    For me these decisions make the gameplay worse not better!!!!



    you kind of missed some discussions about it.


    Armor... Well is not my taste so far too, especially the part that everything gets deleted and those premade outfits remain. i do hope dye and Transmog will become available in later alphas. The mechanic itself is easy explained: Role play and decicion making. you are forced to think twice what you do, how you do it.


    Zombies: you got wrong informations.

    Yes old ones get overhauled ( some direly needed) but they also told us they will bring a LOT of new ones with special abilities.

  10. 5 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    As of right now, and probably for a very, very long time (maybe forever).



    Dark mate... i like it :D


    28 minutes ago, ShaneTheCat13YT said:

    What about console?

    Please see the Console Forum for that, you are in the PC Section.

    But to be frank: The Fun Pimps had to bought back the rights to their console version because Telltale went belly up ugly.

    Since they now have to port it themselves, they decided to spend the ressources first in getting the PC Version to gold and after that bring the Console Version.


    Anybody feel free to correct me :)

  11. 29 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    Yes. I understand the situation. But in my opinion they are not dumbing down the game but deleting useless insulation barbie clothing garbage and turning every single piece of equipment (and tools and weapons) into a legendary marvel with buffs. So it isn't really a bad tradeoff.  Plus, the new armour effects are WAY better than anything you could ever have by using those dull a19 clothing slots. 

    To add to this, this is will be the first iteration. While im still intersted if dying and transmog will be a thing of these outfits, in later alphas we might see more outfits or variants. Just like the Bookset that started in A18 and got expanded in A19.


    People need to realize that A20 is in (early) work and things might change or get added.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ranzera said:

    I have quite a few take aways from the stream, but this is bar-none my biggest one. You guys clearly want to have some kind of class system. Why not just stop beating around the @%$#ing bush and implement one and leave the gear out of it. You would have so much more freedom with it and much less stupid "LeT mE pUt On My CoRn PiCkInG hAt."


    ETA: Also, 10 (I think that's the right number) equipment slots down to 4 is a travesty. What a loss. I used to argue with the guys in the older alphas who said that removing complexity was becoming a problem.


    I was wrong.

    Well it certainly destroyes the Sandbox aspect of the game even more, i have to agree.


    yet, im still excited for it, that the game moves more in the direction of an RPG and still gives the Player Freedom to CHOOSE to wear this or that outfit.


    With the Slot i agree too, thats why i asked above about Tinting/Transmogrify


  13. 2 minutes ago, Riles said:


    Hahaha, I never tried out the electricity until A18 came around. I avoided it when it first came around for the reason of "trauma." 😛


    Well A18+ they really did awesome Updates that were fairly stable even in experimental.


    But A16 ( we do not talk about A17!) and beyond .. there were many experiments in the experimental phase :D

    "Never play on patch day"

  14. Just now, Riles said:

    I wondered about that, as running a server with multiple bases that use a variety of electricity stirs up the server a bit.

    yeah i got the same problems on mine. In A16 it was way worse tho. Solar Panels could render a Server broken. i think in the first two weeks of Experimental we had to wipe 10 times. That was "fun". Still refuse to use solar in the game because of that Trauma :D

    Just now, Adam the Waster said:

    Shock doors would be cool! when they attack them they get shocked!

    and maybe their could be a "Industrial generator" It is basically a Super strong generator But it takes more gas, Its louder, and it Hard to craft!  

    Both good ideas.

    My wish would be for an electrical kind of door that only gets opened with a switch. especially in Prefabs this could be immersive and forces you to go looking for that damn switch Doom-style.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Riles said:

    Question about the future of Electricity! Are there any plans or upcoming updates in which multiple power sources can hook up to a single powered block? Or a block that is designed to receive ALL power from connected power sources so that you can more easily stream out the power throughout your base? Or something like that? THANKS!

    Madmole stated some months back, that the current limitations are intended and a too big powergrid would have a strong impact on performance. However he mentioned a Door Overhaul and new door kinds. maybe we see electrical ones.

  16. 1 hour ago, Snekser said:

    Without bandits/reworked radiated zombies the game feels boring and too repetitive IMO.  pvp would probably cure this boredom but my gtx950 won't let me compete. And before trying to invalidate my opinion, i am pretty sure out of the 10 million copies sold a lot of people don't play the game anymore because of the same problem.   P.s. Don' t get me wrong, i like this game so much that i've played with the lowest graphics on 1024x768 AND with hardly 60 fps for 450 hours.

    the problem is, you project your opinion (wich is fully ok) to all other players, at least implied.


    Out of the many people i met online only a fraction is really interested in PVP.

    Your Card is fairly outdated and while they work on performance with every Patch, i think in the next two years it will be more hardeware demanding as Graphics will progress and the most spread cards will be 1080+ by that time. Of course thats only my estimation.


    I did my fair share of Hours in the Game (you really dont wanna know how much :D ) and while i still find joy in it, i too feel boredom after a while into a new alpha.


    But i think what you are describing is only a temporary problem. They announced multiple new Zombies with special abilties aswell as reworked radiation zones. Both of them will ensure a lot more endgame and more depth. Not to mention the Bandits that will come some time.


    I fully understand the ... Impatience(sorry not native language) but i think we are talking about WHEN these Problems are solved, not IF.

    So we need to chill play some other games meanwhile and sit in awe of each new Alpha until our hearts gets heared :)


    In Pimps we Trust.



  17. 2 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    I like it, and we can have every gun just shoot “ammo” for simplification.


    and we can just have “food” for simplification.  


    We could also streamline blocks and get rid of all the shapes... just needless clutter. A Full Block of 1 x 1 x 1 is fully enough.

  18. 2 hours ago, TECHMIKEMWO said:

    stop fixing stupid stuff & fix issues with fps, random stupid stuff being fixed isn't  necessary. jeez

    You do understand what Alpha State means, yes?
    Besides that they optimize all the time, true polishing and fixing time happens only right before Gold State.


    Additionally, i despise people who think their opinions are fact and others dont count.

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