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Everything posted by Kyler133

  1. Gross. I have to say... I really don't mind there being situations that if you are reckless, will kick your butt. I just don't like how they are implemented as unavoidable or even buggy. It would be cool that IF you just ran in guns blazing, this is exactly what would happen and you could have a shoot-em-up, fast paced, high risk mission. However, if I spend my valuable resource of time.... that should give me some sort of advantage or way to sniff out these situations.
  2. I'm not sure but I think it would be cool if N/S or even better, elevation would be the driver of biomes. One REALLY COOL thing about Arizona, US is the diversity of biomes. This diversity is driven almost completely by elevation. Which leads to a pretty cool diversity in the state due to the huge elevation differences The biomes of Arizona, USA: 1 = Alpine Tundra, 2 = Spruce Alpine Forest, 3 = Petran Montane Conifer Forest, 4 = Juniper-Pinyon Woodlands, 5 = Interior Chapparal, 6 = Plains Grassland, 7 = Desert Grassland, 8 = Great Basin Desertscrub, 9 = Mohave Desertscrub, 10 = Chihuahuan Desertscrub, 11 = Encinal and Mexican Oak-Pine Woodland, 12 = Lower Colorado River Sonora Desertscrub, 13 = Arizona Upland Sonora Desertscrub I think completely replicating all of these biomes is a stretch but taking the current 7-days biomes and applying them based on the elevations of the random gen maps would be a really cool feature and allow the player to have a decent idea of "how do I get to X biome?" as much as a normal person would if dropped in the world somewhere. Up is going to be colder, down is going to be warmer (in a climate sense).
  3. I agree that this is much worse than my situation. It has the same immersion breaking issue and feels like a cheap challenge increase at best and a bug at worst. I think the 'one true path' being the 'fix' to this would be unsatisfactory for me. So if the devs were like, 'We fixed it, as long as you go this way', I wouldn't consider that a fix, just a way to railroad players into playing the way they're 'supposed to'. Kind of a cop-out in my opinion. I don't mind path of least resistance and the path in can both be explained by the visual story telling of POI and how it fell to the zombie horde and/or information that was provided (off screen) from the trader when the quest was accepted. I love adding this type of head-canon to the game when I am playing to make it more immersive and fun as a role-playing experience. There's no amount of head-canon that can explain what you or I are experiencing though.
  4. I wonder if the real answer for a gold game is: All of the above. You put in all of these systems to one degree or another and allow the players to progress along the same skills via 3 different methods. If they are doing the thing a lot, it is the same as if they are reading up on it or using their gained XP to boost it. I think this would have to be carefully designed and balanced but it sounds really cool to me. Leave the magazines pretty much exactly as they are but reduce their frequency in the world by a minor percentage. Add progress meters under every magazine skill that build as you do the thing, when it fills up, it is the same as if you read a mag. As you progress in that skill, the amount of "doing it" would have to increase to get to the next unlock as we don't want to be crafting low level items repeatedly to be advantageous, we want to incentivize practicing the highest level skill you have achieved to most quickly improve to the next unlock. So how would XP fit into this? Well, currently your choices in the perks influences your magazine loot so it could also influence how quickly you learn by doing in those same skill categories. I hope this helps TFP to build on all of their ideas and utilize all of their work up to this point to create a progression system that is revolutionary and fits all sorts of different play styles (one of the huge selling points of this game).
  5. I've been using random gen maps for each alpha for a while now and the A21 maps are great. These require the least amount of suspension of disbelief by far. They really feel like they could be a world designed by game designers. There is one aspect that has stuck out to me that I'd like to point out so you could potentially put it in your backlog. When I am in a town/city, I have noticed that the road system is sometimes completely bisected or isolates parts of the town. Just a few more roadway connections where the roads curve away from each other (even if it means that a POI needs to be removed to make space for the roadways to connect) would make it way more believable that people would have actually lived there without getting annoyed that they had to cut through parking lots and parks to get where they needed to go. With the added damage to vehicles from going over curbs, it makes this much more noticeable. I'm sure the complexity is MUCH higher than I can imagine but hopefully my request makes sense and helps you build the best random gen maps ever in future iterations.
  6. Thank you for posting this. It is my #1 issue with the game. I LOVE the concept of this game and how you can "play your own way" and immerse yourself into this world. It has near infinite replayability and the modding possibilities are also almost endless. All that being said, it is completely undone when I go to the roof of a jail, stealthly look around and scope out the place, find a way in from the roof and I immediately have a horde behind me on the roof that just decided to appear because I opened a door. My immersion is completely broken and the world has gone from a fun, engaging world that feels real to an arcade game of shoot'em up (that I was trying my best to avoid). If the game is headed in this direction of forcing the players to play one way, I'm just no longer interested. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just spawn zombies based on being within a certain distance. I don't mind if certain triggers make them aggressive immediately. I don't need everything to be stealthy. I just want to feel like it is an actual situation with multiple approaches for different types of players. Thank you for reading!
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