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  1. Ok, maybe there was a reduction of lag, I just noticed that forges still cause a significant drop in FPS.
  2. I think this is a known issue - It's marked as fixed but it's actually not, I can confirm the issue is still there as of b328.
  3. Also, is this a parameter I can modify somewhere in an xml?
  4. Thanks for clarifying. So much for my fort, I'll have to revert back to just nuking zeds from above.
  5. Usually it's chem lab fodder for glue. Occasionally some grampa's sauce or something but never thought of selling it. Thanks for the hint, I have never thought it might be worth anything.
  6. Here's a screenshot of my current base setup right after the horde night: I started with my back to my base, down the access hallway, near to where you can see a shotgun trap in the bottom right corner. I was expecting zombies to swarm from the front. Instead, I suddenly get hit by zombies behind me, at least five coming one after another, from within the "compound". They did not burrow through or jump over the wall, it was untouched and its height is 4 blocks, plus this was like 22:01 so they had no chance to pile up yet. There are no other entrances. The only conclusion is: they must have spawned within. Maybe this is a feature and a land claim block is not supposed to block horde night zombies from spawning within its area of influence, but that would still be strange. I'm not sure, is this a bug?
  7. As for water, instead of dew collectors, why can't I just grab a bucket and do a couple of trips to a local lake for a stack apiece? Also cloth... I've been picking cotton on top of supercorn for the past couple of days. Here's my most recent pick from a rectangle of 100 plot tiles, with 3/3 points in Living off the Land: 647, which is barely 17 more than needed for 90 duct tape. Are you telling me all of this is flying behind me, packed into a device no larger than a cube half a meter across? Dear old southland with it's dreamy songs...
  8. Blasphemous

    Forge Lag

    Looks like this is still the case in build 317. I'm noticing severe lag when forges are activated (and chem labs to some extent as well).
  9. Sorry it didn't pop up in search results and is a duplicate as such, I did check.
  10. Summary: I have 30k stone in the forge and should be able to use all of it for a single crafting task. Instead, only ~83.3% is used, so 25k. The rest can only be used in a second crafting task and also only 83.3%. Game Version: V1.0 b317 OS/Version: Windows 10 Pro 64bit, version 10.0, Build 19045 CPU Model: Intel i7 9700K System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 2070 8GB Screen Resolution: Width and Height such as 2560x1440 Video Settings: Very High/Not relevant Game mode: SP RWG Did you wipe old saves? (Yes/No) Yes Did you start a new game? (Yes/No) No Did you validate your files? (Yes/No) Yes Are you using any mods? (Yes/No) No EAC on or off? Off Status: NEW Bug Description: Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Have 30000 stone in the forge, attempt to craft max amount of cement possible (advanced engineering 5/5) - should be 3000 but the amount of stone used in the forge shows as 25000/30000 and only 2500 starts to be crafted. 2) However, another crafting job can be started with 416 cement instead of 500 (out of 5000 stone left after the first crafting session). Then another with 70 and then 11. It seems to be consistently around ~83,3% of the currently available stone in the forge. Also true for brass casings or bullet tips, forged iron/steel but not for clay. Actual result: 2500 cement crafted instead of the theoretically possible 3000. Expected result: 3000 cement crafted within a single forge task. Link to Pastebin Output Log: https://pastebin.com/TGEkk7i7 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/rhYfGFO Video: https://1drv.ms/v/c/0c4b07bde2faa8df/Ec6Tc0QqYBVKofDNJ6dP3bsBF1P8F522v6kye4sobL1a9g?e=oPNMwf
  11. The thing, this has been a game feature since day one, or least I remember it that way, having started back in A16. It's taken for granted as a set of simplified game designs that get the job done and streamline the play. Drone being as expensive as it is now in terms of duct tape is a new thing and far from serving a similar function. It's easy to conclude the relative materiel requirements for things in this game are completely insane. Using immersion and suspension of disbelief was a poor argument on my part to describe the crux of the issue here, so let's move past that: Generally speaking, the game has a lot of recipes/schematics for different things and they make a lot of sense most of the time - you need a helmet light mod, it will require a flashlight and minor other components. Fine, good, makes sense. Need a torch? One wooden plank, a few strips of cloth and some fat to soak it in. Wow, great thought put into a tiny detail like this. But as the game advances, things become less nuanced and thought out in favor of just being hard for no reason. You wanna make an M60, it needs 100 forged steel, springs, gun parts and a couple rolls of tape. Makes much less sense, when you consider that you can make 2 motorcycle chassis with that much steel and have enough left for a rocket launcher, a pick-axe, a bunker buster mod and a lockpick. But STILL this is okay-ish. There's a lot of machining involved, precise work etc. In the end it gives you perhaps the most powerful weapon in the game, bar the rocket launcher, so I can understand why it's costly. But a drone? 90 tape? For a QoL improvement? Come on man.
  12. To summarize: I have 30000 stone in a forge and advanced engineering at 4/5. This should allow me to craft 3000 cement with all materials, one click. I am only able to craft 2500. Then I can click max again and only craft 416. Then 70, then 11. There is still stone left in the forge but no room in queue. As if the game only allows me to use 83,2% of the available materials. This is true for brass as well - making casings - and lead for bullet tips. Clay soil however can be crafted all in one go, 100%. There are no active effects on the player character. I use no mods, this is a fresh installation of the game, integrity of game files verified. Maybe this is a feature that I'm unaware of? Check the linked video for demonstration: OneDrive vid
  13. Not a problem at all. My rant isn't about being or not being able to afford it, it's about the stupidity of such a requirement. The stationary turret at level 6 needs only 60 tape, why the @%$# would a FLYING drone require more? It is about principle, like Riamus said; this is a stupid design choice and I'm rectifying it with CM. It's not like the drone is a game changer and makes the play a breeze. It's a nice QoL addition and that's it. No point making it so obnoxiously expensive resource-wise, not to mention how a drone is still able to fly with 90 rolls of duct tape wrapped around it. Suspension of disbelief I guess, though I think it can only go so far.
  14. Yeah I know this is a rant but, wtf? 90 duct tape for a stupid drone? Is it just a gigantic roll of flying tape or what? Is this supposed to be some sort of @%$#ed balance thing? Why does it have to be NINETY?! Seriously... it's enough to build a Myth Busters' duct tape plane. Shouldn't it be like 90 polymers and maybe 5 DT? Anyway, I guess I'm just going to ignore that zero, give myself a drone via CM and drop the remaining components back into the CM menu. I'm not going to enable this stupidity.
  15. I'm wondering now why the rwg only generates one rwg_tile_industrial_cap tile. There's plenty of room on my map for more, how do I increase the minimum number of these tiles? I tried with the rwgmixer.xml as follows: <streettile name="rwg_tile_industrial_cap"> <property name="maxtiles" value="11"/> <property name="mintiles" value="9"/> <property name="maxdensity" value="2000"/> </streettile> But it doesn't seem to have any effect. Perhaps that's not the way to do it and there can only be one streettile property in rwgmixer. I guess I'll have to create my own tile and make it so that it's commonly generated within a city and only accepts PoIs 100x100. I hope this fixes the issue where I get 30 skyscrapers_01 but only 1 or 0 hospitals and apartments_06. The documentation of those xml properties is horrible or non-existent and what little there is, is incomplete and confusing.
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