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Posts posted by Lain

  1. 6 minutes ago, Subquake said:

    Yes, go to Options -> Video -> User Interface, there you can toggle all kinds of things.

    ive turned every option on in there, thats why i asked but wiyth all options avail it still looks like this in the center.


  2. Try a new game yet?


    ya its a brand new game and i have a custom designed map,a clean wipe and clean install on 3 servers all have the same issue when i use the creatures animals, but all the other ones are ok

    here's a list of mods im currently using, they all work well together (as been using them since earlier versions) creature packs are the newest additions https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Oko...ee/master/Mods i use gitlabs cause it works well with 7 days to die mod launcher of sphereii's


    Love all the new kinds of zombies and the wandering npc's!


    Yea, i think this is the same issue spider has on his server with the dmt stuff installed, would have to talk to sphere.


    actually narrowed it down to the 0-CreaturePackAnimals as soon as a burst of butterflies happen with the mod enabled it starts spamming the server with that invalid layer index, removal of the 0-CreaturePackAnimals stops the issue. so it has to be in there because all the other ones, humans fantasy and zombies dont have this issue as i checed each one one by one.

  4. been trying to track down which one of the creatures pack has this issue

    Invalid Layer Index '1'


    (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Animation/Director/AnimatorControllerPlayable.cpp Line: 919)


    think it might be in npc's anyone else have this issue? its server side. and lags the heck out of the game

  5. Yes those are the 4 Files after building them i place them in to the Servers managed folder, So i fixed a few things and managed to get the server to load which it wasnt previously might've been a bad dmt viewer install. But i get in to the game and i heard gunshot, one thing spawned but i could not find him at all to interact. But as i ran across the world there was a whole ton of warnings that things could not spawn at all. here's the pastebin https://pastebin.com/hLaTRa38 i cant make heads or tails of it, alot of errors dealing with WRN Path node otherHeight bad -0.1600009 ? is it because i have a custom map?

  6. When installing the mods to the server Do i have to use the DMT Tool on the Server's mods as well? to generate the custom assembly and dmt and mods ect? bcause when i do the server doesnt start up, im not quite familiar with adding dmt mods to the server.



    im trying to get Xynth's npc bandits and your Security bots in the server but i dont see them anywhere?


    also there is massive spam in the log


    FieldAccessException: Field `EAIApproachAndAttackTarget:entityTarget' is inaccessible from method `EAIApproachAndAttackSDX:CanExecute ()'
     at EAITaskList.OnUpdateTasks () [0x000ce] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at EAIManager.Update () [0x00026] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at EntityAlive.updateTasks () [0x00063] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at EntityAlive.OnUpdateLive () [0x00154] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at EntityNPC.OnUpdateLive () [0x00000] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at EntityAliveSDX.OnUpdateLive () [0x0008d] in <9bacaafd99ae41bdad8158bd40748076>:0 
     at EntityAlive.OnUpdateEntity () [0x0001e] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at World.TickEntity (Entity e, System.Single _partialTicks) [0x0015d] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at World.TickEntitiesSlice (System.Int32 count) [0x00037] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at World.TickEntitiesFlush () [0x0000c] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at World.TickEntities (System.Single _partialTicks) [0x000c9] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00093] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00261] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
     at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112>:0 
    (Filename: <f38a6f0fb59d4955ad7825c0f8946112> Line: 0)


    its non stop, maybe im loading this wrong? no idea what DMT Mod is doing that

  7. When installing the mods to the server Do i have to use the DMT Tool on the Server's mods as well? to generate the custom assembly and dmt and mods ect? bcause when i do the server doesnt start up, im not quite familiar with adding dmt mods to the server.

  8. i do not, should i add it in before the <download>sdfasdad</download> section?


    so i made changes to https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Okole/raw/master/Servers/DaOkole.xml

    added the download mode but it didnt do anything and i get this message in the client itsself

    which repeats till stoping

    Peforming Full Cloning of https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Okole/
    Error Downloading... Clearning corrupted data.
    Maximum number of attempts reached, attempting Direct Download
    Downloading https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Okole/


    and here is whats in the logs from the start of creating of a new game




    if i switch it back to Github it works fine

  9. Have you got this to work with Gitlabs? i cant seem to get it to download the mods it keeps saying corrupt

    but i see the logs and it says


    INFO 3 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Attempting to download: https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Okole/
    INFO 3 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Warning: Download attempt failed. Will retry...
    INFO 3 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - LibGit2Sharp.LibGit2SharpException: request failed with status code: 308
      at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Ensure.HandleError(Int32 result)
      at LibGit2Sharp.Core.Proxy.git_clone(String url, String workdir, GitCloneOptions& opts)
      at LibGit2Sharp.Repository.Clone(String sourceUrl, String workdirPath, CloneOptions options)
      at _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.bgWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) in C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\GitHub\7D2DModLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher.cs:line 2768


    due to some of the DMT Mods being so large, Github is no longer a thing for me since they have a 100mb limit


    so i double checked my file ect to make sure i didnt have any odd things in it now it throws this

    INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Reading Download links: https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Okole/
    INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Updated TreeView Mods
    INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Checking for Downloads.
    INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Waiting for Background Process to complete: Deleting existing mods...
    INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Background Process completed: Deleting existing mods...
    INFO 17 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Attempting to download: https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Okole/
    INFO 17 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Preparing to download: https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Okole/
    INFO 17 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Okole/ not direct link.
    INFO 17 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Allowing Redirect...
    INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Waiting for Background Process to complete: Refreshing Mods for Da Okole
    INFO 17 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Found real download link: https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Okole/
    INFO 17 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Downloading G:\7dtd-mods\Alpha18\ChaoticRealms\Da_Okole\TempMods\
    INFO 17 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Error downloading file: https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Okole/
    INFO 17 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - System.Net.WebException: An exception occurred during a WebClient request. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'G:\7dtd-mods\Alpha18\ChaoticRealms\Da_Okole\TempMods\'.
      at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
      at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
      at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
      at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
      at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
      at _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.DoDownload(String strDownload, String DownloadPath) in C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\GitHub\7D2DModLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher.cs:line 2522
    INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Background Process completed: Refreshing Mods for Da Okole


    odd its not finding the directory? but it exists

  10. so im trying to add in NewLifeExperience mod's custom prefab vault, having alittle bit of trouble with the line


    Now i thought about it i got thaty working, but id like to set it up as a custom Town so and then select two (of each type)

    what would i have to change at the end? which one of these custom town sets shopuld i use?






    there is two other but their reserved for asiatown and destryed, i just want atleast 2 of these vaults in world along with compopack42.

  11. yes i have the latest version of server tools but my players kept complaining their beds keep disapearing and it affecting the spawn nearbed/ect, though i'll check to see if its has another update to it

  12. Is there possible to make the rivers bigger? I want to hava a map whit big fjords.


    look inside the resources directory there is a squiggly line that is for the river, you can use that in paint,.net, or krita or ps if you have it, that will create rivers, also if you copy its color you could form your own, also watch the alpha that it has, me i just copy paste the picture on my map importHM.png and resize and stretch it while its selected.

  13. but it does throw errors like this on 12k maps occasionally


    mask free pixel count: 69089670  blocked: 81905274
    ... detect biomes ...
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -6
           at nitrogen.a.c.a(Unknown Source)
           at nitrogen.a.c.a(Unknown Source)
           at nitrogen.a.c.c(Unknown Source)
           at nitrogen.a.c.a(Unknown Source)
           at nitrogen.gui.NitroGenUI.run(Unknown Source)
           at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    Total time taken: 0 min 33 sec




    at the time it was only using 6.5gb memory

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