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Everything posted by stretch611

  1. Maybe we can get some modders to replace Rekt's graphics with Jen's... As a throwback to previous alphas when Jen had a male voice. (iirc, a19 is when she finally got a woman's voice; I think it was the same time that trader graphics went HD as well.) While I think Jen used to channel Trader Joel's voice back then, I think trader Rekt's dialog would be a lot funnier coming out of Jen's mouth.
  2. In that case, lets move forward to the completed code with more pois, bandits, and story mode. Then bring back the code to now, a few years ago, or whatever time that most computers can handle it with high graphics.
  3. afaik, scrapping any item only returns a single base component regardless of how many different things created that item. So, I doubt scrapping a Q6 item will return a rare crafting component. (I would like to be wrong in this though. ) Wrench harvesting can return multiple base components, but you can't do that except with vehicles and furniture.
  4. Actually, another good question is do the Q6 items still have variable stats? I would hate it if if the only stat better than a Q5 item was durability. Getting a Q6 item that does less damage than a Q5 item really bites. tbh, I likely would not care for even getting a Q6 item that does less damage than another Q6 item of the same type; let alone have to waste another rare component to craft it again.
  5. Actually, that is a very good point. If the rare crafting components only show up at tier 5 and higher pois/quests, one would hope to no longer be using primitive and tier 1 equipment at that time. But even that may depend on how fast game progression is in the new release.
  6. I also watched Eko's video as well as the dev streams. I was also surprised at the use of only one rare crafting component for crafting Quality 6 items. I felt for sure that higher tier items would require more of these rare crafting components. I was expecting one additional rare component per higher tier. The cost of higher tiered items can be offset by a higher drop rate of the rare crafting component. I generally frown on theory-crafting before even playing a game mechanic, but I share MechanicalLens's critique that the smart player will hold off on crafting any Quality 6 items at the lower tiers and save the rare crafting components for late game high tier equipment. By increasing the drop rate of these rare crafting components you can encourage a little more "waste" of this resource by crafting them into lower tier items. At the same time increasing the cost at the higher tiers will keep the availability of quality 6 items low despite the higher drop rate of the component.
  7. Soggy with blood would be fine... That would attract Zombies after all
  8. My first thought on this made me shudder and think how I could ever forget this dark thought. Fortunately my second thought allowed to to smile continuously... Paper-cut!!! Paper-cut!!! Paper-cut!!! Paper-cut!!! Much better now!!!
  9. Personally, I would find it funnier if you referred to mountain lions as cougars; they are the same after all. Then maybe replace jittering with shaking or perhaps even twerking. Now think how much more interesting the comments would be if you had mentioned the bug of "seeing the cougars rear end twerking." I would guess that quite a few people might even want you to leave it in there and not fix it at all; as they would prefer to see cougars twerking.
  10. I am also not a purist and I agree with you, However, I have been a gamer since putting quarters into the slots at the local deli which usually had only one or twoo machines and asteroids and space invaders were the biggest thing around. The thing is, that as I am older now, I would rather go in the opposite direction... Any way to get the + on the target to get bigger and/or stand out more? Old eyes in a 4k screen make a single pixel crosshair very tough to see. I would love to see that as an option though I am not holding my breath as I know it would be a while if it happens at all. In that regard, If anyone knows of a good mod that will do this I would appreciate it. I realize some may consider this a cheat, but the fact is, I'm just looking for some help for my old eyes on a game I enjoy so much.
  11. According to the steam hardware survey for April 2024... Linux 1.9% Mac 1.35% For me, that means that I am part of the 1.9% that uses linux. (exclusively for me since 2008) Also, for the past 3 years I have played 7dtd on a MSI 3440x1440 Ultrawide display. (I occassionally play it on other computers though (all Linux, but sometimes a 4k 16:9 display.) So where does the combo linux and ultrawide put me in the rarity jackpot?
  12. Summary: The same poi shows up twice in the same town Game Version: A20.1 b6 Platform: PC OS/Version: Linux Mint 20.3 64bit CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X System Memory: 64 GB GPU Model and VRAM: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2 8GB Screen Resolution: 3440x1440 Video Settings: Custom Game mode: SP RWG Seed: a201 b6x Did you wipe old saves? Yes *New game and map started a20.1 b6 EXP Did you start a new game? Yes *New game and map started a20.1 b6 EXP Did you validate your files? No Are you using any mods? No EAC on or off? off Status: NEW Bug Description: The same poi (farm_04) shows up twice in the same town Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Create a new RWG world 2) Use Seed "a201 b6x" 3) Locate the poi(s) in the town with the location on the screenshots Actual result: The same poi (farm_04) shows up twice in the same town Expected result: A different POI is used within the city/town Note: I did not bother with a log seeing how this is likely a RWG generation problem and not an issue with the current game.
  13. Summary: (a short description of the bug) Game Version: A20.1 b5 Platform: PC OS/Version: Linux Mint 20.3 64bit CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X System Memory: 64 GB GPU Model and VRAM: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2 8GB Screen Resolution: 3440x1440 Video Settings: Custom Game mode: SP RWG Seed: a20x nomad Did you wipe old saves? Yes *New game started a20.0 stable Did you start a new game? Yes *New game started a20.0 stable Did you validate your files? No Are you using any mods? No EAC on or off? Status: NEW Bug Description: When in the middle of a buried treasure quest or treasure map there is no circle on the ground that tells you where to dig. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Accept trader buried supply quest or read a treasure map 2) Go to the spot indicated 3) Dig Actual result: (description of what is occurring) No circle is displayed. This happens in a20.0 b238 stable branch as well as a20.1 b5 experimental. I have confirmed with another linux user that it happens with his game as well. Log: https://pastebin.com/S2T3MpM1 Expected result: (what you expect to occur) I expect a circle to show where to dig and have unicorns summoned automatically to fight Zombies on my behalf for the rest of the game on every dig quest.
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