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  1. Hello! I have changed my PC and I have installed everything again and although I have the old hard drive with all the information, I have not been able to recover and be able to continue my old game of Ravenhearst. I had the mods folder in C:\7DTD, which I copied in its entirety, I reinstalled the Mod Launcher (I realized that a new version had come out with a renewed interface), which sees the content of the mod and gives me allows the game to be launched, but the saved game does not appear in-game. The thing is that it is inside: C:\7D2D\Saves\Ravenhearst\Ravenhearst 7_6 (I'm playing version 7 of the mod) When I launch the game, I see that the game asks me to create a new character profile, reconfigure all the game options, etc, and from what I've seen, it generates a new folder "Ravenhearst 7_6" without the folder "- Navigate Ravenhearst." What I don't understand is how it is possible to generate a new folder C:\7D2D\Saves\Ravenhearst\Ravenhearst 7_6\Ravenhearst 7_6 if there is already a folder with the same name. That is, I have two folders "Ravenhearst 7_6". But that is another subject. I see that within Appdata\Roaming there is another folder of 7 Days To Die. I have tried to copy and paste what I have been seeing but it still does not work. Does anyone know if it's possible to get it working or am I forgetting about it? Thanks!
  2. I'm still playing with this mod, version 19.6b8-, and now that I'm quite advanced, I try to use crossbows that allow me to load several arrows at the same time (I don't remember the name of the crossbow right now) and I've taken the surprise that the ammunition it allows me usually needs carbon fiber. The problem is that making this type of material asks me for bottles of acid and it's not that there are many of them or at least I don't know where to get them. I get some, from time to time, in sinks, cars, etc, but of course, a minimum amount to be able to make arrows with enough capacity, so in the end I practically can't use them and in the end I'm always using an iron crossbow with iron bolts. Any way to get these kind of bottles of acid in sufficient quantity? Because I see that I cannot create it in the Chemistry Table either
  3. Perfect, thank you very much. As for the "knowledge points" I remembered that scrapping the recipes already achieved, you get points. Indeed, it gives me two "knowledge points" for each scrapped recipe.
  4. Hello, I'm stuck on the mod, version 19.6b8-, and I'm not quite sure how to continue. I have finished the quest branch of the archer class, as well as the quests and I see that it asks me, to perform "Completed Journal" one thing that I do not have: "Completed Melee Training" Does anyone know what he means by creating "Completed Melee Training"? Do you mean I have to choose the "Blunt" class? or is it another class? Do I have to pick a new class and do the whole quest branch with the corresponding weapons? I see that in order to create the ingredients of the "Class Selection" and to be able to choose a new class, I need 150 "Knowledge Points", which is a lot for how little this item appears in the game.
  5. If I put the message before, before I find a "table shaw". I've located it inside a building called "Book Stop", if I remember correctly. I've scrapped it and it gave me the "saw blade", so I can now progress through the missions. I hope this is useful to other people.
  6. I'm stuck on the mission to make the "table shaw", because I'm missing the "saw blade" and it doesn't seem like I can make it in any way so I guess the only way is, or that I find it somewhere box or breaking up any other "table shaw" that I find on the map, to see if the parts I get fit in, there is the "saw blade". The issue is that I'm on day 77 and I haven't found this "table shaw" in any building I've visited nor has it come out in any box. The version I'm playing is the latest for alpha 19 of the game, version, on the map Ravenhearst Navezgame Where can I locate it? maybe there is a problem in this map and the table is nowhere? I find it very strange not to have already stumbled upon some "table shaw"
  7. Hello! I have tried to fill empty glass jars with water from a reservoir and there was no way. I have tried with the right and left button, getting into the water, from the outside ... maybe it can't be done with this mod, is it done differently or is it a bug?
  8. I am testing one of the maps that appears to me and I had a first problem. I have done the first missions of creating the campfire, the stone ax, etc and when I get to the trader´s mission, I get "Locate the Trader: no Trader" The map is not marked or anything and therefore I have nowhere to go, does anyone know how to solve it? Thank you
  9. Hi I was going to start a new game but I don't know if it does not matter if I choose one of the maps that already come to me to choose or it is better that I generate a random one Thank you!
  10. I would like to be able to make a backup of the current game, but I don't know what folders I have to save. As I use the Mod Laucher, I see a folder inside 7D2D called "Saves" and there it is "Ravenhearst" and in two folders related to the game I have active: - Ravenhearst 5 5 Final A17 4 Edition - Ravenhearst 5 5 Final A17 4 EditionLocal Would these two folders be the ones to save? The problem has arisen because playing the console has given an error when loading a "chunk". I got an error in red. I have been able to continue playing but my base has literally erased a good part of it (it was a house that I have been modifying), leaving, in that part that has erased me, the house as it was originally. That has meant that I lost a lot of boxes with loot, forges with a lot of material, orchards and the part of the farm that I was beginning to develop. A disaster. Restarting obviously has not been fixed. What I want to do is a backup every time I leave the game to prevent it from happening again. At least I will only lose what I have done at that time, nothing more.
  11. Problem solved, or so I think. If I keep pressing the "F" with the mining helmet on, a menu appears in which I can choose the light: mining helmet or the "laser light", which I think is a mod that I have put little to the crossbow and that until now I didn't know what I was doing because I didn't see anything. The fact is that I choose the light of the mining hull and the light appears again.
  12. A bug has appeared to me when creating a military helmet and adding the mod with the flashlight. I tried it and it didn't turn on, I guessed it would be a bug, I put on my mining helmet and the light didn't work for me either. I tried the night vision goggles and they don't work either. Instead the motorcycle light does work. I have the light on the letter "F", and I say, no helmet or glasses is working for me, except for the motorcycle light. I tried to change the letter "F" for another, I have seen by Google people who have also had problems with the light and the solutions they put have not worked for me either: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?110681-Helmet-with-light-mod-does-not-work-if-swapped-in-over-mining-helmet Does the hull light work or not appear in a key file? by looking to see if it is disabled or something. Does anyone know what to do?
  13. Great news. We will wait for news of a new version of this great mod.
  14. Yes, I also have 16GB and I have already realized that sometimes it consumes all the RAM. I don't know if that's why the game sometimes hits several seconds. The same with 32GB pauses no longer occur, but it is impressive that it consumes so much RAM. I did not notice Vanila, but I do not think it consumed much less memory.
  15. Thanks for the explanation. I will try to finish all the quest lines of all weapons. I would swear that I still have to make a branch, that of cutting weapons (I don't remember what it is called now) and I will see if I can create the weapons table.
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