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Posts posted by bida2

  1. 2 hours ago, Robeloto said:

    Its weird. I know I fixed that, but now when I test it again. The hitbox is not properly aligned. I am going to fix this ASAP!


    Edit: Now it should be fixed.



    Thanks man will test it out!

  2. Hey, quick question - does this mod change the way Screamers work or is it an Alpha 19 change? Right now, a Screamer does it's "horde call" special scream and the horde either comes after a solid minute or two or it doesn't come at all.

  3. Just did another test - with this mod on and War3zuk's AIO overhaul, I got a NullException even after turning the game on and off - removing your mod cleared the exception upon restarting the game.

  4. 2 hours ago, appenius said:

    just rename war3zuk mods folder name to something like AAWar3zuk-Alpha-19-Stable-AIO-master, then it will load first

    Did that, options for max zombies / animals are still not appearing.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Robeloto said:

    I will look into that now, ty!!


    Edit: I know why it happens. It is unlocked by yeahscience perk which is renamed now in A19 to perkPhysician. I just forgot to rename it.

    Weird. Gonna look into it. Can you try without mods and see if it still happens?

    Been playing without this mod for a couple of hours and no NullException errors so yeah, I really don't know what caused it.

    I remember encountering it for the first time while breaking glass in a POI that I was doing a quest in - the big fire vulture spawned behind me and killed me because of the exception.

  6. 1 hour ago, War3zuk said:

    I have my own settings so not sure why you would need too but to test just stick his modlet in the mods folder then have console up to see if you get any issues which you shouldnt assuming you rename Khaines folder if its name is before mine...

    His mod is loaded before yours but for some reason the options don't show up in the main menu. Can I manually combine your windows.xml and his? Is there a guide to do that somewhere?

  7. Another NullException that gets generated is when I get a Big Fire Vulture to spawn - its impossible to close the console.




    I'm using War3zuk's AIO overhaul if that matters.


    P.S Got a Big Fire Vulture to spawn through the entity menu - no error. Later on I just randomly got that outta the blue while playing.

  8. 6 minutes ago, beware14 said:

    Do you have a first minute lag after each enter the game? If yes, then no, it is not caused by this mod. I'm have same problem without this mod, during such lags, the game eats 13GB out of 16GB RAM

    Oh, so it's 7D2D just normally being an unoptimized piece of @%$*#!. Gotcha, thanks, will try to start another game and see if the lag disappears after a few minutes.

  9. Hey, just wanted to troubleshoot something. Alpha 19 stable came out and I saw that you have updated your mod - i've installed a new copy through the mod launcher and installed the mod on top of it. Everything is ok until I enter the game - the lag that happens when the world is still loading for the first time is normal but unlike previous alphas this continues forever and its actually even worse than previous alphas. Turning down my settings didn't help. Is this caused by the mod? 

  10. 19 hours ago, Yakov said:

    Try using Nitrogen map generator with the Ravenhearst prefabs. Works great.


    Any idea where I can download it for Alpha 18? Trying to play Ravenhearst 6.4.2 for Alpha 18.

  11. @JaxTeller718 Hey, first time player, installed the mod through the mod launcher on a new copy of the game, and when I create a new world, the game just gets stuck on Building environment... - Any way to fix this?


    P.S Tried another type of world gen and it loaded but i'm falling through the map?!?!?

  12. Hey again, I know this is gonna be a hard question to answer most likely, but I am trying to integrate Mayic's Firearms 2 mod into your mod. The only problem I am currently encountering is with the trader - whenever I access the Item Trade screen, I get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException with Parameter name: index. I've never modded before but could this be because the added trader items from the second mod exceed the max allowed items in the Item Trade screen?


    Is this easily fixable through .xml changes?


    EDIT: Yep, the problem is exactly what I thought it was - if you wanna add Mayic's mod to your Darkness Falls setup -> go to traders.xml in the Firearms 2 config folder and scroll down to find the line

    <set xpath="/traders/trader_info[@id=1' and @max_inventory='80]/@max_inventory">120</set> and change the "120" value to something higher (4000, for example, works fine for me).


    EDIT 2: Twists and turns in this saga! Apparently setting the max amount of inventory items isn't the problem, because I got this error again after not getting it the first time I visited the trader. I'm guessing its related to a single item / few items from the other mod.

  13. Modlets work generally in SP and MP

    Only in MP there are some things that are not pushed to the clients automatically and can need a manual download (like pictures)


    Ahhh,good to know. I've been using HH's modlets on my server and thought about doing some experiments in single player that require them but kinda got confused by the line "All my mods are SERVER SIDE XML MODS only".

  14. Hey, HH, great mods! I hope you can port all of them over successfully in no time! :fat:


    I just wanna ask / request a modlet from you - how about a modlet that adds custom armour? I feel like the armour / clothing system in 7D2D lacks any real variety and I'd like to see someone expand that system's options!

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