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Posts posted by Diragor

  1. This game needs them so badly. It would add so much to the look and feel of the game. It's always too bright, too colorful, too happy childish.
    We need:

    -heavy raining days

    -Storms with lightning and thunder

    -damn foggy days

    -cloudy days so it's not always sunny as hell


    You remember the Pre A17 days when it was always kinda foggy and depressing. This added so much to the horror feeling. We need this back.

  2. On 3/7/2024 at 7:32 AM, hotpoon said:

    I think that's because the game changed so drastically in A17.  A16 was still fun, but it introduced sleeper zombies which I don't care for. At least in A16, the sleepers weren't all hiding in the walls and rafters, but still.  A15 had the hub cities teaming with zombies. The game now, whilst much better looking feels empty and devoid of zombies.  

    This is so true... I first experienced A15 on console before playing the PC version. And to be honest. It was a really fun time. The horde nights were better back then, because they didn't follow a path with least resistance (doors) so no death tunnel in sight. You had to keep your base safe all around. Cities were full of zombies and shooting brought in even more. the game wasn't as bright and colorful as A17 and after which made it feel more horror like. Also food was more scars, farmign ores was harder, LBD was still a thing which many liked :D overall the console players will like all the new content (Traps, new POIs, new vehicles, etc) but will be dissapointed by the happy, colorful look of the game as well as the one sided horde nights (death tunnel/loop bases)

  3. I swear this game has the wridest encounters ever... Just logged in, lastly logged out in the nowhere,not a single zombie around. Now when I logged in, I was surrounded by zombies instantly and got killed. How is that a thing it's a single player game there's no one triggering zombie hordes xD how am I instantly surrounded by them and get killed in the loading screen xD

  4. On 9/24/2023 at 11:16 PM, NekoPawtato said:

    If you have admin rights, you can enable DM and hit f8 twice, they added something now that lists the last 10 heat events with coordinates of the source, hopefully that can help you narrow down what exactly is causing all those screamers


    The names might not be right though, as I noticed dew collectors and workstations are considered "campfires"

    Well I checked and it seems placing a hell lot of torches in my big base is the problem. Damn I hope lamps won't have this problem :o

  5. 9 hours ago, NekoPawtato said:

    If you have admin rights, you can enable DM and hit f8 twice, they added something now that lists the last 10 heat events with coordinates of the source, hopefully that can help you narrow down what exactly is causing all those screamers


    The names might not be right though, as I noticed dew collectors and workstations are considered "campfires"

    I Will check that...


    7 hours ago, Roland said:

    Go set up an outpost near one of your other traders and spend a few days away. See if the screamers follow you to your next area. If they do, then there is probably a bug.

    Whenever I try doing quests I get screamers after a short while...and I fight meele all time. So there might be a bug. I will try it again after work

  6. Hey I've been trying to play A21 for a while and At some point it started that I permanently get screamer spawn. Like TRULY permanent. I kill her, kill the zombies not even a minute later the next one spawns. And that is all day and night. I can't play anymore. I am not even doing anythign heatmap related. No cooking, no forging, no mining...I just place blocks and kill with meele only. HOW are there so many screamer spawning? is that wanted? because I am on Day 58 (60 min days) and I don't even have electricity and still only cobblestone walls because I can't find time to do anything because of those screamers.

    seriously @%$# this game currently -.- I constantly die to those fcking screamer hordes. Mostly because of this stupid zombie crawl animation -.- it is constantly switching between standing and crawling and that sucks hardcore because there is no inbetween anymaation just an instant pop to the other positioning -.-

  7. 22 hours ago, Rotor said:



    Anything else is a floating base :).

    Tried that once...I am someone who tries to play "realistic". So no cheesy bases and no nerdpole. And that makes it near impossible...

  8. 37 minutes ago, YourMirror said:

    So, when you die, you want to be starved again (still) and have all your debuffs? Just to die again after respawning. Pretty strange view on things. 

    No, ust change it....it's way too broken the way it is now. When you die with very low hunger or thirst, fill it up to 25%, not full. DOn't heal broken bones or infection. Reset infection to a maximum of 10% This wouldn't lead to a death loop and would fix the death cheat

  9. 1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    But in the answer before you wrote something about a high gamestage.

    That was an example...when you die in a high game stage and lose every good item you have and in your Base you only got garbage left.

  10. 6 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Have you ever heard of farming ? I am at day 35, have only one point in "Living of the land" and have a garden that is sufficient for my food production.

    Have you ever heard of early game? I am not that far into the game that I can craft any crops...I only die early game. with stone tools/weapons where I am currently

  11. 11 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    Of course, if all the problems are fixed, dying is an easy way out. But if you don't fix at least some of the problems with dying, you might end up in a death loop, which is no fun either.

    If you want a more severe death, you can choose to have everything in your inventory deleted when you die.


    Deleting inventory would lead to deinstalling the game after the first death because I am not into starting all over again....it's worth then perma death, because try to get back to your old power in such a high gamestage. No Thanks.

    10 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Well don´t use the dying cheat then? Also as said, delete inventory on death is an option.



    I am not using it.....it happens that I die when being out of food the whole time and getting surprised by many zombies while trying to find food...and then I am full again which feels cheap

  12. Like the Title says, it sucks. Because it heals all of your problems...Please can we get an option to get rid of it. I wouldn't want to play perma death, but I also don't want to have a cheat where I just have to die to get rid of all the problems..

  13. 7 minutes ago, Khissi said:

    City zombies are a bit harder, as well.  If you've been working inside a larger city, that would be why you're seeing those higher level zombies.  Day one city life is hard even at lower difficulty.  Keep slogging it out, OR find your way into a residential area and work there rather than in the city areas.

    Funny is, I haven't been in any city yet. only in the outsides. Found no city because I am busy with dying :D

  14. 1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

    Have you boosted XP gain?


    Gamestage is what zombies are tied to.  Also tourist and soldiers are not high level zombies, they are just a bit tougher to take down.

    Nope and I barely leveled. Day 5 and only level 6...Already got glowing eye spawn at the first night level 1 and had a dying loop xD

    1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

    Gamestage is what zombies are tied to.  Also tourist and soldiers are not high level zombies, they are just a bit tougher to take down.

    SO I have just bad luck :D

  15. Just started playing A21 and I am at Day 4 (60 min Days) and already died 10 or more times because of soldiers, hawaii guys and mostly glowing eyed zombies spawning....in the forest... at the beggining.... seems a little extreme....I can't clean a single building (No I would never cheese, that's boring) so I can't do anything because of the spawn difficulty. I Play on warrior settings, does that affect the spawn? I thought it's only dmg/hp of zombies.

  16. 1 hour ago, Old Crow said:


    Yeah, the amount of vehicle damage is pretty freaking dumb. Feels like they decided they don't want players using the 4X4 anymore. Hopefully it gets tweaked, or at the very least, they add some vehicle armor plating mod. Friend of mine had the same thing happen after running into a streetlight in-game. Demolished the pole of course.. which then landed on his 4x4 and took it from 55% to kaboom instantly.

    Have you ever hit a pole with your car at full speed? IT DOES DAMAGE!! This is the realism people always cry about they want in a game. Now that they got it, they cry again. You guys can't decide what you want. Do you want realism or not?
    These vehicles are also built out of scrap stuff so of course they are not as durable as normal cars.
    Why always whining about stuff....Stop driving reckless and it's fine

  17. On 7/4/2023 at 12:06 AM, Ailin said:

    Whoever is the one to activate the quest loots the entire building, the other players clear it for them, you all take a quest and do it this way. It works fine, all primary mags are done, we are now just reading each others mags for the lulz and we have more Q6 weapons and ammo than god himself.

    That's how we always did it. we all took quests and the one starting it is the one looting it. it's so simple xD

  18. 20 hours ago, White-Gandalf said:

    The Skill system in A21 works out as a pure dice game. Well, guys: I was below 10 when i came out of the age of having fun rolling dice. I switched to chess in those years in the last millennium.

    In my first run, i am now in week 4. And all the Avatar has learned is how to make steel tools.


    BUT: Without the dice puking out steel tool parts. Not at the trader. Not as quest rewards. Not as loot. Nothing. The Avatar is just far too low on level that those things could have a chance to pop up in the loot lists.

    BUT 2: Without letting the Avatar learn the workbench skills. At the end of week 3 (imagine, yes?!), the dice rolls lastly gave him the opportunity to learn a FORGE !!!


    A FORGE !!! At the end of week 3 !!!

    You can't tell that your grandchildren at the campfire. It's just awful.
    At least, i got a chance to buy a workbench from the trader in week 4. But i had to quest two days in a row just to get my fingers on that beauty!

    So i'm now stuck with an Avatar having the ability to make hight level steel tools - IF he WOULD have the possibility to use that skill. But since he doesn't, i'm stuck with a completely mis-skilled guy. What he was granted by the dice, he is unable to use. What he needs direly he isn't granted by the dice.


    I have watched some guy playing Skyrim "on dice" - with every decision, including perk development, being decided by dice roll. THAT is exactly how i'm feeling being forced to play 7 Days nowadays. In 7 Days we are back on the level of "Mensch ärgere Dich nicht" - where all you can do as player is somewhat strategically steer the dice control wheel a little and then hope for the best and live with the worst.

    I don't put that on the plus side of the ideas of the funpimps.


    Would there be a possibility to mitigate that catastrophic mis-skilling?

    Yes, of course there is: You could, for example, make the dice rolls in line with what the Avatar DOES in the game. Instead of with what the Avatar FINDS - per pure dice rolls. So you would reduce the dice-rollingness of the gameplay from TWO mutually reinforcing Levels - as it is at the moment - to one level less. THAT at least would be a tiny little step in the right direction - you know: "having FUN" and such shenanigans.

    If you correctly implement that principle, you land back at "learning by doing" - just randomized by dice rolls.

    But the funpimps could have saved whole 5 Alphas with each completely redesigning the perk/Skill system. Just use your working time for USEFUL things like gameplay issues that lurk in the code since decades already.

    That sounds awesome!! Finally some random fun

  19. 13 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    From what I've seen in vids so far it doesn't look like poi spawn screamers summon hordes. They do make for one heck of a jump scare and "Oh @%$#" moment though.

    That's too bad :( Well it's still experimental. We could change that with enough crying xD

  20. 13 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    From what I've seen in vids so far it doesn't look like poi spawn screamers summon hordes. They do make for one heck of a jump scare and "Oh @%$#" moment though.

    That's too bad :( Well it's still experimental. We could change that with enough crying xD

    13 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    From what I've seen in vids so far it doesn't look like poi spawn screamers summon hordes. They do make for one heck of a jump scare and "Oh @%$#" moment though.

    That's too bad :( Well it's still experimental. We could change that with enough crying xD

  21. On 6/13/2023 at 9:25 AM, vergilsparda said:

    YOU GUYS ADDED SCREAMERS TO THE POTENTIAL SLEEPER ZOMBIE SPAWNS?! EVIL!! ABSOLUTELY EVIL!!! I jumped so hard I alt-tabbed and now my armpits are itchy >:/

    FOR REAL?? Finally that was long needed. Now add them into the Horde Night xD true insanity :D

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