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Posts posted by Skullfracture

  1. Yeah that was my bad, sorry. Completely forgot I tried it out and left it in the Mos folder (It's faster, but not a huge amount in my case with a 10k map and an aging dinosaur of a PC).


    I just deleted it, so again, my mistake.

  2. Posted this on the Nexus page as well, didnt know which was better.


    Errors out in RWG at 3-5% Wilderness POI with the following error:


    ArgumentOutOfRangeException: ArgumentOutOfRange_MustBePositive
    Parameter name: maxValue
      at GameRandom.Next (System.Int32 maxValue) [0x00004] in <a58aca9c8ed54d639b41f6dc2ac2f31b>:0
      at GameRandom.RandomRange (System.Int32 _min, System.Int32 _maxExclusive) [0x00000] in <a58aca9c8ed54d639b41f6dc2ac2f31b>:0
      at GeneratorPerformanceMod.Harmony.StreetTile.StreetTile+SpawnWildernessPrefab.CalculatePosition (System.Int32 width, System.Int32 height, GameRandom gameRandom) [0x00082] in <e50633701e48463298c4edb52db51cd0>:0
      at GeneratorPerformanceMod.Harmony.StreetTile.StreetTile+SpawnWildernessPrefab.NewSpawnWildernessPrefabMethod () [0x000ce] in <e50633701e48463298c4edb52db51cd0>:0
      at GeneratorPerformanceMod.Harmony.StreetTile.StreetTile+SpawnWildernessPrefab.Prefix (WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile __instance, System.Boolean& __result, Vector2i& ___WildernessPOICenter, System.Int32& ___WildernessPOISize, System.Int32& ___WildernessPOIHeight, POITags& ___traderTag, POITags& ___wildernessTag) [0x00038] in <e50633701e48463298c4edb52db51cd0>:0
      at (wrapper dynamic-method) WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.DMD<WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile::spawnWildernessPrefab>(WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile)
      at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.SpawnPrefabs () [0x00042] in <a58aca9c8ed54d639b41f6dc2ac2f31b>:0
      at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WildernessPlanner+<Plan>d__2.MoveNext () [0x001c4] in <a58aca9c8ed54d639b41f6dc2ac2f31b>:0
      at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <4bba812690714c578170328b4ec178d0>:0


    Problem with Generator Performance mod https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/4628?tab=posts

  3. In A21 I've more or less given up on crafting gear and tools altogether. It's not necessary with the loot and rewards, and the random nature of the crafting mags makes it poor investment of resources (assuming you can craft what you want to begin with). Haven't had a problem so far.


    So far I think the only gear/tools I've crafted (not counting stone and the occasional pipe weapon) have been a bunch of wrenches and 1 T2 or 3 Double Barrel.


    	<!-- NONE must not be the first entry since first name determines if enemy group -->
    	<entitygroup name="WildGameForest">
    		animalRabbit, 25
    		animalChicken, 25
    		none, 50
    	<!-- NONE must not be the first entry since first name determines if enemy group -->
    	<entitygroup name="WildGameForestNight">
    		animalDoe, 15
    		none, 85
    	<!-- NONE must not be the first entry since first name determines if enemy group -->
    	<entitygroup name="EnemyAnimalsForest">
    		animalSnake, 20
    		none, 80


    That's it. Stags and Boars don't spawn anywhere anymore except as sleepers. Bears and Wolves only spawn in Snow as well, only thing in Pine Forest is Snake. Kind of an odd nerf to food/buff to easier start. I don't like it personally, have to play around with the new file format to mod it.

  5. 8 hours ago, issa said:
    	<lootgroup name="ZEDRegularPackUtility"  count="all">
    		<item group="ZEDRegularPackContainer" count="1" loot_prob_template="low"/>
    		<item group="ZEDNursePackContainer" count="1" loot_prob_template="guaranteed"/>



    Would be a straightforward way. It would always drop the Nurse bag list, with a 20% chance to drop the regular bag list as well.


    *edit* I think I read that wrong and swapped the values. So just swap the guaranteed and low to have the drop you described. The Nurse reference is what is throwing things off here, I think.

  6. 54 minutes ago, issa said:
    	<lootgroup name="ZEDRegularPackUtility"  count="all">
    		<item group="ZEDRegularPackContainer" count="1" prob="1"/>
    		<item group="ZEDNursePackContainer" count="1" prob="0.15"/>


    So it would have a chance to drop both, rather than either or?

  7. Simple mod that represents any skills you had from before the Zombie Apocalypse, in a random assortment. Maybe you'll get an OP start, maybe a bunch of unrelated meh. RNG lol.

    Adds a bundle containing x3 Skill Magazine Reward Bundles, x1 Tier 5 Book Reward Bundle (creates x7 random Skill Books) and x4 Mechanical Parts at the start of a new game.

    That's it.

    Mechanical Parts added since you can't hammer them from anything anymore, and I like to wrench everything. This way you can create a wrench as soon as you've unlocked it and found enough Forged Iron and Duct Tape. You may even unlock it with the Starter Bundle... but you probably won't.

    Waiting to open the bundle until you've completed the intro quest and spent your initial 4 points actually does give you more
    relevant skill mags, if you want slightly less randomness.

    Hugs and pickles,
    Mythgaard (aka Skullfracture)




    Added an Xtra Version to Optional Files in case you want a really OP start from the get go:
    Creates x5 random Skill Magazine Bundles, x1 each Tier 1-5 Skill Book Bundle, x1 Wrench, x1 Lockpick Bundle, x2 Iron Arrow Bundle, x10 Repair Kits., x6 Ergonomic Grip, x6 Structural Brace, x2 Iron Breaker, x1 Bunker Buster, x1 Woodsplitter, x1 Gravedigger, x1 Arrow Rest,  x1 Polymer String, x1 Water Purifier, x1 Helmet Light and x10 Jailbreaker Candies.

    Can also use both together for even more magazines/books. What the hell, do what you want, I'm not your Mother.

  8. 4 hours ago, Dangergirl said:

    Hello Khaine thank you for all your hard work. I have a question about the headshot mod. I want to play on insane and turn up zombie numbers, but I want headshots to kill immediately.  Is there a way that someone who isn't an expert on editing files can make that happen? Thank you in advance ☺️ 


    This would be the easiest way to achieve that: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2241?tab=description  in addition to Khaines mod.


    It hasn't been updated to A21 but they don't appear to have changed the dismember multiplier entries so it should work fine.


    *Edit: Forgot to add you are still going to have difficulties with a few Zombies, notably Big Boy and Fat Cop because hitting their head can be difficult, as well as Soldiers, Bikers and possibly Utility (I cant recall if the Utility guys head counts as Armored or not), because of the Armor, which makes instagib headshots on them kind of a crapshoot.

  9. Not sure if it is intended or not, but the Trader Bob from this mod is spawning in huge numbers in the Wilderness. On my current map (standard 8k) there are more than 70. Given the 5-6 of the other traders, that's 65ish. Can't say for sure because it's named the same as the default Bob.


    *Edit: A21



    Search "bob" (70 hits in 1 file of 1 searched)
      C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\South Cibexilo Valley\prefabs.xml (70 hits)
        Line 4353:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="1642,45,-2872" rotation="1" />
        Line 4354:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3308,68,-3322" rotation="2" />
        Line 4355:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="3442,69,2678" rotation="3" />
        Line 4356:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-1958,66,3428" rotation="2" />
        Line 4357:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-2408,56,-3322" rotation="1" />
        Line 4358:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="3142,56,1778" rotation="0" />
        Line 4359:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3608,70,-2272" rotation="0" />
        Line 4360:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="742,47,-3472" rotation="3" />
        Line 4361:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-1208,43,1778" rotation="1" />
        Line 4362:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="3592,70,578" rotation="0" />
        Line 4364:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3608,82,-1072" rotation="1" />
        Line 4371:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="178,44,-3423" rotation="3" />
        Line 4372:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="2992,70,3128" rotation="2" />
        Line 4385:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3458,53,578" rotation="3" />
        Line 4386:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="3442,56,-2572" rotation="1" />
        Line 4392:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="1492,50,-3472" rotation="2" />
        Line 4393:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3008,41,-2572" rotation="1" />
        Line 4426:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3608,62,-1522" rotation="2" />
        Line 4428:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="2692,54,2378" rotation="2" />
        Line 4429:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3608,71,2378" rotation="3" />
        Line 4430:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-2108,61,-22" rotation="1" />
        Line 4443:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3158,58,-172" rotation="1" />
        Line 4444:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-2708,52,-172" rotation="0" />
        Line 4451:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="3592,90,2978" rotation="0" />
        Line 4452:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-158,34,-772" rotation="1" />
        Line 4453:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-308,55,1178" rotation="1" />
        Line 4464:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="1792,43,-3322" rotation="3" />
        Line 4465:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3608,64,-772" rotation="0" />
        Line 4466:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="292,58,-922" rotation="2" />
        Line 4467:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3308,49,2078" rotation="0" />
        Line 4472:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="592,48,428" rotation="1" />
        Line 4476:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-2708,59,2078" rotation="3" />
        Line 4477:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3308,43,-1372" rotation="0" />
        Line 4478:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-2858,55,-1972" rotation="1" />
        Line 4479:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="1165,53,-3618" rotation="2" />
        Line 4519:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-2858,55,1178" rotation="3" />
        Line 4520:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="292,53,-472" rotation="3" />
        Line 4521:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="442,49,728" rotation="2" />
        Line 4522:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-1808,41,128" rotation="3" />
        Line 4531:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3608,57,-2872" rotation="2" />
        Line 4532:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="592,41,2078" rotation="2" />
        Line 4533:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-2108,52,1178" rotation="0" />
        Line 4542:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-2108,54,1478" rotation="0" />
        Line 4543:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-1658,63,2978" rotation="2" />
        Line 4545:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3008,43,-1672" rotation="2" />
        Line 4552:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-608,36,-1972" rotation="1" />
        Line 4553:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="2692,63,-1672" rotation="1" />
        Line 4559:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-1508,48,2078" rotation="1" />
        Line 4560:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="3592,61,3278" rotation="1" />
        Line 4561:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-8,42,1178" rotation="1" />
        Line 4562:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-1208,51,-2422" rotation="3" />
        Line 4564:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-908,70,428" rotation="2" />
        Line 4598:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3008,47,-2272" rotation="3" />
        Line 4608:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="592,53,3278" rotation="1" />
        Line 4609:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-1358,62,-1072" rotation="2" />
        Line 4610:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-1508,51,-1372" rotation="1" />
        Line 4611:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-3608,94,1778" rotation="1" />
        Line 4612:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="1342,51,2828" rotation="1" />
        Line 4619:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-2858,51,2528" rotation="2" />
        Line 4622:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="442,37,128" rotation="2" />
        Line 4626:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="142,56,2828" rotation="3" />
        Line 4627:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="3292,58,-1372" rotation="1" />
        Line 4628:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-158,57,1478" rotation="1" />
        Line 4637:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="1642,63,2978" rotation="3" />
        Line 4638:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-908,53,-1522" rotation="2" />
        Line 4639:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-308,54,1928" rotation="2" />
        Line 4650:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-2108,44,1778" rotation="1" />
        Line 4651:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="-1808,53,1178" rotation="0" />
        Line 4652:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="1042,60,3278" rotation="1" />
        Line 4654:   <decoration type="model" name="trader_bob" position="292,69,1778" rotation="1" />


  10. In A17 or 18 there was a mod that I really liked that added a type of quest.


    You'd get a quest to go to a PoI and (either activate some kind of transmitter or the rally marker I don't recall), which would spawn waves of hard enemies to rush you (while also respawning the PoI and it's zombies). Leave the PoI bounds, fail. Die, you fail. Wipe em out and survive, turn it in. 3. Profit.


    To make up for the increased spawns (which were harder than normal zeds) I think they may have had a higher than normal loot bag drop; random crap mostly, but something.


    Was a lot of fun. Something like that could be neat to have officially. Was sad when the mod was abandoned.

  11. When Nitrogen was still functional I used the Spawn on a random roof option when making a map. I was also using the CompoPack.


    In the CP there is an edit of one of the vanilla fancy houses (a stucco McMansion) that has about a billion snakes in it. At the time I was using a mod that replaced all snakes with Radiated Soldiers.


    I spawned on the roof of that house, and while wondering why the game had just turned into a stuttering slide show, I began to hear the sounds of blocks being obliterated as the glowing green @%$#s just exploded out of it. Good times.

  12. Just had this on a 20b52 game with an RWG map made on same. Gamestage 100+. Started at around 2:30 and continued until almost dawn. It also coincided with an absurd number of Feral Cop spawns that completely trashed my (almost entirely steel) base with puke and I couldn't see them to shoot them.


    It's not just darker -- it actually suppresses light sources, any light source, from being visible from more than a few blocks away.



  13. Having a problem at Warren Farm. When I reach the bottom (I think) of the pit, where there is a stone tunnel entrance, the terrain glitches out and I am teleported about halfway back up and dropped, same thing happens to zombies.


    There is one right next to my starting trader in a new game, so I deleted the save, reused the save name to get the same spawn and it had the same glitch.

  14. Busses, Military Trucks and the two new vans are the way to go there. Way more HP so you get more chances per "swing".


    Though on Navezgane or the in game RWG those are pretty rare. Adding them into the block placeholder for cars helps, though will result in the occasional mangled PoI.

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