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Posts posted by gizmomelb

  1. 5 hours ago, faatal said:

    A21 should be on Unity 2021.3.x, which is a year newer version than A20 uses.


    We are not planning on switching 7dtd to HDRP, which means newer graphics features like that are not available to us.

    Thank you for the info and update.  Unity 2021.3 has numerous optimisations which will hopefully also mean better performance for the 'average' PC gamer (GTX 1060 and urgh Intel HD 4000 iGPU according to steam hardware survey).  I don't know what upscaling technique is being used by the 7D2D 'dynamic resolution' shader but with FSR source code being freely available maybe that might be worthwhile looking at?  Intel's XeSS is also GPU independent and is supposedly going to be open source as well.


    Also I really hope development path includes multi-threading at least zombie A.I. (running in sync with the world clock would be an obvious global event in my mind) for the future at least, since again according to the steam hardware survery 60% of users have 4-6 CPUs (10% have dual core CPU systems), so multi-threading is available to the majority of systems that would run this game.

    These comments are not meant as criticism but rather as an end user's hope (with some background programming and game dev experience) to see the game improve (with frame rate being one of the most common end user complaints - especially on horde nights) for the future.

    Thank you.


  2. 9 hours ago, ocbMaurice said:

    Thx, was able to reproduce the issue and it seems to happen with recipes that have dynamic `CraftingIngredientCount`
    Maybe you could give this fix a play test? https://github.com/OCB7D2D/OcbPinRecipes/raw/bugfix/craft-queueing/PinRecipes.dll
    Just replace the existing dll. My first tests seem promising and I haven't seen any other regressions yet :)


    thank you - will do.  My brother in law (who I play on the server with) had mentioned a 'bug' where the pinned recipes mod wasn't getting enough parts to make whatever it was he was crafting at the time, but he was unable to reproduce it - I'm guessing it was an item that had a skill level dependent, dynamic  `CraftingIngredientCount`.

    We'll both be online and playing in maybe 6 hours so I'll pre-load the .DLL on the dedicated server and pass to him to install locally as client as well, then report back here how it goes.  Thank you for looking at this so promptly.  I hope my years of working Software QA were of help :)

    EDIT:  ok we played for approx.  4 hours this afternoon with no issues to report.  I tried making stuff that uses dynamic amount of materials, bulk ammo, fuel etc. all with no issues.  Thank you!


  3. 1 minute ago, mstdv inc said:

    I think everyone will agree that 7 days is not about ultra modern graphics.Nevertheless, over the last 2 alphas, the game has received great improvements in graphics.Just download 18 alpha or older and you will see for yourself.They get used to good things quickly.And you need to understand that TFP is not an AAA studio and they could put the graphics in the back drawer, but they improve the game on all fronts by how much they have enough resources.So shame is too big a word.

    There is still no and unlikely to be a game in the world with a completely destructible world and not looking like minecraft.You should always remember this when you want to criticize non-AAA studio developers.Even they (AAA) did not undertake the implementation of such a large-scale project.


    firstly, I'm not criticising - I'm simply asking if the version of unity was going to be updated so it could accomodate FSR (or similar upscalers) for faster frame rates - which would also benefit the upcoming console versions.  Not having FSR or similar being a 'shame' is not a disparaging word or comment, it means it is slightly disappointing that it's not planned (especially when it would benefit the consoles ports, as well as speed up rendering for every PC out there).


    The number of HD assets and HD remodelling over the past 2 alphas was giving me the indication that it was also to 'modernize' the game's assets for a HD 4K console version.


    I've been with 7D2D since alpha 7.8 (bought it on the 23rd March 2014) as I was unsure about jumping on the kickstarter (I'd also kickstarted a few other zombie games around the same time and some eventually came out and have been great (Project Zomboid) and others never made it past early access).  I've enjoyed every alpha so far (though I do have reservations about the major rpg mechanic changes going to be in alpha 21, but we'll see what it's like when it finally arrives) and do appreciate the work that has gone into the game because I *HAVE* worked in the video game industry (Torus Games, Bluetongue Software and Stromlo Entertainment) which is exactly why I'm curious when the engine will be updated (knowing what a large amount of work that can entail) because to my eyes all of the work improving the assets is directly about giving the game ultra modern graphics.   While it would look amazing, I doubt we'll see ray tracing or physical based rendering ever happen in THIS game - but anything to speed up and upscale rendering would certainly be of use to the entire player base (most of whom aren't running the game on laptop or built in GPUs - or at least I hope they aren't).


  4. 17 hours ago, mstdv inc said:

    TFP updates the Unity version once in a while.FSR requires HDRP, which is not planned to be supported.


    Thanks for the reply.  No updating to HDRP is a shame, I would have thought that would be perfect for the XBOX X and PS5 releases in the future.

  5. Hi - yes I just logged into my server and reproduced it again (saved a small video clip if it's any help).  Gyrocopyer accessories pinned, go to box, press G to grab all needed components.  Open workbench and press the green build icon in the pinned recipie - building starts and is visible in workbench queue, exit workbench, go back into workbench and queue / item being built is gone.

    EDIT: ok I just removed pinned recipes 0.6.1 from both server and my local client, copied back version 0.6.0 and it works with no issues (queued items do not disappear from workbench when in production and I leave the workbench before they have finished (item tested - gyrocopter accessories)).

    link to recording of pinned recipe 0.6.1 reproducible issue of queued item production disappearing from workbench when workbench is exited:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/cifijbtoks1a32v/7 Days to Die 2022.09.16 -


    list of mods and versions on my server:


    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.682 INF [MODS] Start loading from: '/home/sdtd53700/sdtd/bin/7DaysToDieServer_Data/../Mods'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.687 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'AGF-A20HUDPlus1.4.1'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.698 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: AGF-HUDPlus (1.4.1)
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.698 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'AGF-A20HUDPlus-EPatch1.0.1'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.699 WRN [MODS] No ModAPI found in mod DLLs
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.699 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: AGF-HUDPlus-EnhancedPatch (1.0.1)
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.699 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'BadWindowsReplace_v1'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.700 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: BadWindowsReplace (1.0)
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.700 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'donovan-longerlootbags'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.700 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Donovan_LongerLootbags (20.0.0)
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.700 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'KHA20-HPBars'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.701 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Khaine's HO Bar Mod (1.0.0)
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.701 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'KHA20-LockableInvSlots'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.702 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Lockable Slots (1.0)
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.702 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'MeanCloud__EnemyReachShortener'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.702 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: MeanCloud's Enemy Reach Shortener (1.03)
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.702 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'OcbPinRecipes'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.704 INF [MODS] Found ModAPI in PinRecipes.dll, creating instance
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.704 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: OcbPinRecipes (0.6.0)
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.704 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'Robeloto_LoudSoundsLowered'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.704 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: RobelotoLoudSoundsLowered (20.0)
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.704 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'ThunderSn1per Corpse Remover'
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.704 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Corpse Remover (1.0)
    2022-09-16T13:26:13 0.704 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code
    2022-09-16T13:26:14 1.199 INF [MODS] Initialized code in mod 'OcbPinRecipes' from DLL 'PinRecipes.dll'
    2022-09-16T13:26:14 1.200 INF [MODS] Loading done
    2022-09-16T13:26:14 1.201 INF [MODS] Loading localization from mod: AGF-HUDPlus
    2022-09-16T13:26:14 1.201 INF [MODS] Loading localization from mod: OcbPinRecipes
  6. bug report for 0.6.1 - I pinned the gyrocopter chassis and also the gyrocopter chassis, went to my resources boxes and pressed 'g' to grab all the needed parts, then went to my workbench and pressed the green build icon on the pinned recipe - item starts to be built, but as soon as i leave the workbench it stops being built, build in progress item disappears and of course I've lost all the resouces that were being used to build the chassis and accessories.   This is under alpha 20.6b9 (current version) - mod is installed on the server and on the local client.

  7. hi - game mechanics aside, I was wondering if / when TFP were going to update the engine to a newer version of UNITY and hopefully it will be a version which supports FSR upscaling?  This would help a lot of players as it would improve fps.  Thank you.


  8. interesting you're still having phantom block issues in A20 - which make and model GPU do you have please?  My son was having issues with phantom blocks in A20.6b9 and from a quick check I've done on his system turning OFF anisotropic filtering in the geforce control panel was the solution (latest drivers, RTX 2060).

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