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Posts posted by Henk

  1. Here's the prefab with the problems:



    The two surrounding prefabs, with no problems (including my still a little too much 'Minecrafty' SpaceShuttle version 0.1 which you might like to see):



    (I hope this works, I'm new to Dropbox :smile-new: )


    Edit: almost forgot this:

    Map: Navezgane and in 'prefabs' the following lines:

    <decoration type="model" name="CraneA16_2Q" position="500, 44, 1215" rotation="0" />

    <decoration type="model" name="BaseA16_2Q" position="611, 0, 1214" rotation="0" />

    <decoration type="model" name="SpaceshuttleA16_2_DEF" position="450, 76, 1435" rotation="0" />

  2. Painting system not stable? + One block impossible to place


    First: thank you Pille for the awesome prefab editor!


    Maybe you or someone else can help me with the next two problems:


    1. In one of my prefabs the painting system seems not stable:


    In the next screenshot ALL the six blocks on the surface are placed as a normal unpainted 'Wood block", but some of them are 'automatically' painted like the underlying ones:



    The problem seems to be in the prefab and not the game itself: the next screenshot displays the border between 2 prefabs:

    Left 3 blocks: the prefab with the problem / right 3 blocks: prefab with no problem




    2. In the same buggy prefab: the block behind the ladder is not placable in-game. I can place it in the editor, but then it doesn't show up in the game:




    If needed, I can post the prefab files.

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