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Posts posted by Henk

  1. Do not get bored while waiting for A21! 🙂


    The Duke's Last Stand 1.0 at 7 Days to Die Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)


    XXL prefab, aimed at (imho much needed) end-game gameplay in 7d2d. Ofc this prefab needs bandits. but that's what A21 is for 🙂



    • Dungeon-style playthrough / Tier 5+ / 100% vanilla blocks / No quest (bc XXL), but with all traders
    • Optional use of electricity (tool + battery) 
    • XXL: it dwarfs my Space Shuttle prefab. Forget about 'Can it run Crysis'. This is the new benchmark😉




    • The fit into the NG (height)map. The fit is not 'perfect' anymore bc of the update of the NG map by TFP a few Alpha-versions ago. But it fits 90%.
    • XXL: technically minimum of two prefabs needed, so automatically fitting them in a random map willl not work properly.
    • The two prefabs are technically set to 'navezgane only' and should not appear in a random generated map. 


  2. On 2/8/2022 at 1:05 AM, Robeloto said:

    This prefab is so awesome. Had plenty of fun clearing this one. How long did this take to create? Great work man!

    Glad you liked it! 

    I started building in A8 or A9 if I remember correctly, it has been about 400 - 500 hours of building.

    btw: I hope the little 'electricity puzzles' worked as intended?  Are those puzzles fun to play? Or is is perhaps tedious / pace-breaking / etc.?

  3. No, I don't have informed them but others might have. I dunno. Since they will ignore A17 bugreports, it makes sense to wait for A18... I don't want to update the editor atm. since A18 could make my attempts to fix the problem obsolete.


    (post #1118)


    You were absolutely right about that. In A18 all the sleeper volumes shifting problems have disappeared! :smile-new:

  4. @Pille

    For some reason the workaround* doesn't work anymore :-/


    *"So for now (until I release an update). I suggets to make a backup of the 'YourPrefabName'.xml which is located at (default path): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Prefabs. Overwriting the xml with a backuped version and reloading the prefab should reset the shifted sleeper volumes."


    You say it's a bug in the ingame editor. Do I have to report this to The Pimps on a different thread, or have you already informed them? If this bug persists I'll have to abandon my prefabs, which I worked on for several years.

  5. Shifting bounds and at random shifting sleeper volumes


    Hello Pille,


    First, thank you for keeping the editor up to date!


    Maybe you can help me with a question I have about saving one of my (rather large) prefabs in the in-game editor. My problem is that (often) it automatically updates the bounds when it saves the prefab. When I reload it later, one of the bounds (mostly the West-bound, but at random also other bounds) is 30-50 blocks wider outside the original prefab. That space is totally empty (also accordingly to your Zombie Editor). When I click 'update bounds' it does not remove the empty space. The only way I can 'fix' this is by removing the empty columns in your Zombie Editor (which is great!). After that, the bounds in the in-game editor are good and 'update bounds' works ok. Then I edit the prefab in-game, save it, and again the borders mess up..., repeat.


    Not ideal, but it kinda works. What doesn't get easily fixed however, are the by the in-game editor saved sleeper volumes, which get shifted all over the prefab over the x- y- and z-axis almost at random:

    - the sleeper volumes even start/stop outside the prefab bounds

    - the shift of the sleeper volumes does not match the extra 30-50 extra blocks outside the original prefab!

    - the size / shape of the sleeper volumes is unaffected

    - there appear to be even new, not (on purpose) by me, placed sleeper volumes in the prefab. (BTW: I play single-player, locally on my computer)


    This is very annoying of course. The only fix atm is manually shift them to the right spot in your Zombie Editor. Doing this gets old fast, so I removed all sleeper volumes for now.


    Maybe related to this: only when my prefab is placed in Navezgane (game and World Editor), the console warns in yellow about: <See attached screenshot>


    Can you help me please?


    Already done / tried:

    - Converting prefab from A16 to A17, including removing all in-game errors (blocks, paint) except for the one in the screenshot which I can't seem to solve.

    - Trying to read as much as possible on the forums about this (found nothing useful)

    - Full new reinstall of 7d2d (including Windows registry, etc.)


    You can receive the affected prefab of course.



    The same bounds-error while saving, happened to another (A16 to A17 converted) prefab I made, which doesn't have the problem as descibed in the formerly mentioned screenshot. This time I copied only a small piece (one army truck) into a new prefab. But still, saving this tiny prefab meant that the bounds messed up immediately.


  6. Edit:


    I guess that's the reason :-D :





    The sign is another prefab. You couldn't see it because you inserted the line

    <decoration type="model" name="CraneA16_2Q" position="500, 44, 1215" rotation="0" />

    at the end of the file, right?


    Probably you cannot place two prefabs at the same location even if 'copy air blocks' is on. Remove the sign in the prefab.xml or try this workaround:



    So make an extra air prefab and add this thing to the prefab.xml between sign and CraneA16_2Q:



    <decoration type="model" name="sign????" position="?, ?, ?" rotation="0" />


    <decoration type="model" name="Air" position="500, 44, 1215" rotation="0" />

    <decoration type="model" name="CraneA16_2Q" position="500, 44, 1215" rotation="0" />



    You're a GENIUS Pille! That's the solution indeed!

    I had some strange gravity-issues in the same prefab, which all are now solved too :smile-new:

  7. Hey Pille,


    Have you found a solution for my second problem yet? Of course you are very busy with the editor lately, so you probably haven't had the time. I'm just very curious about what's causing my problem :smile-new:


    Post #371: "2. ....the block behind the ladder is not placable in-game. I can place it in the editor, but then it doesn't show up in the game"

    Post #387: the prefab files you requested.




    Edit: trying to type some sort of English, while my autocorrect wants every word I type translated to Dutch :-D

  8. ....I presume 'small' prefabs are not affected (or less often).


    In my case the problem is in the smallest prefab. My (much) larger prefabs are ok.


    Edit: it also depends on what you mean by 'small' off course. My smallest prefab is larger than the smallest vanilla prefabs.

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