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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Level 70, day 66, full level for the two trader skills, 5 vendors opened, 2 vendors at level 5 missions, much of the drone mods schematics owned, and never seen any drone or drone schematics anywhere.
  2. I definitely need some clue to select missions, maybe a book with buildings snapshots made in game with a crafted camera. Not just a filename in description. Maybe a way to a new mission génération mechanism if buildings have an identity like a NPC and missions assigned, and if they could be chased.
  3. I love A20 vanilla, I tested all overhaul mods but vanilla is the best. There is something that break the gameplay every time I come back to my base, it's micro management. It must exist a way or something to make micro management less a pain. I feel that the best way to do this and keep it realist is having npc people or bots assigned to sort equipment between storages. That could be marvelous, back to home from mission and leave staff to sort my loots. Definitely need this. Not a game breaker or game style changer but a enormous gameplay upper.
  4. Why not simply disable building if it is useless 0_O
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