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About KrazyKrampus

  • Birthday August 1

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  1. > But there is no overcoming the removal of the cursor. Yeah that's the crux of this problem. The UI of 7 Days lends itself to being a cursor-native interface. Unless TFP plans on completely overhauling the UI and providing a controller-native version (which MUST be just as fast to use as the current one), this decision is going to be some real @%$# for console gamers. If TFP wants a classic example of how even AAA titles realized they can't use a KBM/PC native interface w/ a controller without a cursor input, they can look to Bethesda's Elder Scrolls Online. The controller UI is vastly different than the PC/KBM interface for a good reason. It's not perfect, but Bethesda/ZM did this quite well because they knew that a controller UI needed to be intentionally created controller-native to begin with that efficiency in mind. You can't square-peg-round-hole a non-controller-native UI control-style onto a KBM/mouse-native UI and remove the cursor. It doesn't work like that.
  2. I _hope_ that what is going on is some planning around how they're going to re-introduce the cursor concept, remap the hot D-pad buttons (I'd even settle for these being remappable to 1, 2 or 3 etc) with this new engine change and more. I read another post where, while the radial menu is a nice add, but it fails to be a hot D-pad replacement since it 1.) stops your movement or activity while using it and 2.) is clunky. The quick-swap is just simply broken, period. Example: in Astroneer (which I don't think has great controller support BTW, but it's OK) uses the concept of holding the LT or RT to "activate" a cursor so one can move around quickly when doing things across the UI. While I would prefer to have the cursor activated at all times in the UI, at the very least this would be welcome so I can zoom around the UI and do/move things in a pinch. Seriously TFP, you can't take away my ability to quickly move stacks and/or move between from box <-> bag and not create dedicated controller combos for this. Just bring back a cursor, please. While I can respect "going back" might not be a simple code reversion, the decision to leave controller players hanging with a solution like this is pretty unacceptable.
  3. As a long-time player, my wife and I are unable to fathom why TFP decided to overhaul the controller scheme but some how make it worse. The radial menu is welcome, but everything else is very much a downgrade. It feels like the wrong target group was chosen to test controller support (did these people even play with controllers on <=A21 prior to testing?) Let me get this out there: There are many issues with this new layout, but let me give one example. If you took away the ability for KBM players to push 1, 2, 3, ... N to quickly swap between slots on their toolbelt/hot-bar, they'd be rightfully @%$#ed. That's what you've done with the D-pad for controller players. Many players, including myself, used the first 3 slots as "hots" so in combat or the heat of the moment I can flip to 3 important things with those directly accessible buttons on my pad. Time is precious in this game during intense moments and you've effectively hamstrung players who use a controller for this game. Everything takes longer, almost everything has one extra step. Meanwhile, traditional KBM players get to play business-as-usual. I'm going to repeat what I put on my Steam comment: I'm going to refrain from any other input, other than the following, about this V1.0 release because I feel this issue is so incredibly game-breaking for many PC players using controllers: ***Please bring back the legacy controller controls from A21 and prior.*** At a *minimum* allow players to choose the legacy mode. Whatever "legacy" mode the UI let's me change to is _not_ what I was expecting when I wanted to use the controls on A21< and prior. Valheim did it, so can 7 days. 1.) The 3 button hot swap with the D-pad was very beneficial during combat when needing to quickly change between things and knowing their fixed location in the toolbar (think 1, 2 and 3 keys on a keyboard) 2.) . I don't care what the 'console gamer consensus' is with regards to using horrible ancient one-square-at-a-time-style Minecraft UIs on Xbox/PS4 etc, but moving ONE BOX AT A TIME is never acceptable when you have a full analog control stick at your disposal that can be treated like a mouse input. As a PC player using a controller it's ridiculous. Other games do this nonsense too and it's what set 7DTD apart and I always applauded the game for having really amazing controller controls. Even Zenimax/Bethesda got controller support mostly correct. This is _NOT IT_. 3.) Having to hold Y/Triangle in order to perform actions against a selected item anywhere in the UI: what is this? What is the honest purpose of this, from what can only be described as some 'safety lockout feature' that costs additional time and steps to get things done in my inventory/UI/crafting? 4.) Smaller nit: Swapping reload and inventory/radial menu after players have gotten accustomed to one default with another is almost borderline troll-like behavior on the dev's part. This is a lesser issue since one can just remap the button, but issues 1 through 3 can't be fixed in that manner. Please address these issues. I know I'm not the only long-term player that has gripes about this. I've been playing this game for years and have many hours (you can look) and I've never really once ever had to come public about the horrible choice of game controls because I've always thought the game had some pretty awesome controller support already. Also, on Reddit, there are already tons of posts complaining about this behavior. There are undoubtedly a lot of existing controller-on-PC players you are going to irritate with this awful inventory management sleight. I'm not sure if it all was intentional or not, but it's bad, all bad.
  4. I guess I find it bizarre that the concrete block (which has the same texture ID mind you) used in creative when making prefabs, ends up being the same concrete flavor in all biomes, but when you craft one [or use creativemenu] and place it somewhere in the terrain, it morphs into that biome's topsoil appearance. There must be some hard-coded conditions that set the texture on a player-placed block with this new MM system as opposed to when the concrete texture block is placed in a prefab or part of the region generation.
  5. Huh? I am having the transparent asphalt texture issue as well. If I change the Texture ID to "1" it looks like stone, or "11" it looks like Gravel, but any other texture I try simply looks transparent. What is this "new system" you speak of?
  6. Hello! I wasn't sure if this is the right thread for this. I've spent a lot of time searching the Internet. How does one import the .assets export that UABE creates into Unity itself? e.g. to browse those assets, adjust settings, re-use in another project.
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