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Posts posted by w00kien00kie

  1. When viewing the Gamestage of other players in MP on the Player List window the Gamestages can be different depending on who is viewing the data. 

    This is the view when W00kie is looking at the list : 

    This is the view when Sassali is looking at the list : 



    As you can see the GS for w00kie n00kie should be 132 but when Sassali views the GS on their screen they only see 58. 

    The issue in code is due to the biome that the player is standing in is not being sent to other players in the game and hence the Biome GS multiplier is not applied. If the players are close together though (approx 250m or closer) the values are correct. 


    Ive created a mod which sends the updated biomeStandingOn data to all other players whenever a player changes biome or a new player enters the game. Would be good to get this fixed in the vanilla code if possible. 


    There may also be an issue with the players QuestJournal.ActiveQuest as well as that affects gamestage also. 

    Players gamestage is read from EntityPlayer.gameStage in code which does the calculations. 


  2. UPDATES FOR A21.2 


    • New Game Options
      • Sleeper Infested Mode - This multiplies the number of sleepers that spawn in POIs (like quest Infested mode)
      • Tools,Weapons,Mods in Loot? - Enables/Disables whether you find Tools Weapons and Mods in Loot Containers.
      • Tools,Weapons,Mods in Trader Inventory? - Enables/Disables whether you can see Tools Weapons and Mods in Trader Inventory.
      • Tools,Weapons,Mods in Trader Quests? - Enables/Disables whether you recieve Tools Weapons and Mods in Trader Quests.
      • Feral Sense Range Daytime - Sets the range for Feral Sense during the daytime. The default range is 30 and vanilla feral sense is 75. The higher the number the further the zombies can sense you.
      • Feral Sense Range Night - Sets the range for Feral Sense during the night. The default range is 30 and vanilla feral sense is 75. The higher the number the further the zombies can sense you.
    •  New Stashback features
      • New AutoDump button
        • Auto dump all matching items in your backpack into player made storage containers within the land claim area.
      • Lock slots in Vehicles
      • Lock slots in player made containers
    • New Loot Respawn Day Indicator
      • Small modlet that shows what day and time a container will respawn.
    • New Whisky
      • New drinkable item called whisky. It has the same affect as beer but the buff lasts for 6 minutes!
    • New Increase Dew Collector Stack Size
      • Dew collector now has room for 20 bottles of water up from 3
    • New Increase Ammo Stack Size
      • Ammo stack sizes are 3x vanilla sizes
    • New Action Skill Indicator
      • New UI element that shows the current XP and level of the Action Skill of the currently help item. i.e. if your holding a Club it will show the Action Skill lvl and current XP for Blunt Weapons.
    • Update to Trader Quest Map
      • Now shows a preview image of the selected quest POI so you can easily recognise which POI a quest is at
  3. Complaining about what the TFP do is totally pointless and just gets you no where. You won't get the game you want ever.


    Mods, that is the answer. There are tons of mods out there now that you can pick up and choose from to build your own game and play the way you want. I havent played vanilla for about 5 alphas now, I just mod the game the way I want it and enjoy that.

  4. 6 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    I've included the air drop zombie spawning bit in my mod, and was tinkering with it to try and get it to spawn the zombies while you are still a bit farther away just so it isn't as crazy. I'm not much of a coder but I got it out to 20m before things got odd, past that it would spawn a stupid amount in for whatever reason. But I also noticed the respawndelay set for the biome you use doesn't really seem to work, as far as I could tell. Even if I set it to .001 the only way more spawned after the initial wave was if I backed out of the 20m radius I had set, and then walked back inside 20m again. This could very well be due to my changes, and if so, disregard. Haha. Just thought I'd throw it out there in case it is technically a bug. :)

    Ill try to catch up with you on Discord later @bdubyah so i can fully understand the problem :)

  5. I have some free time off in october and hoping to get some bug fixes and new modules added to the Winchester . 

    This is my trello board with a list of future changes and bug fixes if anyone is interested. Feel free to have a look and let me know your thoughts. Whats good on the list, whats bad, what should come first and if there are any other changes youd like. (FYI - P1 items are more priority than P4)



  6. 19 hours ago, Cairnoss said:

    Im afraid i cannot make changes to work with other mods im afraid. If i get time ill have a quick look and advise what may be wrong but i dont have time to make compatability patches. 

    12 hours ago, erlgrey said:

    thanks @w00kien00kie

    i consider that as defeated, don't think i wanna recover from that and that is fine.

    huge mistake, moved to new base few days before horde, zed could get pushed through pillar "wall", overwhelmed me and 150% ai block damage did the rest.

    did test the wall with the few roaming zed and they could not get in, but once you have a bunch on a spot they pushed some through.




    Looks like the zeds had some fun with your base!!

    The ghosting zeds getting pushed through the walls is really annoying but sadly part of the vanilla game atm. 

    Glad youve enjoyed the mod though. 



    • Actions skills work alongside the new A21 Skill books
    • NEW Trader Quest Map (Available quests show on a map when talking to a Trader)
    • New Game Options
      • Change Heat Map Level
      • Set Trader Sell Price
      • Select Trader Quests Per Tier
    • 12 slot toolbelt added
    • Bigger Backpack
    • Vanilla Game Options persist across new game starts (great for permadeath players)
    • Increase lootbag decay
    • Most modules have been totally refactored so they are more standalone and can now work as individual modlets

    Ive updated the first post with details. Ive probably missed some notes so will update as i notice them. 

    Ill also being creating a new separate post highlighting the individual modlets :)

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