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Posts posted by haaammit

  1. Allo - before I make a report I wondered if this was a known issue. I logged into my game, and was instantly teleported to 10916540E 3147244S and of course I die, and can't get back to my backpack as it's billions of blocks away lol!

    I've done a few searches and this *may* be a known issue? It's happened twice now. The first time I *think* I quit whilst riding a vehicle, the second time I wasn't riding a vehicle (because I started dismounting incase that caused the first glitch)


    Playing 20.3 with Khaine's slot lock modlet



  2. Still having a blast playing this mod. Just hit player lvl 125 so need to make a choice:

    Biological Boosts or Technological Boosts?

    I can't remember which I went for in my last playthrough. What are people's thoughts on the two classes/booster shot options? I've got lots of Nanites already, but very little Demonic Essence as of yet, which makes me think the Biological Boosts are better as the Demonic Essence is harder to come by?

    IDK lol
    EDIT: Oo you can actually make Nanites, so that makes the Demonic Essence even rarer then as it's a drop only item?

  3. Hallo, me again. Currently having fun with the mod. I've turned all the graphics settings up but things like gunsafes, wallsafes, vendingmachines etc are still showing very low quality. What am I missing? Textures are fine in vanilla. I've selected the Ultra setting, but it's not changing those items. Below is a screenie of a wall safe in Darkness Falls (3.5) and then a gunsafe in 19.6 Vanilla.
    What have I done wrong? lol :)




  4. Had to rebuild/build a new pc. Had a current playthgough of DF 3.5 (Alpha 19.5) saved that I've managed to keep, but installing 7D2D ModLauncher on the new system this has downloaded 3.6 (for Alpha 19.6). Is there any way to make 7D2D Modlauncher use 3.5 so I can continue my current playthrough or am I boned? ModLauncher will copy across 19.5 ok, it's finding DF 3.5 that seems to be the issue.


    Many thanks :)

  5. Really enjoying 7D2D again with this mod. My 19.3 save updated to 19.4 no probs so GG

    Couple questions/points if I may?


    The blurb on the Laser Rife says it comes equipped with a scope, but it just has iron type sights to aim down - is that right?


    Animal Husbandry - some people seem to be able to breed animals (according to yt comments anyways lol). I have a male and female cow in an enclosure with an animal feed container with plant fibres (plus some of the other items mentioned in the journal notes) and a water container with boiled water, murky water and bowls of water (probably murky, can't remember). The cows have not eaten or drunk from either container, nor have they had "jiggy time" - I've seen a few posts saying that breeding is broken as of 19.* is that right? (I've also got a pair of each of the other animals with the same setup, and again, no jiggy jiggy)

    Also enjoying your YT playthrough!!

  6. Been having fun playing this mod - cheers KhaineGB.


    I do have a question or two about the endgame. I'll spoiler tag it:



    I'm playing on the  M2 map. I've been to one military bunker in the burnt biome from a quest from Eve. She now won't give me any more jobs. Is that correct? I've also been and cleared all three research labs in the wastelands and have also destroyed the portal that's out in the open sorta south and to the west in the wastelands. Is there any more story progression, or have I sadly come to the end of this playthrough?


    Thanks again for the cool mod :)

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