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Posts posted by Khelldon

  1. 41 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

    It appears Khelldon has updated this mod for a21 here:



    Thanks again for updating my mods when I was gone Doughphunghus. ❤️ 

  2. 21 minutes ago, Artemisia said:

    Hi. Your download links are not working. Please make them public.

    Oh geeze, that's new, it used to be public by default.. Now restricted by default. LAME!!! Welll they work now, thank you very much for letting me know


  3. spacer.png

    After a 5 year hiatus I'm back with some updates to my alpha 16 mods as well as some brand new mods for alpha 21.



    Mod Name: Bigger Buck and Doe

    Mod Type: Animals

    Description: Makes the vanilla deer around 20% bigger.

    Instructions: Extract zip into your mod folder.

    Download: Khelldon-BiggerBuckAndDoe.zip



    Mod Name: Bigger Chicken and Rabbit

    Mod Type: Animals

    Description: Makes the vanilla chicken 50% bigger and the rabbit 2x as big.

    Instructions: Extract zip into your mod folder.

    Download: Khelldon-BiggerChickenAndBunny.zip



    Mod Name: Custom Menu Art

    Mod Type: UI

    Description: Allows users to quickly add their own main menu background and logo. By default it resets to the old Alpha 20 and previous menu and logo.

    Instructions: Extract zip into your mod folder. Only supports PNG files. Rename your background image to "background.png" and your logo to "logo.png" and put them in the mods image folder overwriting the images already there. Alternatively you can name the images what you prefer and alter the code to reflect that. 

    Download: Khelldon-CustomMenu.zip



    Mod Name: The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

    Mod Type: Weapon/Explosive

    Description: "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." This is a grenade with massive explosion. Seriously be careful, it'll destroy a skyscraper. Make sure you read the instructions. Grenade has a custom model and texture created by me. When thrown it plays a choir of angels sound that I downloaded for free and edited for use in game.

    Instructions: Extract zip into your mod folder. You can spawn this from the creative menu or it can be gained in game as a top tier quest reward. "And the Lord spake, saying, First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three,  being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it"

    Download: Khelldon-HolyHandGrenade.zip



    Mod Name: Get Horny!

    Mod Type: Vehicles

    Description: Changes the vanilla vehicles horn sounds to more appropriate sounds. Best used in Multiplayer. Bicycle bell sound, minibike ahooga horn, motorcycle standard horn, 4x4 large truck horn, gyrocopter plays dixie

    Instructions: Extract zip into your mod folder. In multiplayer other players must have the mod installed to hear the sounds.

    Download: Khelldon-GetHornya21.zip




    Feel free to alter these mods to suit your needs. I've added instructions within the code to make it easier. ❤️

    Big thanks to doughphunghus for keeping my mods going while I was gone.





    Creative Commons

    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0

    International (CC BY-NC 4.0)


    In summary:

    - This license lets you remix, tweak, and build upon my work non-commercially, as long as you credit me in your mod.

    - You cannot ask for money for downloading your mod, if it includes my mod, or a modified version of my mod. Having a link for voluntary donations for you mod is ok.


    Please refer to the 2 links below for more information on the license:

    View License Deed

    View Legal Code



    Additional Restrictions

    Some Assets in this mod were purchased from the Sketchfab store.

    See the list of purchased Assets and their details on my github readme, under the Terms of Use section.


    The following additional restrictions apply for those assets:

    - If you include those 3D Assets in your mod along with my mod or a modified version of my mod, you do not need to re-purchase them from Sketchfab.

    - You cannot distribute those 3D Assets individually, or as part of your mod, if you are not including my mod or a modified version of my mod.

    - Those Assets can only be present in your mod if they are in a binary file, like a .unity3d resource file.

    - You cannot extract those Assets from the binary files using Assets extraction softwares, to modify them further, and then add them back to your mod.

    - You cannot ask for money for downloading your mod, if it includes my mod, a modified version of my mod, and/or those Assets from my mod. Having a link for voluntary donations for you mod is ok.

    - If you wish to include those purchased assets individually, or make modifications to them, you have to purchase them from Sketchfab.


    As someone else who has figured out how vehicles work I wanted to ask about your legal notice here before i post them. What do you consider "and build upon my work" to mean? Does this extend to any vehicle mod released, as you could easily argue that any vehicle mod released hence forward could be seen as building upon your work?


    In regards to the person sited as needing credit, you state this person must be you (me, my). Later in the thread you make reference to a team that works on the vehicles. Also you do state that many of the models were not created by you. I need a little clarification here, I'm just a little confused to why one should credit only you? In the case someone else use one of the same resources as you use, as they are freely available to anyone, what would be the outcome then? As they technically wouldn't be using anything you created but there would be no way to tell if they extracted from your bundle or not. I don't mind at all giving credit where it's due, my modlets speak that in volumes but it gets a little iffy when you start demanding credit for things you didn't make. I don't think it's fair for you to lay claim to these models, just a personal opinion.


    So can you please clear this legal notice up a bit for me?

  5. I'm only going by what the devs have actually told me, not what you think is right or wrong. =)


    They do not like us sharing their asset files. Period. It's one of the reasons I wanted Xtra to switch to this method of editing textures; the reason Sphereii has been patching .asset files... the reason for a LOT of the modding changes you're only seeing the end result of.


    The time will come when they start shutting certain mods down.


    And you're comparing apples to orangutans. Sharing the model that the developers created and the game uses is entirely different than sharing the end result of the usage of those models.


    You can argue it, but I won't be participating. Take it up with the development team.


    Like you said, they're easy enough to extract, just go ahead and do it, or talk someone into giving them to you in PM.


    That's the exact reason that I refused to release that zombie model and texture pack publically. I didn't know the pimps had made that request. I just assumed, based on what I would want, that it would be a bad call.

  6. I'm confident guppy has this. I will add though that certain things are not extending properly, such as tags. Each extended entry needs it's own tags ;-) It also appears anything to do with base effects and harvest and a few other things don't extend properly. Not sure what's going on with that. Appologies if my original tutorial was misleading in that i did say you just need to do a simple extends, however a finished product needs a little extra love in the xml outside of testing purposes. Sorry about that. :-)


    Oh and of coarse awesome job on the zombie skins Mumpfy :-)

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